/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <folly/experimental/QuotientMultiSet.h> #include <folly/Format.h> #include <folly/Portability.h> #include <folly/experimental/Bits.h> #include <folly/experimental/Select64.h> #include <folly/lang/Bits.h> #include <folly/lang/SafeAssert.h> #include <glog/logging.h> #if FOLLY_QUOTIENT_MULTI_SET_SUPPORTED namespace folly { namespace qms_detail { /** * Reference: Faster Remainder by Direct Computation: Applications to Compilers * and Software Libraries, Software: Practice and Experience 49 (6), 2019. */ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE UInt64InverseType getInverse(uint64_t divisor) { UInt64InverseType fraction = UInt64InverseType(-1); fraction /= divisor; fraction += 1; return fraction; } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t mul128(UInt64InverseType lowbits, uint64_t divisor) { UInt64InverseType bottomHalf = (lowbits & UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) * divisor; bottomHalf >>= 64; UInt64InverseType topHalf = (lowbits >> 64) * divisor; UInt64InverseType bothHalves = bottomHalf + topHalf; bothHalves >>= 64; return static_cast<uint64_t>(bothHalves); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> getQuotientAndRemainder( uint64_t dividend, uint64_t divisor, UInt64InverseType inverse) { if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(divisor == 1)) { return {dividend, 0}; } auto quotient = mul128(inverse, dividend); auto remainder = dividend - quotient * divisor; DCHECK_LT(remainder, divisor); return {quotient, remainder}; } // Max value for given bits. FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t maxValue(uint32_t nbits) { return nbits == 64 ? std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() : (uint64_t(1) << nbits) - 1; } } // namespace qms_detail template <class Instructions> struct QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Metadata { // Total number of blocks. uint64_t numBlocks; uint64_t numKeys; uint64_t divisor; uint8_t keyBits; uint8_t remainderBits; std::string debugString() const { return sformat( "Number of blocks: {}\n" "Number of elements: {}\n" "Divisor: {}\n" "Key bits: {}\n" "Remainder bits: {}", numBlocks, numKeys, divisor, keyBits, remainderBits); } } FOLLY_PACK_ATTR; template <class Instructions> struct QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Block { static const Block* get(const char* data) { return reinterpret_cast<const Block*>(data); } static BlockPtr make(size_t remainderBits) { auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<Block*>(calloc(blockSize(remainderBits), 1)); return {ptr, free}; } uint64_t payload; uint64_t occupieds; uint64_t offset; uint64_t runends; char remainders[0]; static uint64_t blockSize(size_t remainderBits) { return sizeof(Block) + remainderBits * 8; } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isOccupied(size_t offsetInBlock) const { return ((occupieds >> offsetInBlock) & uint64_t(1)) != 0; } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isRunend(size_t offsetInBlock) const { return ((runends >> offsetInBlock) & uint64_t(1)) != 0; } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t getRemainder( size_t offsetInBlock, size_t remainderBits, size_t remainderMask) const { DCHECK_LE(remainderBits, 56); const size_t bitPos = offsetInBlock * remainderBits; const uint64_t remainderWord = loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(remainders + (bitPos / 8)); return (remainderWord >> (bitPos % 8)) & remainderMask; } void setOccupied(size_t offsetInBlock) { occupieds |= uint64_t(1) << offsetInBlock; } void setRunend(size_t offsetInBlock) { runends |= uint64_t(1) << offsetInBlock; } void setRemainder( size_t offsetInBlock, size_t remainderBits, uint64_t remainder) { DCHECK_LT(offsetInBlock, kBlockSize); if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(remainderBits == 0)) { return; } Bits<uint64_t>::set( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(remainders), offsetInBlock * remainderBits, remainderBits, remainder); } } FOLLY_PACK_ATTR; template <class Instructions> QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::QuotientMultiSet(StringPiece data) { static_assert( kIsLittleEndian, "QuotientMultiSet requires little endianness."); StringPiece sp = data; CHECK_GE(sp.size(), sizeof(Metadata)); sp.advance(sp.size() - sizeof(Metadata)); metadata_ = reinterpret_cast<const Metadata*>(sp.data()); VLOG(2) << "Metadata: " << metadata_->debugString(); numBlocks_ = metadata_->numBlocks; numSlots_ = numBlocks_ * kBlockSize; divisor_ = metadata_->divisor; fraction_ = qms_detail::getInverse(divisor_); keyBits_ = metadata_->keyBits; maxKey_ = qms_detail::maxValue(keyBits_); remainderBits_ = metadata_->remainderBits; remainderMask_ = qms_detail::maxValue(remainderBits_); blockSize_ = Block::blockSize(remainderBits_); CHECK_EQ(data.size(), numBlocks_ * blockSize_ + sizeof(Metadata)); data_ = data.data(); } template <class Instructions> auto QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::equalRange(uint64_t key) const -> SlotRange { if (key > maxKey_) { return {0, 0}; } const auto qr = qms_detail::getQuotientAndRemainder(key, divisor_, fraction_); const auto& quotient = qr.first; const auto& remainder = qr.second; const size_t blockIndex = quotient / kBlockSize; const size_t offsetInBlock = quotient % kBlockSize; if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(blockIndex >= numBlocks_)) { return {0, 0}; } const auto* occBlock = getBlock(blockIndex); __builtin_prefetch(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&occBlock->occupieds) + 64); const auto firstRunend = occBlock->offset; if (!occBlock->isOccupied(offsetInBlock)) { // Return a position that depends on the contents of the block so // we can create a dependency in benchmarks. return {firstRunend, firstRunend}; } // Look for the right runend for the given key. const uint64_t occupiedRank = Instructions::popcount( Instructions::bzhi(occBlock->occupieds, offsetInBlock)); auto runend = findRunend(occupiedRank, firstRunend); auto& slot = runend.first; auto& block = runend.second; // Iterates over the run backwards to find the slots whose remainder // matches the key. SlotRange range = {slot + 1, slot + 1}; while (true) { uint64_t slotRemainder = block->getRemainder(slot % kBlockSize, remainderBits_, remainderMask_); if (slotRemainder > remainder) { range.begin = slot; range.end = slot; } else if (slotRemainder == remainder) { range.begin = slot; } else { break; } if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(slot % kBlockSize == 0)) { // Reached block start and the run starts from a prev block. size_t slotBlockIndex = slot / kBlockSize; if (slotBlockIndex > blockIndex) { block = getBlock(slotBlockIndex - 1); } else { break; } } --slot; // Encounters the previous run. if (block->isRunend(slot % kBlockSize)) { break; } } return range; } template <class Instructions> auto QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::findRunend( uint64_t occupiedRank, uint64_t firstRunend) const -> std::pair<uint64_t, const Block*> { // Look for the right runend. size_t slotBlockIndex = firstRunend / kBlockSize; auto block = getBlock(slotBlockIndex); uint64_t runendWord = block->runends & (uint64_t(-1) << (firstRunend % kBlockSize)); while (true) { DCHECK_LE(slotBlockIndex, numBlocks_); const size_t numRuns = Instructions::popcount(runendWord); if (FOLLY_LIKELY(numRuns > occupiedRank)) { break; } occupiedRank -= numRuns; ++slotBlockIndex; block = getBlock(slotBlockIndex); runendWord = block->runends; } return { slotBlockIndex * kBlockSize + select64<Instructions>(runendWord, occupiedRank), block}; } template <class Instructions> uint64_t QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::getBlockPayload( uint64_t blockIndex) const { DCHECK_LT(blockIndex, numBlocks_); return getBlock(blockIndex)->payload; } template <class Instructions> QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Iterator::Iterator( const QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>* qms) : qms_(qms) {} template <class Instructions> bool QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Iterator::next() { if (pos_ == size_t(-1) || qms_->getBlock(pos_ / kBlockSize)->isRunend(pos_ % kBlockSize)) { // Move to start of next run. if (!nextOccupied()) { return setEnd(); } // Next run either starts at pos + 1 or the start of block // specified by occupied slot. pos_ = std::max<uint64_t>(pos_ + 1, occBlockIndex_ * kBlockSize); } else { // Move to next slot since a run must be contiguous. pos_++; } const Block* block = qms_->getBlock(pos_ / kBlockSize); uint64_t quotient = (occBlockIndex_ * kBlockSize + occOffsetInBlock_) * qms_->divisor_; key_ = quotient + block->getRemainder( pos_ % kBlockSize, qms_->remainderBits_, qms_->remainderMask_); DCHECK_LT(pos_, qms_->numBlocks_ * kBlockSize); return true; } template <class Instructions> bool QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Iterator::skipTo(uint64_t key) { if (key > qms_->maxKey_) { return setEnd(); } const auto qr = qms_detail::getQuotientAndRemainder(key, qms_->divisor_, qms_->fraction_); const auto& quotient = qr.first; occBlockIndex_ = quotient / kBlockSize; occOffsetInBlock_ = quotient % kBlockSize; if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(occBlockIndex_ >= qms_->numBlocks_)) { return setEnd(); } occBlock_ = qms_->getBlock(occBlockIndex_); occWord_ = occBlock_->occupieds & (uint64_t(-1) << occOffsetInBlock_); if (!nextOccupied()) { return setEnd(); } // Search for the next runend. uint64_t occupiedRank = Instructions::popcount( Instructions::bzhi(occBlock_->occupieds, occOffsetInBlock_)); auto runend = qms_->findRunend(occupiedRank, occBlock_->offset); auto& slot = runend.first; auto& block = runend.second; uint64_t slotBlockIndex = slot / kBlockSize; uint64_t slotOffsetInBlock = slot % kBlockSize; pos_ = slot; uint64_t nextQuotient = (occBlockIndex_ * kBlockSize + occOffsetInBlock_) * qms_->divisor_; uint64_t nextRemainder = block->getRemainder( slotOffsetInBlock, qms_->remainderBits_, qms_->remainderMask_); if (nextQuotient + nextRemainder < key) { // Lower bound element is at the start of next run. return next(); } // Iterate over the run backwards to find the first key that is larger than // or equal to the given key. while (true) { uint64_t slotRemainder = block->getRemainder( slotOffsetInBlock, qms_->remainderBits_, qms_->remainderMask_); if (nextQuotient + slotRemainder < key) { break; } pos_ = slot; nextRemainder = slotRemainder; if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(slotOffsetInBlock == 0)) { // Reached block start and the run starts from a prev block. if (slotBlockIndex > occBlockIndex_) { --slotBlockIndex; block = qms_->getBlock(slotBlockIndex); slotOffsetInBlock = kBlockSize; } else { break; } } --slot; --slotOffsetInBlock; // Encounters the previous run. if (block->isRunend(slotOffsetInBlock)) { break; } } key_ = nextQuotient + nextRemainder; return true; } template <class Instructions> bool QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Iterator::nextOccupied() { while (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(occWord_ == 0)) { if (FOLLY_UNLIKELY(++occBlockIndex_ >= qms_->numBlocks_)) { return false; } occBlock_ = qms_->getBlock(occBlockIndex_); occWord_ = occBlock_->occupieds; } occOffsetInBlock_ = Instructions::ctz(occWord_); occWord_ = Instructions::blsr(occWord_); return true; } } // namespace folly #endif // FOLLY_QUOTIENT_MULTI_SET_SUPPORTED