/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__ANDROID__) #define FOLLY_SINGLETON_HAVE_DLSYM 1 #endif namespace folly { #if FOLLY_SINGLETON_HAVE_DLSYM namespace detail { static void singleton_hs_init_weak(int* argc, char** argv[]) __attribute__((__weakref__("hs_init"))); } // namespace detail #endif SingletonVault::Type SingletonVault::defaultVaultType() { #if FOLLY_SINGLETON_HAVE_DLSYM bool isPython = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "Py_Main"); bool isHaskell = detail::singleton_hs_init_weak || dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "hs_init"); bool isJVM = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs"); bool isD = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_d_run_main"); return isPython || isHaskell || isJVM || isD ? Type::Relaxed : Type::Strict; #else return Type::Relaxed; #endif } namespace detail { std::string TypeDescriptor::name() const { auto ret = demangle(ti_.name()); if (tag_ti_ != std::type_index(typeid(DefaultTag))) { ret += "/"; ret += demangle(tag_ti_.name()); } return ret.toStdString(); } // clang-format off [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnDoubleRegistrationAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { // Ensure the availability of std::cerr std::ios_base::Init ioInit; std::cerr << "Double registration of singletons of the same " "underlying type; check for multiple definitions " "of type folly::Singleton<" << type.name() << ">\n"; std::abort(); } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnLeakyDoubleRegistrationAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { // Ensure the availability of std::cerr std::ios_base::Init ioInit; std::cerr << "Double registration of singletons of the same " "underlying type; check for multiple definitions " "of type folly::LeakySingleton<" << type.name() << ">\n"; std::abort(); } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnLeakyInstantiatingNotRegisteredAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { auto trace = symbolizer::getStackTraceStr(); LOG(FATAL) << "Creating instance for unregistered singleton: " << type.name() << "\n" << "Stacktrace:\n" << (!trace.empty() ? trace : "(not available)"); folly::assume_unreachable(); } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnRegisterMockEarlyAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { LOG(FATAL) << "Registering mock before singleton was registered: " << type.name(); folly::assume_unreachable(); } void singletonWarnDestroyInstanceLeak( const TypeDescriptor& type, const void* ptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Singleton of type " << type.name() << " has a " << "living reference at destroyInstances time; beware! Raw " << "pointer is " << ptr << ". It is very likely " << "that some other singleton is holding a shared_ptr to it. " << "This singleton will be leaked (even if a shared_ptr to it " << "is eventually released)." << "Make sure dependencies between these singletons are " << "properly defined."; } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnCreateCircularDependencyAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { LOG(FATAL) << "circular singleton dependency: " << type.name(); folly::assume_unreachable(); } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnCreateUnregisteredAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { auto trace = symbolizer::getStackTraceStr(); LOG(FATAL) << "Creating instance for unregistered singleton: " << type.name() << "\n" << "Stacktrace:\n" << (!trace.empty() ? trace : "(not available)"); folly::assume_unreachable(); } [[noreturn]] void singletonWarnCreateBeforeRegistrationCompleteAndAbort( const TypeDescriptor& type) { auto trace = symbolizer::getStackTraceStr(); LOG(FATAL) << "Singleton " << type.name() << " requested before " << "registrationComplete() call.\n" << "This usually means that either main() never called " << "folly::init, or singleton was requested before main() " << "(which is not allowed).\n" << "Stacktrace:\n" << (!trace.empty() ? trace : "(not available)"); folly::assume_unreachable(); } void singletonPrintDestructionStackTrace(const TypeDescriptor& type) { auto trace = symbolizer::getStackTraceStr(); LOG(ERROR) << "Singleton " << type.name() << " was released.\n" << "Stacktrace:\n" << (!trace.empty() ? trace : "(not available)"); } [[noreturn]] void singletonThrowNullCreator(const std::type_info& type) { auto const msg = fmt::format(FOLLY_FMT_COMPILE( "nullptr_t should be passed if you want {} to be default constructed"), folly::StringPiece(demangle(type))); throw std::logic_error(msg); } [[noreturn]] void singletonThrowGetInvokedAfterDestruction( const TypeDescriptor& type) { throw std::runtime_error( "Raw pointer to a singleton requested after its destruction." " Singleton type is: " + type.name()); } // clang-format on } // namespace detail namespace { struct FatalHelper { ~FatalHelper() { if (!leakedSingletons_.empty()) { std::string leakedTypes; for (const auto& singleton : leakedSingletons_) { leakedTypes += "\t" + singleton.name() + "\n"; } LOG(DFATAL) << "Singletons of the following types had living references " << "after destroyInstances was finished:\n" << leakedTypes << "beware! It is very likely that those singleton instances " << "are leaked."; } } std::vector leakedSingletons_; }; #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_MSC_VER) // OS X doesn't support constructor priorities. FatalHelper fatalHelper; #else FatalHelper __attribute__((__init_priority__(101))) fatalHelper; #endif } // namespace SingletonVault::SingletonVault(Type type) noexcept : type_(type) { AtFork::registerHandler( this, /*prepare*/ [this]() { auto singletons = singletons_.rlock(); auto creationOrder = creationOrder_.rlock(); CHECK_GE(singletons->size(), creationOrder->size()); for (const auto& singletonType : *creationOrder) { liveSingletonsPreFork_.insert(singletons->at(singletonType)); } return true; }, /*parent*/ [this]() { liveSingletonsPreFork_.clear(); }, /*child*/ [this]() { for (auto singleton : liveSingletonsPreFork_) { singleton->inChildAfterFork(); } liveSingletonsPreFork_.clear(); }); } SingletonVault::~SingletonVault() { AtFork::unregisterHandler(this); destroyInstances(); } void SingletonVault::registerSingleton(detail::SingletonHolderBase* entry) { auto state = state_.rlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running); if (UNLIKELY(state->registrationComplete) && type_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == Type::Strict) { LOG(ERROR) << "Registering singleton after registrationComplete()."; } auto singletons = singletons_.wlock(); CHECK_THROW( singletons->emplace(entry->type(), entry).second, std::logic_error); } void SingletonVault::addEagerInitSingleton(detail::SingletonHolderBase* entry) { auto state = state_.rlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running); if (UNLIKELY(state->registrationComplete) && type_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == Type::Strict) { LOG(ERROR) << "Registering for eager-load after registrationComplete()."; } CHECK_THROW(singletons_.rlock()->count(entry->type()), std::logic_error); auto eagerInitSingletons = eagerInitSingletons_.wlock(); eagerInitSingletons->insert(entry); } void SingletonVault::registrationComplete() { std::atexit([]() { SingletonVault::singleton()->destroyInstances(); }); auto state = state_.wlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running); if (state->registrationComplete) { return; } auto singletons = singletons_.rlock(); if (type_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == Type::Strict) { for (const auto& p : *singletons) { if (p.second->hasLiveInstance()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Singleton " + p.first.name() + " created before registration was complete."); } } } state->registrationComplete = true; } void SingletonVault::doEagerInit() { { auto state = state_.rlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running); if (UNLIKELY(!state->registrationComplete)) { throw std::logic_error("registrationComplete() not yet called"); } } auto eagerInitSingletons = eagerInitSingletons_.rlock(); for (auto* single : *eagerInitSingletons) { single->createInstance(); } } void SingletonVault::doEagerInitVia(Executor& exe, folly::Baton<>* done) { { auto state = state_.rlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running); if (UNLIKELY(!state->registrationComplete)) { throw std::logic_error("registrationComplete() not yet called"); } } auto eagerInitSingletons = eagerInitSingletons_.rlock(); auto countdown = std::make_shared>(eagerInitSingletons->size()); for (auto* single : *eagerInitSingletons) { // countdown is retained by shared_ptr, and will be alive until last lambda // is done. notifyBaton is provided by the caller, and expected to remain // present (if it's non-nullptr). singletonSet can go out of scope but // its values, which are SingletonHolderBase pointers, are alive as long as // SingletonVault is not being destroyed. exe.add([=] { // decrement counter and notify if requested, whether initialization // was successful, was skipped (already initialized), or exception thrown. SCOPE_EXIT { if (--(*countdown) == 0) { if (done != nullptr) { done->post(); } } }; // if initialization is in progress in another thread, don't try to init // here. Otherwise the current thread will block on 'createInstance'. if (!single->creationStarted()) { single->createInstance(); } }); } } void SingletonVault::destroyInstances() { auto stateW = state_.wlock(); if (stateW->state == detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Quiescing) { return; } stateW->state = detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Quiescing; auto stateR = stateW.moveFromWriteToRead(); { auto singletons = singletons_.rlock(); auto creationOrder = creationOrder_.rlock(); CHECK_GE(singletons->size(), creationOrder->size()); // Release all ReadMostlyMainPtrs at once { ReadMostlyMainPtrDeleter<> deleter; for (auto& singleton_type : *creationOrder) { singletons->at(singleton_type)->preDestroyInstance(deleter); } } for (auto type_iter = creationOrder->rbegin(); type_iter != creationOrder->rend(); ++type_iter) { singletons->at(*type_iter)->destroyInstance(); } for (auto& singleton_type : *creationOrder) { auto instance = singletons->at(singleton_type); if (!instance->hasLiveInstance()) { continue; } fatalHelper.leakedSingletons_.push_back(instance->type()); } } { auto creationOrder = creationOrder_.wlock(); creationOrder->clear(); } } void SingletonVault::reenableInstances() { auto state = state_.wlock(); state->check(detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Quiescing); state->state = detail::SingletonVaultState::Type::Running; } void SingletonVault::scheduleDestroyInstances() { // Add a dependency on folly::ThreadLocal to make sure all its static // singletons are initalized first. threadlocal_detail::StaticMeta::instance(); std::atexit([] { SingletonVault::singleton()->startShutdownTimer(); SingletonVault::singleton()->destroyInstances(); }); } void SingletonVault::addToShutdownLog(std::string message) { shutdownLog_.wlock()->push_back(std::move(message)); } #if FOLLY_HAVE_LIBRT namespace { [[noreturn]] void fireShutdownSignalHelper(sigval_t sigval) { static_cast(sigval.sival_ptr)->fireShutdownTimer(); } } // namespace #endif void SingletonVault::startShutdownTimer() { #if FOLLY_HAVE_LIBRT if (shutdownTimerStarted_.exchange(true)) { return; } if (!shutdownTimeout_.count()) { return; } struct sigevent sig; sig.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; sig.sigev_notify_function = fireShutdownSignalHelper; sig.sigev_value.sival_ptr = this; sig.sigev_notify_attributes = nullptr; timer_t timerId; PCHECK(timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sig, &timerId) == 0); struct itimerspec newValue, oldValue; newValue.it_value.tv_sec = std::chrono::milliseconds(shutdownTimeout_).count() / 1000; newValue.it_value.tv_nsec = std::chrono::milliseconds(shutdownTimeout_).count() % 1000 * 1000000; newValue.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; newValue.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; PCHECK(timer_settime(timerId, 0, &newValue, &oldValue) == 0); #endif } [[noreturn]] void SingletonVault::fireShutdownTimer() { std::string shutdownLog; for (auto& logMessage : shutdownLog_.copy()) { shutdownLog += logMessage + "\n"; } auto msg = folly::to( "Failed to complete shutdown within ", std::chrono::milliseconds(shutdownTimeout_).count(), "ms. Shutdown log:\n", shutdownLog); folly::terminate_with(msg); } } // namespace folly