 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility> // std::pair

#include <folly/ConstexprMath.h>
#include <folly/IPAddressException.h>
#include <folly/IPAddressV4.h>
#include <folly/IPAddressV6.h>
#include <folly/Range.h>
#include <folly/detail/IPAddress.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>

namespace folly {

class IPAddress;

 * Pair of IPAddress, netmask
typedef std::pair<IPAddress, uint8_t> CIDRNetwork;

 * Provides a unified interface for IP addresses.
 * @note If you compare 2 IPAddress instances, v4-to-v6-mapped addresses are
 * compared as V4 addresses.
 * @note toLong/fromLong deal in network byte order, use toLongHBO/fromLongHBO
 * if working in host byte order.
 * Example usage:
 * @code
 *   IPAddress v4addr("");
 *   IPAddress v6map("::ffff:");
 *   CHECK(v4addr.inSubnet("") ==
 *         v4addr.inSubnet(IPAddress(""), 24));
 *   CHECK(v4addr.inSubnet(""));
 *   CHECK(!v4addr.inSubnet(""));
 *   CHECK(v4addr.asV4().toLong() == 2164392128);
 *   CHECK(v4addr.asV4().toLongHBO() == 3221226113);
 *   CHECK(v4addr.isV4());
 *   CHECK(v6addr.isV6());
 *   CHECK(v4addr == v6map);
 *   CHECK(v6map.isIPv4Mapped());
 *   CHECK(v4addr.asV4() == IPAddress::createIPv4(v6map));
 *   CHECK(IPAddress::createIPv6(v4addr) == v6map.asV6());
 * @encode
class IPAddress {
  template <typename F>
  auto pick(F f) const {
    return isV4() ? f(asV4()) : isV6() ? f(asV6()) : f(asNone());

  class IPAddressNone {
    bool isZero() const { return true; }
    size_t bitCount() const { return 0; }
    std::string toJson() const {
      return "{family:'AF_UNSPEC', addr:'', hash:0}";
    std::size_t hash() const { return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(0); }
    bool isLoopback() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    bool isLinkLocal() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    bool isLinkLocalBroadcast() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    bool isNonroutable() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    bool isPrivate() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    bool isMulticast() const {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("empty address");
    IPAddress mask(uint8_t numBits) const {
      return IPAddress();
    std::string str() const { return ""; }
    std::string toFullyQualified() const { return ""; }
    void toFullyQualifiedAppend(std::string& out) const {
    uint8_t version() const { return 0; }
    const unsigned char* bytes() const { return nullptr; }

  IPAddressNone const& asNone() const {
    if (!empty()) {
      throw_exception<InvalidAddressFamilyException>("not empty");
    return addr_.ipNoneAddr;

  // returns true iff the input string can be parsed as an ip-address
  static bool validate(StringPiece ip) noexcept;

  // return the V4 representation of the address, converting it from V6 to V4 if
  // needed. Note that this will throw an IPAddressFormatException if the V6
  // address is not IPv4Mapped.
  static IPAddressV4 createIPv4(const IPAddress& addr);

  // return the V6 representation of the address, converting it from V4 to V6 if
  // needed.
  static IPAddressV6 createIPv6(const IPAddress& addr);

   * Create a network and mask from a CIDR formatted address string.
   * @param [in] ipSlashCidr IP/CIDR formatted string to split
   * @param [in] defaultCidr default value if no /N specified (if defaultCidr
   *             is -1, will use /32 for IPv4 and /128 for IPv6)
   * @param [in] mask apply mask on the address or not,
   *             e.g. =>
   * @return either pair with IPAddress network and uint8_t mask or
   *         CIDRNetworkError
  static Expected<CIDRNetwork, CIDRNetworkError> tryCreateNetwork(
      StringPiece ipSlashCidr, int defaultCidr = -1, bool mask = true);

   * Create a network and mask from a CIDR formatted address string.
   * Same as tryCreateNetwork() but throws IPAddressFormatException on error.
   * The implementation calls tryCreateNetwork(...) underneath
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException if invalid address
   * @return pair with IPAddress network and uint8_t mask
  static CIDRNetwork createNetwork(
      StringPiece ipSlashCidr, int defaultCidr = -1, bool mask = true);

   * Return a string representation of a CIDR block created with createNetwork.
   * @param [in] network pair of address and cidr
   * @return string representing the netblock
  static std::string networkToString(const CIDRNetwork& network);

   * Create a new IPAddress instance from the provided binary data
   * in network byte order.
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException if len is not 4 or 16
  static IPAddress fromBinary(ByteRange bytes);

   * Non-throwing version of fromBinary().
   * On failure returns IPAddressFormatError.
  static Expected<IPAddress, IPAddressFormatError> tryFromBinary(
      ByteRange bytes) noexcept;

   * Tries to create a new IPAddress instance from provided string and
   * returns it on success. Returns IPAddressFormatError on failure.
  static Expected<IPAddress, IPAddressFormatError> tryFromString(
      StringPiece str) noexcept;

   * Create an IPAddress from a 32bit long (network byte order).
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException
  static IPAddress fromLong(uint32_t src);
  // Same as above, but host byte order
  static IPAddress fromLongHBO(uint32_t src);

  // Given 2 IPAddress,mask pairs extract the longest common IPAddress,
  // mask pair
  static CIDRNetwork longestCommonPrefix(
      const CIDRNetwork& one, const CIDRNetwork& two);

   * Constructs an uninitialized IPAddress.

   * Parse an IPAddress from a string representation.
   * Formats accepted are exactly the same as the ones accepted by inet_pton(),
   * using AF_INET6 if the string contains colons, and AF_INET otherwise;
   * with the exception that the whole address can optionally be enclosed
   * in square brackets.
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException
  explicit IPAddress(StringPiece str);

   * Create an IPAddress from a sockaddr.
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException if nullptr or not AF_INET or AF_INET6
  explicit IPAddress(const sockaddr* addr);

  // Create an IPAddress from a V4 address
  /* implicit */ IPAddress(const IPAddressV4 ipV4Addr) noexcept;
  /* implicit */ IPAddress(const in_addr addr) noexcept;

  // Create an IPAddress from a V6 address
  /* implicit */ IPAddress(const IPAddressV6& ipV6Addr) noexcept;
  /* implicit */ IPAddress(const in6_addr& addr) noexcept;

  // Assign from V4 address
  IPAddress& operator=(const IPAddressV4& ipv4_addr) noexcept;

  // Assign from V6 address
  IPAddress& operator=(const IPAddressV6& ipv6_addr) noexcept;

   * Converts an IPAddress to an IPAddressV4 instance.
   * @note This is not some handy convenience wrapper to convert an IPv4 address
   *       to a mapped IPv6 address. If you want that use
   *       IPAddress::createIPv6(addr)
   * @throws InvalidAddressFamilyException is not a V4 instance
  const IPAddressV4& asV4() const {
    if (UNLIKELY(!isV4())) {
    return addr_.ipV4Addr;

   * Converts an IPAddress to an IPAddressV6 instance.
   * @throws InvalidAddressFamilyException is not a V6 instance
  const IPAddressV6& asV6() const {
    if (UNLIKELY(!isV6())) {
    return addr_.ipV6Addr;

  // Return sa_family_t of IPAddress
  sa_family_t family() const { return family_; }

  // Populate sockaddr_storage with an appropriate value
  int toSockaddrStorage(sockaddr_storage* dest, uint16_t port = 0) const {
    if (dest == nullptr) {
      throw_exception<IPAddressFormatException>("dest must not be null");
    memset(dest, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_storage));
    dest->ss_family = family();

    if (isV4()) {
      sockaddr_in* sin = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in*>(dest);
      sin->sin_addr = asV4().toAddr();
      sin->sin_port = port;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
      sin->sin_len = sizeof(*sin);
      return sizeof(*sin);
    } else if (isV6()) {
      sockaddr_in6* sin = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6*>(dest);
      sin->sin6_addr = asV6().toAddr();
      sin->sin6_port = port;
      sin->sin6_scope_id = asV6().getScopeId();
#if defined(__APPLE__)
      sin->sin6_len = sizeof(*sin);
      return sizeof(*sin);
    } else {

   * Check if the address is found in the specified CIDR netblock.
   * This will return false if the specified cidrNet is V4, but the address is
   * V6. It will also return false if the specified cidrNet is V6 but the
   * address is V4. This method will do the right thing in the case of a v6
   * mapped v4 address.
   * @note This is slower than the below counterparts. If perf is important use
   *       one of the two argument variations below.
   * @param [in] cidrNetwork address in "" format
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException if no /mask
   * @return true if address is part of specified subnet with cidr
  bool inSubnet(StringPiece cidrNetwork) const;

   * Check if an IPAddress belongs to a subnet.
   * @param [in] subnet Subnet to check against (e.g.
   * @param [in] cidr   CIDR for subnet (e.g. 24 for /24)
   * @return true if address is part of specified subnet with cidr
  bool inSubnet(const IPAddress& subnet, uint8_t cidr) const;

   * Check if an IPAddress belongs to the subnet with the given mask.
   * This is the same as inSubnet but the mask is provided instead of looked up
   * from the cidr.
   * @param [in] subnet Subnet to check against
   * @param [in] mask   The netmask for the subnet
   * @return true if address is part of the specified subnet with mask
  bool inSubnetWithMask(const IPAddress& subnet, ByteRange mask) const;

  // @return true if address is a v4 mapped address
  bool isIPv4Mapped() const { return isV6() && asV6().isIPv4Mapped(); }

  // @return true if address is uninitialized
  bool empty() const { return family_ == AF_UNSPEC; }

  // @return true if address is initialized
  explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); }

  // @return true if this is an IPAddressV4 instance
  bool isV4() const { return family_ == AF_INET; }

  // @return true if this is an IPAddressV6 instance
  bool isV6() const { return family_ == AF_INET6; }

  // @return true if this address is all zeros
  bool isZero() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isZero(); });

  // Number of bits in the address representation.
  size_t bitCount() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.bitCount(); });
  // Number of bytes in the address representation.
  size_t byteCount() const { return bitCount() / 8; }
  // get nth most significant bit - 0 indexed
  bool getNthMSBit(size_t bitIndex) const {
    return detail::getNthMSBitImpl(*this, bitIndex, family());
  // get nth most significant byte - 0 indexed
  uint8_t getNthMSByte(size_t byteIndex) const;
  // get nth bit - 0 indexed
  bool getNthLSBit(size_t bitIndex) const {
    return getNthMSBit(bitCount() - bitIndex - 1);
  // get nth byte - 0 indexed
  uint8_t getNthLSByte(size_t byteIndex) const {
    return getNthMSByte(byteCount() - byteIndex - 1);
   * Get human-readable string representation of the address.
   * This prints a string representation of the address, for human consumption
   * or logging. The string will take the form of a JSON object that looks like:
   * {family:'AF_INET|AF_INET6', addr:'address', hash:long}.
  std::string toJson() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.toJson(); });

  // Hash of address
  std::size_t hash() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.hash(); });

  // Return true if the address qualifies as localhost.
  bool isLoopback() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isLoopback(); });

  // Return true if the address qualifies as link local
  bool isLinkLocal() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isLinkLocal(); });

  // Return true if the address qualifies as broadcast.
  bool isLinkLocalBroadcast() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isLinkLocalBroadcast(); });

   * Return true if the address is a special purpose address, as per rfc6890
   * (i.e.
   * For V6, true if the address is not in one of global scope blocks:
   * 2000::/3, ffxe::/16.
  bool isNonroutable() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isNonroutable(); });

   * Return true if the address is private, as per rfc1918 and rfc4193
   * (for example, 192.168.xxx.xxx or fc00::/7 addresses)
  bool isPrivate() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isPrivate(); });

  // Return true if the address is a multicast address.
  bool isMulticast() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.isMulticast(); });

   * Creates IPAddress instance with all but most significant numBits set to 0.
   * @param [in] numBits number of bits to mask
   * @throws abort if numBits > bitCount()
   * @return IPAddress instance with bits set to 0
  IPAddress mask(uint8_t numBits) const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return IPAddress(_.mask(numBits)); });

   * Provides a string representation of address.
   * @note The string representation is calculated on demand.
   * @throws IPAddressFormatException on inet_ntop error
  std::string str() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.str(); });

   * Return the fully qualified string representation of the address.
   * For V4 addresses this is the same as calling str(). For V6 addresses
   * this is the hex representation with : characters inserted every 4 digits.
  std::string toFullyQualified() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.toFullyQualified(); });

  /// Same as toFullyQualified but append to an output string.
  void toFullyQualifiedAppend(std::string& out) const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.toFullyQualifiedAppend(out); });

  // Address version (0 if empty, or 4 or 6 if nonempty)
  uint8_t version() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.version(); });

   * Access to address bytes, in network byte order.
  const unsigned char* bytes() const {
    return pick([&](auto& _) { return _.bytes(); });

  [[noreturn]] void asV4Throw() const;
  [[noreturn]] void asV6Throw() const;

  typedef union IPAddressV46 {
    IPAddressNone ipNoneAddr;
    IPAddressV4 ipV4Addr;
    IPAddressV6 ipV6Addr;
    IPAddressV46() noexcept : ipNoneAddr() {}
    explicit IPAddressV46(const IPAddressV4& addr) noexcept : ipV4Addr(addr) {}
    explicit IPAddressV46(const IPAddressV6& addr) noexcept : ipV6Addr(addr) {}
  } IPAddressV46;
  IPAddressV46 addr_;
  sa_family_t family_;

// boost::hash uses hash_value() so this allows boost::hash to work
// automatically for IPAddress
std::size_t hash_value(const IPAddress& addr);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IPAddress& addr);
// Define toAppend() to allow IPAddress to be used with folly::to<string>
void toAppend(IPAddress addr, std::string* result);
void toAppend(IPAddress addr, fbstring* result);

 * Return true if two addresses are equal.
 * @note This takes into consideration V4 mapped addresses as well. If one
 *       address is v4 mapped we compare the v4 addresses.
 * @return true if the two addresses are equal.
bool operator==(const IPAddress& addr1, const IPAddress& addr2);
// Return true if addr1 < addr2
bool operator<(const IPAddress& addr1, const IPAddress& addr2);
// Derived operators
inline bool operator!=(const IPAddress& a, const IPAddress& b) {
  return !(a == b);
inline bool operator>(const IPAddress& a, const IPAddress& b) {
  return b < a;
inline bool operator<=(const IPAddress& a, const IPAddress& b) {
  return !(a > b);
inline bool operator>=(const IPAddress& a, const IPAddress& b) {
  return !(a < b);

} // namespace folly

namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<folly::IPAddress> {
  size_t operator()(const folly::IPAddress& addr) const { return addr.hash(); }
} // namespace std