/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace facebook::react { struct LineMeasurement { std::string text; Rect frame; Float descender; Float capHeight; Float ascender; Float xHeight; LineMeasurement( std::string text, Rect frame, Float descender, Float capHeight, Float ascender, Float xHeight); LineMeasurement(const folly::dynamic& data); bool operator==(const LineMeasurement& rhs) const; }; using LinesMeasurements = std::vector; /* * Describes a result of text measuring. */ class TextMeasurement final { public: class Attachment final { public: Rect frame; bool isClipped; }; using Attachments = std::vector; Size size; Attachments attachments; }; // The Key type that is used for Text Measure Cache. // The equivalence and hashing operations of this are defined to respect the // nature of text measuring. class TextMeasureCacheKey final { public: AttributedString attributedString{}; ParagraphAttributes paragraphAttributes{}; LayoutConstraints layoutConstraints{}; }; /* * Maximum size of the Cache. * The number was empirically chosen based on approximation of an average amount * of meaningful measures per surface. */ constexpr auto kSimpleThreadSafeCacheSizeCap = size_t{1024}; /* * Thread-safe, evicting hash table designed to store text measurement * information. */ using TextMeasureCache = SimpleThreadSafeCache< TextMeasureCacheKey, TextMeasurement, kSimpleThreadSafeCacheSizeCap>; inline bool areTextAttributesEquivalentLayoutWise( const TextAttributes& lhs, const TextAttributes& rhs) { // Here we check all attributes that affect layout metrics and don't check any // attributes that affect only a decorative aspect of displayed text (like // colors). return std::tie( lhs.fontFamily, lhs.fontWeight, lhs.fontStyle, lhs.fontVariant, lhs.allowFontScaling, lhs.dynamicTypeRamp, lhs.alignment) == std::tie( rhs.fontFamily, rhs.fontWeight, rhs.fontStyle, rhs.fontVariant, rhs.allowFontScaling, rhs.dynamicTypeRamp, rhs.alignment) && floatEquality(lhs.fontSize, rhs.fontSize) && floatEquality(lhs.fontSizeMultiplier, rhs.fontSizeMultiplier) && floatEquality(lhs.letterSpacing, rhs.letterSpacing) && floatEquality(lhs.lineHeight, rhs.lineHeight); } inline size_t textAttributesHashLayoutWise( const TextAttributes& textAttributes) { // Taking into account the same props as // `areTextAttributesEquivalentLayoutWise` mentions. return facebook::react::hash_combine( textAttributes.fontFamily, textAttributes.fontSize, textAttributes.fontSizeMultiplier, textAttributes.fontWeight, textAttributes.fontStyle, textAttributes.fontVariant, textAttributes.allowFontScaling, textAttributes.dynamicTypeRamp, textAttributes.letterSpacing, textAttributes.lineHeight, textAttributes.alignment); } inline bool areAttributedStringFragmentsEquivalentLayoutWise( const AttributedString::Fragment& lhs, const AttributedString::Fragment& rhs) { return lhs.string == rhs.string && areTextAttributesEquivalentLayoutWise( lhs.textAttributes, rhs.textAttributes) && // LayoutMetrics of an attachment fragment affects the size of a measured // attributed string. (!lhs.isAttachment() || (lhs.parentShadowView.layoutMetrics == rhs.parentShadowView.layoutMetrics)); } inline size_t textAttributesHashLayoutWise( const AttributedString::Fragment& fragment) { // Here we are not taking `isAttachment` and `layoutMetrics` into account // because they are logically interdependent and this can break an invariant // between hash and equivalence functions (and cause cache misses). return folly::hash::hash_combine( 0, fragment.string, textAttributesHashLayoutWise(fragment.textAttributes)); } inline bool areAttributedStringsEquivalentLayoutWise( const AttributedString& lhs, const AttributedString& rhs) { auto& lhsFragment = lhs.getFragments(); auto& rhsFragment = rhs.getFragments(); if (lhsFragment.size() != rhsFragment.size()) { return false; } auto size = lhsFragment.size(); for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < size; i++) { if (!areAttributedStringFragmentsEquivalentLayoutWise( lhsFragment.at(i), rhsFragment.at(i))) { return false; } } return true; } inline size_t textAttributedStringHashLayoutWise( const AttributedString& attributedString) { auto seed = size_t{0}; for (const auto& fragment : attributedString.getFragments()) { seed = folly::hash::hash_combine(seed, textAttributesHashLayoutWise(fragment)); } return seed; } inline bool operator==( const TextMeasureCacheKey& lhs, const TextMeasureCacheKey& rhs) { return areAttributedStringsEquivalentLayoutWise( lhs.attributedString, rhs.attributedString) && lhs.paragraphAttributes == rhs.paragraphAttributes && lhs.layoutConstraints.maximumSize.width == rhs.layoutConstraints.maximumSize.width; } inline bool operator!=( const TextMeasureCacheKey& lhs, const TextMeasureCacheKey& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } } // namespace facebook::react namespace std { template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const facebook::react::TextMeasureCacheKey& key) const { return folly::hash::hash_combine( 0, textAttributedStringHashLayoutWise(key.attributedString), key.paragraphAttributes, key.layoutConstraints.maximumSize.width); } }; } // namespace std