/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace folly { /** * We want to select the default interval carefully. * An interval of 10ms will give us 10ms * WHEEL_SIZE^WHEEL_BUCKETS * for the largest timeout possible, or about 497 days. * * For a lower bound, we want a reasonable limit on local IO, 10ms * seems short enough * * A shorter interval also has CPU implications, less than 1ms might * start showing up in cpu perf. Also, it might not be possible to set * tick interval less than 10ms on older kernels. */ /* * For high res timers: * An interval of 200usec will give us 200usec * WHEEL_SIZE^WHEEL_BUCKETS * for the largest timeout possible, or about 9 days. */ template int HHWheelTimerBase::DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL = detail::HHWheelTimerDurationConst::DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL; template HHWheelTimerBase::Callback::Callback() = default; template HHWheelTimerBase::Callback::~Callback() { if (isScheduled()) { cancelTimeout(); } } template void HHWheelTimerBase::Callback::setScheduled( HHWheelTimerBase* wheel, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline) { assert(wheel_ == nullptr); assert(expiration_ == decltype(expiration_){}); wheel_ = wheel; expiration_ = deadline; } template void HHWheelTimerBase::Callback::cancelTimeoutImpl() { if (--wheel_->count_ <= 0) { assert(wheel_->count_ == 0); wheel_->AsyncTimeout::cancelTimeout(); } unlink(); if ((-1 != bucket_) && (wheel_->buckets_[0][bucket_].empty())) { auto bi = makeBitIterator(wheel_->bitmap_.begin()); *(bi + bucket_) = false; } wheel_ = nullptr; expiration_ = {}; } template HHWheelTimerBase::HHWheelTimerBase( folly::TimeoutManager* timeoutMananger, Duration intervalDuration, AsyncTimeout::InternalEnum internal, Duration defaultTimeoutDuration) : AsyncTimeout(timeoutMananger, internal), interval_(intervalDuration), defaultTimeout_(defaultTimeoutDuration), expireTick_(1), count_(0), startTime_(getCurTime()), processingCallbacksGuard_(nullptr) { bitmap_.fill(0); } template HHWheelTimerBase::~HHWheelTimerBase() { // Ensure this gets done, but right before destruction finishes. auto destructionPublisherGuard = folly::makeGuard([&] { // Inform the subscriber that this instance is doomed. if (processingCallbacksGuard_) { *processingCallbacksGuard_ = true; } }); cancelAll(); } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleTimeoutImpl( Callback* callback, int64_t dueTick, int64_t nextTickToProcess, int64_t nextTick) { int64_t diff = dueTick - nextTickToProcess; CallbackList* list; auto bi = makeBitIterator(bitmap_.begin()); if (diff < 0) { list = &buckets_[0][nextTick & WHEEL_MASK]; *(bi + (nextTick & WHEEL_MASK)) = true; callback->bucket_ = nextTick & WHEEL_MASK; } else if (diff < WHEEL_SIZE) { list = &buckets_[0][dueTick & WHEEL_MASK]; *(bi + (dueTick & WHEEL_MASK)) = true; callback->bucket_ = dueTick & WHEEL_MASK; } else if (diff < 1 << (2 * WHEEL_BITS)) { list = &buckets_[1][(dueTick >> WHEEL_BITS) & WHEEL_MASK]; } else if (diff < 1 << (3 * WHEEL_BITS)) { list = &buckets_[2][(dueTick >> 2 * WHEEL_BITS) & WHEEL_MASK]; } else { /* in largest slot */ if (diff > LARGEST_SLOT) { diff = LARGEST_SLOT; dueTick = diff + nextTickToProcess; } list = &buckets_[3][(dueTick >> 3 * WHEEL_BITS) & WHEEL_MASK]; } list->push_back(*callback); } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleTimeout( Callback* callback, Duration timeout) { // Make sure that the timeout is not negative. timeout = std::max(timeout, Duration::zero()); // Cancel the callback if it happens to be scheduled already. callback->cancelTimeout(); callback->requestContext_ = RequestContext::saveContext(); count_++; auto now = getCurTime(); auto nextTick = calcNextTick(now); callback->setScheduled(this, now + timeout); // There are three possible scenarios: // - we are currently inside of HHWheelTimerBase::timeoutExpired. // In this case, // we need to use its last tick as a base for computations // - HHWheelTimerBase tick timeout is already scheduled. In this case, // we need to use its scheduled tick as a base. // - none of the above are true. In this case, it's safe to use the nextTick // as a base. int64_t baseTick = nextTick; if (processingCallbacksGuard_ || isScheduled()) { baseTick = std::min(expireTick_, nextTick); } int64_t ticks = timeToWheelTicks(timeout); int64_t due = ticks + nextTick; scheduleTimeoutImpl(callback, due, baseTick, nextTick); /* If we're calling callbacks, timer will be reset after all * callbacks are called. */ if (!processingCallbacksGuard_) { // Check if we need to reschedule the timer. // If the wheel timeout is already scheduled, then we need to reschedule // only if our due is earlier than the current scheduled one. // If it's not scheduled, we need to schedule it either for the first tick // of next wheel epoch or our due tick, whichever is earlier. if (!isScheduled() && !inSameEpoch(nextTick - 1, due)) { scheduleNextTimeout(nextTick, WHEEL_SIZE - ((nextTick - 1) & WHEEL_MASK)); } else if (!isScheduled() || due < expireTick_) { scheduleNextTimeout(nextTick, ticks + 1); } } } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleTimeout(Callback* callback) { CHECK(Duration(-1) != defaultTimeout_) << "Default timeout was not initialized"; scheduleTimeout(callback, defaultTimeout_); } template bool HHWheelTimerBase::cascadeTimers( int bucket, int tick, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point curTime) { CallbackList cbs; cbs.swap(buckets_[bucket][tick]); auto nextTick = calcNextTick(curTime); while (!cbs.empty()) { auto* cb = &cbs.front(); cbs.pop_front(); scheduleTimeoutImpl( cb, nextTick + timeToWheelTicks(cb->getTimeRemaining(curTime)), expireTick_, nextTick); } // If tick is zero, timeoutExpired will cascade the next bucket. return tick == 0; } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleTimeoutInternal(Duration timeout) { this->AsyncTimeout::scheduleTimeout(timeout, {}); } template void HHWheelTimerBase::timeoutExpired() noexcept { auto curTime = getCurTime(); auto nextTick = calcNextTick(curTime); // If the last smart pointer for "this" is reset inside the callback's // timeoutExpired(), then the guard will detect that it is time to bail from // this method. auto isDestroyed = false; // If scheduleTimeout is called from a callback in this function, it may // cause inconsistencies in the state of this object. As such, we need // to treat these calls slightly differently. CHECK(!processingCallbacksGuard_); processingCallbacksGuard_ = &isDestroyed; auto reEntryGuard = folly::makeGuard([&] { if (!isDestroyed) { processingCallbacksGuard_ = nullptr; } }); // timeoutExpired() can only be invoked directly from the event base loop. // It should never be invoked recursively. // while (expireTick_ < nextTick) { int idx = expireTick_ & WHEEL_MASK; if (idx == 0) { // Cascade timers if (cascadeTimers(1, (expireTick_ >> WHEEL_BITS) & WHEEL_MASK, curTime) && cascadeTimers( 2, (expireTick_ >> (2 * WHEEL_BITS)) & WHEEL_MASK, curTime)) { cascadeTimers( 3, (expireTick_ >> (3 * WHEEL_BITS)) & WHEEL_MASK, curTime); } } auto bi = makeBitIterator(bitmap_.begin()); *(bi + idx) = false; expireTick_++; CallbackList* cbs = &buckets_[0][idx]; while (!cbs->empty()) { auto* cb = &cbs->front(); cbs->pop_front(); timeoutsToRunNow_.push_back(*cb); } } while (!timeoutsToRunNow_.empty()) { auto* cb = &timeoutsToRunNow_.front(); timeoutsToRunNow_.pop_front(); count_--; cb->wheel_ = nullptr; cb->expiration_ = {}; RequestContextScopeGuard rctx(cb->requestContext_); cb->timeoutExpired(); if (isDestroyed) { // The HHWheelTimerBase itself has been destroyed. The other callbacks // will have been cancelled from the destructor. Bail before causing // damage. return; } } // We don't need to schedule a new timeout if there're nothing in the wheel. if (count_ > 0) { scheduleNextTimeout(expireTick_); } } template size_t HHWheelTimerBase::cancelAll() { size_t count = 0; if (count_ != 0) { const std::size_t numElements = WHEEL_BUCKETS * WHEEL_SIZE; auto maxBuckets = std::min(numElements, count_); auto buckets = std::make_unique(maxBuckets); size_t countBuckets = 0; for (auto& tick : buckets_) { for (auto& bucket : tick) { if (bucket.empty()) { continue; } count += bucket.size(); std::swap(bucket, buckets[countBuckets++]); if (count >= count_) { break; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < countBuckets; ++i) { cancelTimeoutsFromList(buckets[i]); } // Swap the list to prevent potential recursion if cancelAll is called by // one of the callbacks. CallbackList timeoutsToRunNow; timeoutsToRunNow.swap(timeoutsToRunNow_); count += cancelTimeoutsFromList(timeoutsToRunNow); } return count; } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleNextTimeout(int64_t nextTick) { int64_t tick = 1; if (nextTick & WHEEL_MASK) { auto bi = makeBitIterator(bitmap_.begin()); auto bi_end = makeBitIterator(bitmap_.end()); auto it = folly::findFirstSet(bi + (nextTick & WHEEL_MASK), bi_end); if (it == bi_end) { tick = WHEEL_SIZE - ((nextTick - 1) & WHEEL_MASK); } else { tick = std::distance(bi + (nextTick & WHEEL_MASK), it) + 1; } } scheduleNextTimeout(nextTick, tick); } template void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleNextTimeout( int64_t nextTick, int64_t ticks) { scheduleTimeoutInternal(interval_ * ticks); expireTick_ = ticks + nextTick - 1; } template size_t HHWheelTimerBase::cancelTimeoutsFromList( CallbackList& timeouts) { size_t count = 0; while (!timeouts.empty()) { ++count; auto& cb = timeouts.front(); cb.cancelTimeout(); cb.callbackCanceled(); } return count; } template int64_t HHWheelTimerBase::calcNextTick() { return calcNextTick(getCurTime()); } template int64_t HHWheelTimerBase::calcNextTick( std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point curTime) { return (curTime - startTime_) / interval_; } // std::chrono::microseconds template <> void HHWheelTimerBase::scheduleTimeoutInternal( std::chrono::microseconds timeout) { this->AsyncTimeout::scheduleTimeoutHighRes(timeout, {}); } // std::chrono::milliseconds template class HHWheelTimerBase; // std::chrono::microseconds template class HHWheelTimerBase; } // namespace folly