/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace folly { namespace detail { // ctor for items in the align table struct format_table_align_make_item { static constexpr std::size_t size = 256; constexpr FormatArg::Align operator()(std::size_t index) const { // clang-format off return index == '<' ? FormatArg::Align::LEFT: index == '>' ? FormatArg::Align::RIGHT : index == '=' ? FormatArg::Align::PAD_AFTER_SIGN : index == '^' ? FormatArg::Align::CENTER : FormatArg::Align::INVALID; // clang-format on } }; // ctor for items in the conv tables for representing parts of nonnegative // integers into ascii digits of length Size, over a given base Base template struct format_table_conv_make_item { static_assert(Base <= 36, "Base is unrepresentable"); struct make_item { std::size_t index{}; constexpr explicit make_item(std::size_t index_) : index(index_) {} // gcc49 constexpr char alpha(std::size_t ord) const { return static_cast( ord < 10 ? '0' + ord : (Upper ? 'A' : 'a') + (ord - 10)); } constexpr char operator()(std::size_t offset) const { return alpha(index / constexpr_pow(Base, Size - offset - 1) % Base); } }; constexpr std::array operator()(std::size_t index) const { return make_array_with(make_item{index}); } }; // ctor for items in the sign table struct format_table_sign_make_item { static constexpr std::size_t size = 256; constexpr FormatArg::Sign operator()(std::size_t index) const { // clang-format off return index == '+' ? FormatArg::Sign::PLUS_OR_MINUS : index == '-' ? FormatArg::Sign::MINUS : index == ' ' ? FormatArg::Sign::SPACE_OR_MINUS : FormatArg::Sign::INVALID; // clang-format on } }; // the tables FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR auto formatAlignTable = make_array_with<256>(format_table_align_make_item{}); FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR auto formatSignTable = make_array_with<256>(format_table_sign_make_item{}); FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR decltype(formatHexLower) formatHexLower = make_array_with<256>(format_table_conv_make_item<16, 2, false>{}); FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR decltype(formatHexUpper) formatHexUpper = make_array_with<256>(format_table_conv_make_item<16, 2, true>{}); FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR decltype(formatOctal) formatOctal = make_array_with<512>(format_table_conv_make_item<8, 3>{}); FOLLY_STORAGE_CONSTEXPR decltype(formatBinary) formatBinary = make_array_with<256>(format_table_conv_make_item<2, 8>{}); } // namespace detail using namespace folly::detail; void FormatValue::formatHelper( fbstring& piece, int& prefixLen, FormatArg& arg) const { using ::double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter; using ::double_conversion::StringBuilder; arg.validate(FormatArg::Type::FLOAT); if (arg.presentation == FormatArg::kDefaultPresentation) { arg.presentation = 'g'; } const char* infinitySymbol = isupper(arg.presentation) ? "INF" : "inf"; const char* nanSymbol = isupper(arg.presentation) ? "NAN" : "nan"; char exponentSymbol = isupper(arg.presentation) ? 'E' : 'e'; if (arg.precision == FormatArg::kDefaultPrecision) { arg.precision = 6; } // 2+: for null terminator and optional sign shenanigans. constexpr int bufLen = 2 + constexpr_max(2 + DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxFixedDigitsBeforePoint + DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint, constexpr_max( 8 + DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxExponentialDigits, 7 + DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxPrecisionDigits)); char buf[bufLen]; StringBuilder builder(buf + 1, bufLen - 1); char plusSign; switch (arg.sign) { case FormatArg::Sign::PLUS_OR_MINUS: plusSign = '+'; break; case FormatArg::Sign::SPACE_OR_MINUS: plusSign = ' '; break; case FormatArg::Sign::DEFAULT: case FormatArg::Sign::MINUS: case FormatArg::Sign::INVALID: default: plusSign = '\0'; break; }; auto flags = DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN | (arg.trailingDot ? DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT : 0); double val = val_; switch (arg.presentation) { case '%': val *= 100; FOLLY_FALLTHROUGH; case 'f': case 'F': { if (arg.precision > DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint) { arg.precision = DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxFixedDigitsAfterPoint; } DoubleToStringConverter conv( flags, infinitySymbol, nanSymbol, exponentSymbol, -4, arg.precision, 0, 0); arg.enforce( conv.ToFixed(val, arg.precision, &builder), "fixed double conversion failed"); break; } case 'e': case 'E': { if (arg.precision > DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxExponentialDigits) { arg.precision = DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxExponentialDigits; } DoubleToStringConverter conv( flags, infinitySymbol, nanSymbol, exponentSymbol, -4, arg.precision, 0, 0); arg.enforce(conv.ToExponential(val, arg.precision, &builder)); break; } case 'n': // should be locale-aware, but isn't case 'g': case 'G': { if (arg.precision < DoubleToStringConverter::kMinPrecisionDigits) { arg.precision = DoubleToStringConverter::kMinPrecisionDigits; } else if (arg.precision > DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxPrecisionDigits) { arg.precision = DoubleToStringConverter::kMaxPrecisionDigits; } DoubleToStringConverter conv( flags, infinitySymbol, nanSymbol, exponentSymbol, -4, arg.precision, 0, 0); arg.enforce(conv.ToShortest(val, &builder)); break; } default: arg.error("invalid specifier '", arg.presentation, "'"); } auto len = builder.position(); builder.Finalize(); assert(len > 0); // Add '+' or ' ' sign if needed char* p = buf + 1; // anything that's neither negative nor nan prefixLen = 0; if (plusSign && (*p != '-' && *p != 'n' && *p != 'N')) { *--p = plusSign; ++len; prefixLen = 1; } else if (*p == '-') { prefixLen = 1; } piece = fbstring(p, size_t(len)); } void FormatArg::initSlow() { auto b = fullArgString.begin(); auto end = fullArgString.end(); // Parse key auto p = static_cast(memchr(b, ':', size_t(end - b))); if (!p) { key_ = StringPiece(b, end); return; } key_ = StringPiece(b, p); if (*p == ':') { // parse format spec if (++p == end) { return; } // fill/align, or just align Align a; if (p + 1 != end && (a = formatAlignTable[static_cast(p[1])]) != Align::INVALID) { fill = *p; align = a; p += 2; if (p == end) { return; } } else if ( (a = formatAlignTable[static_cast(*p)]) != Align::INVALID) { align = a; if (++p == end) { return; } } Sign s; auto uSign = static_cast(*p); if ((s = formatSignTable[uSign]) != Sign::INVALID) { sign = s; if (++p == end) { return; } } if (*p == '#') { basePrefix = true; if (++p == end) { return; } } if (*p == '0') { enforce(align == Align::DEFAULT, "alignment specified twice"); fill = '0'; align = Align::PAD_AFTER_SIGN; if (++p == end) { return; } } auto readInt = [&] { auto const c = p; do { ++p; } while (p != end && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9'); return to(StringPiece(c, p)); }; if (*p == '*') { width = kDynamicWidth; ++p; if (p == end) { return; } if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') { widthIndex = readInt(); } if (p == end) { return; } } else if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') { width = readInt(); if (p == end) { return; } } if (*p == ',') { thousandsSeparator = true; if (++p == end) { return; } } if (*p == '.') { auto d = ++p; while (p != end && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9') { ++p; } if (p != d) { precision = to(StringPiece(d, p)); if (p != end && *p == '.') { trailingDot = true; ++p; } } else { trailingDot = true; } if (p == end) { return; } } presentation = *p; if (++p == end) { return; } } error("extra characters in format string"); } void FormatArg::validate(Type type) const { enforce(keyEmpty(), "index not allowed"); switch (type) { case Type::INTEGER: enforce( precision == kDefaultPrecision, "precision not allowed on integers"); break; case Type::FLOAT: enforce( !basePrefix, "base prefix ('#') specifier only allowed on integers"); enforce( !thousandsSeparator, "thousands separator (',') only allowed on integers"); break; case Type::OTHER: enforce( align != Align::PAD_AFTER_SIGN, "'='alignment only allowed on numbers"); enforce(sign == Sign::DEFAULT, "sign specifier only allowed on numbers"); enforce( !basePrefix, "base prefix ('#') specifier only allowed on integers"); enforce( !thousandsSeparator, "thousands separator (',') only allowed on integers"); break; } } namespace detail { void insertThousandsGroupingUnsafe(char* start_buffer, char** end_buffer) { auto remaining_digits = uint32_t(*end_buffer - start_buffer); uint32_t separator_size = (remaining_digits - 1) / 3; uint32_t result_size = remaining_digits + separator_size; *end_buffer = *end_buffer + separator_size; // get the end of the new string with the separators uint32_t buffer_write_index = result_size - 1; uint32_t buffer_read_index = remaining_digits - 1; start_buffer[buffer_write_index + 1] = 0; bool done = false; uint32_t next_group_size = 3; while (!done) { uint32_t current_group_size = std::max( 1, std::min(remaining_digits, next_group_size)); // write out the current group's digits to the buffer index for (uint32_t i = 0; i < current_group_size; i++) { start_buffer[buffer_write_index--] = start_buffer[buffer_read_index--]; } // if not finished, write the separator before the next group if (buffer_write_index < buffer_write_index + 1) { start_buffer[buffer_write_index--] = ','; } else { done = true; } remaining_digits -= current_group_size; } } } // namespace detail FormatKeyNotFoundException::FormatKeyNotFoundException(StringPiece key) : std::out_of_range(kMessagePrefix.str() + key.str()) {} constexpr StringPiece const FormatKeyNotFoundException::kMessagePrefix; } // namespace folly