/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace facebook::react { /* * Encapsulates all artifacts of `ShadowTree` commit (or a series of them), * particularly list of mutations and meta-data associated with the commit. * Movable and copyable, but moving is strongly encouraged. * Beware: A moved-from object of this type has unspecified value and accessing * that is UB (Undefined Behaviour). */ class MountingTransaction final { public: /* * A Number (or revision) grows continuously starting from `1`. Value `0` * represents the state before the very first transaction happens. */ using Number = int64_t; /* * Copying a list of `ShadowViewMutation` is expensive, so the constructor * accepts it as rvalue reference to discourage copying. */ MountingTransaction( SurfaceId surfaceId, Number number, ShadowViewMutationList&& mutations, TransactionTelemetry telemetry); /* * Copy semantic. * Copying of MountingTransaction is expensive, so copy-constructor is * explicit and copy-assignment is deleted to prevent accidental copying. */ explicit MountingTransaction(const MountingTransaction& mountingTransaction) = default; MountingTransaction& operator=(const MountingTransaction& other) = delete; /* * Move semantic. */ MountingTransaction(MountingTransaction&& mountingTransaction) noexcept = default; MountingTransaction& operator=(MountingTransaction&& other) = default; /* * Returns a list of mutations that represent the transaction. The list can be * empty (theoretically). */ const ShadowViewMutationList& getMutations() const&; ShadowViewMutationList getMutations() &&; /* * Returns telemetry associated with this transaction. */ TransactionTelemetry& getTelemetry() const; /* * Returns the id of the surface that the transaction belongs to. */ SurfaceId getSurfaceId() const; /* * Returns a sequential number of the particular transaction. */ Number getNumber() const; private: SurfaceId surfaceId_; Number number_; ShadowViewMutationList mutations_; mutable TransactionTelemetry telemetry_; }; } // namespace facebook::react