 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import <React/RCTComponentViewDescriptor.h>
#import <React/RCTComponentViewProtocol.h>
#import <jsi/jsi.h>
#import <react/renderer/componentregistry/ComponentDescriptorRegistry.h>


void RCTInstallNativeComponentRegistryBinding(facebook::jsi::Runtime &runtime);

 * Protocol that can be implemented to provide some 3rd party components to Fabric.
 * Fabric will check in this map whether there are some components that need to be registered.
@protocol RCTComponentViewFactoryComponentProvider <NSObject>

 * Return a dictionary of third party components where the `key` is the Component Handler and the `value` is a Class
 * that conforms to `RCTComponentViewProtocol`.
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, Class<RCTComponentViewProtocol>> *)thirdPartyFabricComponents;


 * Registry of supported component view classes that can instantiate
 * view component instances by given component handle.
@interface RCTComponentViewFactory : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<RCTComponentViewFactoryComponentProvider> thirdPartyFabricComponentsProvider;

 * Constructs and returns an instance of the class with a bunch of already registered standard components.
+ (RCTComponentViewFactory *)currentComponentViewFactory;

 * Registers a component view class in the factory.
- (void)registerComponentViewClass:(Class<RCTComponentViewProtocol>)componentViewClass;

 * Registers component if there is a matching class. Returns true if it matching class is found or the component has
 * already been registered, false otherwise.
- (BOOL)registerComponentIfPossible:(const std::string &)componentName;

 * Creates a component view with given component handle.
- (RCTComponentViewDescriptor)createComponentViewWithComponentHandle:(facebook::react::ComponentHandle)componentHandle;

 * Creates *managed* `ComponentDescriptorRegistry`. After creation, the object continues to store a weak pointer to the
 * registry and update it accordingly to the changes in the object.
- (facebook::react::ComponentDescriptorRegistry::Shared)createComponentDescriptorRegistryWithParameters:
