/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace folly { namespace ssl { /// Warning: /// These functions are not thread-safe unless you initialize OpenSSL. class OpenSSLHash { public: class Digest { public: Digest() : ctx_(EVP_MD_CTX_new()) {} Digest(const Digest& other) { ctx_ = EvpMdCtxUniquePtr(EVP_MD_CTX_new()); if (other.md_ != nullptr) { hash_init(other.md_); check_libssl_result( 1, EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(ctx_.get(), other.ctx_.get())); } } Digest& operator=(const Digest& other) { this->~Digest(); return *new (this) Digest(other); } void hash_init(const EVP_MD* md) { md_ = md; check_libssl_result(1, EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx_.get(), md, nullptr)); } void hash_update(ByteRange data) { check_libssl_result( 1, EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx_.get(), data.data(), data.size())); } void hash_update(const IOBuf& data) { for (auto r : data) { hash_update(r); } } void hash_final(MutableByteRange out) { const auto size = EVP_MD_size(md_); check_out_size(size_t(size), out); unsigned int len = 0; check_libssl_result(1, EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx_.get(), out.data(), &len)); check_libssl_result(size, int(len)); md_ = nullptr; } private: const EVP_MD* md_ = nullptr; EvpMdCtxUniquePtr ctx_{nullptr}; }; static void hash(MutableByteRange out, const EVP_MD* md, ByteRange data) { Digest hash; hash.hash_init(md); hash.hash_update(data); hash.hash_final(out); } static void hash(MutableByteRange out, const EVP_MD* md, const IOBuf& data) { Digest hash; hash.hash_init(md); hash.hash_update(data); hash.hash_final(out); } static void sha1(MutableByteRange out, ByteRange data) { hash(out, EVP_sha1(), data); } static void sha1(MutableByteRange out, const IOBuf& data) { hash(out, EVP_sha1(), data); } static void sha256(MutableByteRange out, ByteRange data) { hash(out, EVP_sha256(), data); } static void sha256(MutableByteRange out, const IOBuf& data) { hash(out, EVP_sha256(), data); } class Hmac { public: Hmac() : ctx_(HMAC_CTX_new()) {} void hash_init(const EVP_MD* md, ByteRange key) { md_ = md; check_libssl_result( 1, HMAC_Init_ex(ctx_.get(), key.data(), int(key.size()), md_, nullptr)); } void hash_update(ByteRange data) { check_libssl_result(1, HMAC_Update(ctx_.get(), data.data(), data.size())); } void hash_update(const IOBuf& data) { for (auto r : data) { hash_update(r); } } void hash_final(MutableByteRange out) { const auto size = EVP_MD_size(md_); check_out_size(size_t(size), out); unsigned int len = 0; check_libssl_result(1, HMAC_Final(ctx_.get(), out.data(), &len)); check_libssl_result(size, int(len)); md_ = nullptr; } private: const EVP_MD* md_ = nullptr; HmacCtxUniquePtr ctx_{nullptr}; }; static void hmac( MutableByteRange out, const EVP_MD* md, ByteRange key, ByteRange data) { Hmac hmac; hmac.hash_init(md, key); hmac.hash_update(data); hmac.hash_final(out); } static void hmac( MutableByteRange out, const EVP_MD* md, ByteRange key, const IOBuf& data) { Hmac hmac; hmac.hash_init(md, key); hmac.hash_update(data); hmac.hash_final(out); } static void hmac_sha1(MutableByteRange out, ByteRange key, ByteRange data) { hmac(out, EVP_sha1(), key, data); } static void hmac_sha1( MutableByteRange out, ByteRange key, const IOBuf& data) { hmac(out, EVP_sha1(), key, data); } static void hmac_sha256(MutableByteRange out, ByteRange key, ByteRange data) { hmac(out, EVP_sha256(), key, data); } static void hmac_sha256( MutableByteRange out, ByteRange key, const IOBuf& data) { hmac(out, EVP_sha256(), key, data); } private: static inline void check_out_size(size_t size, MutableByteRange out) { if (LIKELY(size == out.size())) { return; } check_out_size_throw(size, out); } [[noreturn]] static void check_out_size_throw( size_t size, MutableByteRange out); static inline void check_libssl_result(int expected, int result) { if (LIKELY(result == expected)) { return; } throw_exception("openssl crypto function failed"); } }; } // namespace ssl } // namespace folly