/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace folly { class FutureDAG : public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: static std::shared_ptr create( Executor::KeepAlive<> defaultExecutor) { return std::shared_ptr( new FutureDAG(std::move(defaultExecutor))); } typedef size_t Handle; typedef std::function()> FutureFunc; Handle add(FutureFunc func, Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) { nodes.emplace_back(std::move(func), executor); return nodes.size() - 1; } void remove(Handle a) { if (a >= nodes.size()) { return; } if (nodes[a].hasDependents) { for (auto& node : nodes) { auto& deps = node.dependencies; deps.erase( std::remove(std::begin(deps), std::end(deps), a), std::end(deps)); for (Handle& handle : deps) { if (handle > a) { handle--; } } } } nodes.erase(nodes.begin() + a); } void reset() { // Delete all but source node, and reset dependency properties Handle source_node = 0; std::unordered_set memo; for (auto& node : nodes) { for (Handle handle : node.dependencies) { memo.insert(handle); } } for (Handle handle = 0; handle < nodes.size(); handle++) { if (memo.find(handle) == memo.end()) { source_node = handle; } } nodes.erase(nodes.begin(), nodes.begin() + source_node); nodes.erase(nodes.begin() + 1, nodes.end()); nodes[0].hasDependents = false; nodes[0].dependencies.clear(); } void dependency(Handle a, Handle b) { nodes[b].dependencies.push_back(a); nodes[a].hasDependents = true; } void clean_state(Handle source, Handle sink) { for (auto handle : nodes[sink].dependencies) { nodes[handle].hasDependents = false; } nodes[0].hasDependents = false; remove(source); remove(sink); } Future go() { if (hasCycle()) { return makeFuture(std::runtime_error("Cycle in FutureDAG graph")); } std::vector rootNodes; std::vector leafNodes; for (Handle handle = 0; handle < nodes.size(); handle++) { if (nodes[handle].dependencies.empty()) { rootNodes.push_back(handle); } if (!nodes[handle].hasDependents) { leafNodes.push_back(handle); } } auto sinkHandle = add([] { return Future(); }, defaultExecutor_); for (auto handle : leafNodes) { dependency(handle, sinkHandle); } auto sourceHandle = add(nullptr, defaultExecutor_); for (auto handle : rootNodes) { dependency(sourceHandle, handle); } for (Handle handle = 0; handle < nodes.size() - 1; handle++) { std::vector> dependencies; for (auto depHandle : nodes[handle].dependencies) { dependencies.push_back(nodes[depHandle].promise.getFuture()); } collect(dependencies) .via(nodes[handle].executor) .thenValue([this, handle](std::vector&&) { nodes[handle].func().then([this, handle](Try&& t) { nodes[handle].promise.setTry(std::move(t)); }); }) .thenError([this, handle](exception_wrapper ew) { nodes[handle].promise.setException(std::move(ew)); }); } nodes[sourceHandle].promise.setValue(); return nodes[sinkHandle].promise.getFuture().thenValue( [that = shared_from_this(), sourceHandle, sinkHandle](Unit) { that->clean_state(sourceHandle, sinkHandle); }); } private: FutureDAG(Executor::KeepAlive<> defaultExecutor) : defaultExecutor_{std::move(defaultExecutor)} {} bool hasCycle() { // Perform a modified topological sort to detect cycles std::vector> dependencies; for (auto& node : nodes) { dependencies.push_back(node.dependencies); } std::vector dependents(nodes.size()); for (auto& dependencyEdges : dependencies) { for (auto handle : dependencyEdges) { dependents[handle]++; } } std::vector handles; for (Handle handle = 0; handle < nodes.size(); handle++) { if (!nodes[handle].hasDependents) { handles.push_back(handle); } } while (!handles.empty()) { auto handle = handles.back(); handles.pop_back(); while (!dependencies[handle].empty()) { auto dependency = dependencies[handle].back(); dependencies[handle].pop_back(); if (--dependents[dependency] == 0) { handles.push_back(dependency); } } } for (auto& dependencyEdges : dependencies) { if (!dependencyEdges.empty()) { return true; } } return false; } struct Node { Node(FutureFunc&& funcArg, Executor::KeepAlive<> executorArg) : func(std::move(funcArg)), executor(std::move(executorArg)) {} FutureFunc func{nullptr}; Executor::KeepAlive<> executor; SharedPromise promise; std::vector dependencies; bool hasDependents{false}; bool visited{false}; }; std::vector nodes; Executor::KeepAlive<> defaultExecutor_; }; // Polymorphic functor implementation template class FutureDAGFunctor { public: std::shared_ptr dag; T state; std::vector dep_states; T result() { return state; } // execReset() runs DAG & clears all nodes except for source void execReset() { this->dag->go().get(); this->dag->reset(); } void exec() { this->dag->go().get(); } virtual void operator()() {} explicit FutureDAGFunctor(T init_val, Executor::KeepAlive<> defaultExecutor) : dag(FutureDAG::create(std::move(defaultExecutor))), state(init_val) {} FutureDAGFunctor(Executor::KeepAlive<> defaultExecutor) : dag(FutureDAG::create(std::move(defaultExecutor))), state() {} virtual ~FutureDAGFunctor() {} }; } // namespace folly