/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include namespace facebook::react { inline static void handleJSError(jsi::Runtime& runtime, const jsi::JSError& error, bool isFatal) { auto errorUtils = runtime.global().getProperty(runtime, "ErrorUtils"); if (errorUtils.isUndefined() || !errorUtils.isObject() || !errorUtils.getObject(runtime).hasProperty(runtime, "reportFatalError") || !errorUtils.getObject(runtime).hasProperty(runtime, "reportError")) { // ErrorUtils was not set up. This probably means the bundle didn't // load properly. throw jsi::JSError( runtime, "ErrorUtils is not set up properly. Something probably went wrong trying to load the JS bundle. Trying to report error " + error.getMessage(), error.getStack()); } // TODO(janzer): Rewrite this function to return the processed error // instead of just reporting it through the native module if (isFatal) { auto func = errorUtils.asObject(runtime).getPropertyAsFunction( runtime, "reportFatalError"); func.call(runtime, error.value()); } else { auto func = errorUtils.asObject(runtime).getPropertyAsFunction( runtime, "reportError"); func.call(runtime, error.value()); } } } // namespace facebook::react