/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include namespace folly { enum class annotate_rwlock_level : long { rdlock = 0, wrlock = 1, }; namespace detail { using annotate_rwlock_cd_t = void(char const*, int, void const volatile*); using annotate_rwlock_ar_t = void(char const*, int, void const volatile*, long); using annotate_benign_race_sized_t = void(char const*, int, void const volatile*, long, char const*); using annotate_ignore_t = void(char const*, int); extern annotate_rwlock_cd_t* const annotate_rwlock_create_v; extern annotate_rwlock_cd_t* const annotate_rwlock_create_static_v; extern annotate_rwlock_cd_t* const annotate_rwlock_destroy_v; extern annotate_rwlock_ar_t* const annotate_rwlock_acquired_v; extern annotate_rwlock_ar_t* const annotate_rwlock_released_v; extern annotate_benign_race_sized_t* const annotate_benign_race_sized_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_reads_begin_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_reads_end_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_writes_begin_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_writes_end_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_sync_begin_v; extern annotate_ignore_t* const annotate_ignore_sync_end_v; } // namespace detail FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_create( void const volatile* const addr, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_rwlock_create_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_create_static( void const volatile* const addr, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_rwlock_create_static_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_destroy( void const volatile* const addr, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_rwlock_destroy_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_acquired( void const volatile* const addr, annotate_rwlock_level const w, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_rwlock_acquired_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr, long(w)) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_try_acquired( void const volatile* const addr, annotate_rwlock_level const w, bool const result, char const* const f, int const l) { return result ? annotate_rwlock_acquired(addr, w, f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_rwlock_released( void const volatile* const addr, annotate_rwlock_level const w, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_rwlock_released_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr, long(w)) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_benign_race_sized( void const volatile* const addr, long const size, char const* const desc, char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_benign_race_sized_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l, addr, size, desc) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_reads_begin( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_reads_begin_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_reads_end( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_reads_end_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_writes_begin( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_writes_begin_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_writes_end( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_writes_end_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_sync_begin( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_sync_begin_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE static void annotate_ignore_sync_end( char const* const f, int const l) { auto fun = detail::annotate_ignore_sync_end_v; return kIsSanitizeThread && fun ? fun(f, l) : void(); } class annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard { public: annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard( char const* const file, int const line) noexcept : file_{file}, line_{line} { annotate_ignore_reads_begin(file_, line_); annotate_ignore_writes_begin(file_, line_); } annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard( const annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard&) = delete; annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard& operator=( const annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard&) = delete; ~annotate_ignore_thread_sanitizer_guard() { annotate_ignore_reads_end(file_, line_); annotate_ignore_writes_end(file_, line_); } private: char const* const file_; int const line_; }; } // namespace folly