/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include namespace facebook::react { static inline std::optional parseAnimationType( std::string param) { if (param == "spring") { return AnimationType::Spring; } if (param == "linear") { return AnimationType::Linear; } if (param == "easeInEaseOut") { return AnimationType::EaseInEaseOut; } if (param == "easeIn") { return AnimationType::EaseIn; } if (param == "easeOut") { return AnimationType::EaseOut; } if (param == "keyboard") { return AnimationType::Keyboard; } LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation type: " << param; return {}; } static inline std::optional parseAnimationProperty( std::string param) { if (param == "opacity") { return AnimationProperty::Opacity; } if (param == "scaleX") { return AnimationProperty::ScaleX; } if (param == "scaleY") { return AnimationProperty::ScaleY; } if (param == "scaleXY") { return AnimationProperty::ScaleXY; } LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation property: " << param; return {}; } static inline std::optional parseAnimationConfig( const folly::dynamic& config, double defaultDuration, bool parsePropertyType) { if (config.empty() || !config.isObject()) { return AnimationConfig{ AnimationType::Linear, AnimationProperty::NotApplicable, defaultDuration, 0, 0, 0}; } const auto typeIt = config.find("type"); if (typeIt == config.items().end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not find field `type`"; return {}; } const auto animationTypeParam = typeIt->second; if (animationTypeParam.empty() || !animationTypeParam.isString()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not unwrap field `type`"; return {}; } const auto animationType = parseAnimationType(animationTypeParam.asString()); if (!animationType) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not parse field `type`"; return {}; } AnimationProperty animationProperty = AnimationProperty::NotApplicable; if (parsePropertyType) { const auto propertyIt = config.find("property"); if (propertyIt == config.items().end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not find field `property`"; return {}; } const auto animationPropertyParam = propertyIt->second; if (animationPropertyParam.empty() || !animationPropertyParam.isString()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not unwrap field `property`"; return {}; } const auto animationPropertyParsed = parseAnimationProperty(animationPropertyParam.asString()); if (!animationPropertyParsed) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: could not parse field `property`"; return {}; } animationProperty = *animationPropertyParsed; } double duration = defaultDuration; double delay = 0; Float springDamping = 0.5; Float initialVelocity = 0; const auto durationIt = config.find("duration"); if (durationIt != config.items().end()) { if (durationIt->second.isDouble()) { duration = durationIt->second.asDouble(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: field `duration` must be a number"; return {}; } } const auto delayIt = config.find("delay"); if (delayIt != config.items().end()) { if (delayIt->second.isDouble()) { delay = delayIt->second.asDouble(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: field `delay` must be a number"; return {}; } } const auto springDampingIt = config.find("springDamping"); if (springDampingIt != config.items().end() && springDampingIt->second.isDouble()) { if (springDampingIt->second.isDouble()) { springDamping = (Float)springDampingIt->second.asDouble(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: field `springDamping` must be a number"; return {}; } } const auto initialVelocityIt = config.find("initialVelocity"); if (initialVelocityIt != config.items().end()) { if (initialVelocityIt->second.isDouble()) { initialVelocity = (Float)initialVelocityIt->second.asDouble(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing animation config: field `initialVelocity` must be a number"; return {}; } } return std::optional(AnimationConfig{ *animationType, animationProperty, duration, delay, springDamping, initialVelocity}); } // Parse animation config from JS static inline std::optional parseLayoutAnimationConfig( const folly::dynamic& config) { if (config.empty() || !config.isObject()) { return {}; } const auto durationIt = config.find("duration"); if (durationIt == config.items().end() || !durationIt->second.isDouble()) { return {}; } const double duration = durationIt->second.asDouble(); const auto createConfigIt = config.find("create"); const auto createConfig = createConfigIt == config.items().end() ? std::optional(AnimationConfig{}) : parseAnimationConfig(createConfigIt->second, duration, true); const auto updateConfigIt = config.find("update"); const auto updateConfig = updateConfigIt == config.items().end() ? std::optional(AnimationConfig{}) : parseAnimationConfig(updateConfigIt->second, duration, false); const auto deleteConfigIt = config.find("delete"); const auto deleteConfig = deleteConfigIt == config.items().end() ? std::optional(AnimationConfig{}) : parseAnimationConfig(deleteConfigIt->second, duration, true); if (!createConfig || !updateConfig || !deleteConfig) { return {}; } return LayoutAnimationConfig{ duration, *createConfig, *updateConfig, *deleteConfig}; } } // namespace facebook::react