# @react-native-community/cli-platform-android This package is part of the [React Native CLI](../../README.md). It contains commands for managing the Android part of React Native app. ## Installation ```sh yarn add @react-native-community/cli-platform-android ``` ## Commands ### `run-android` Usage: ```sh npx react-native run-android [options] ``` Builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device. #### Options #### `--appId ` Specify an `applicationId` to launch after build. If not specified, `package` from AndroidManifest.xml will be used. #### `--appIdSuffix ` Specify an `applicationIdSuffix` to launch after build. #### `--main-activity ` > default: 'MainActivity' Name of the activity to start. #### `--deviceId ` builds your app and starts it on a specific device/simulator with the given device id (listed by running "adb devices" on the command line). #### `--no-packager` Do not launch packager while building. #### `--port ` > default: process.env.RCT_METRO_PORT || 8081 #### `--terminal ` > default: process.env.REACT_TERMINAL || process.env.TERM_PROGRAM Launches the Metro Bundler in a new window using the specified terminal path. #### `--tasks ` > default: 'installDebug' Run custom gradle tasks. If this argument is provided, then `--variant` option is ignored. Example: `yarn react-native run-android --tasks clean,installDebug`. #### `--active-arch-only` > default: false Build native libraries only for the current device architecture for debug builds. #### `--list-devices` > default: false List all available Android devices and simulators and let you choose one to run the app. #### `--interactive` Manually select a task and device/simulator you want to run your app on. > [!WARNING] > This flag is running `./gradlew tasks` under the hood, which might take some time for more complex apps. If that affects your project, consider using `--mode` and `--deviceId` flags instead. ### `build-android` Usage: ```sh npx react-native build-android [options] ``` Builds Android app. #### Options #### `--mode ` > default: debug Mode to build the app. Either 'debug' (default) or 'release'. #### `--extra-params ` Custom params that will be passed to gradle build command. Example: ```sh npx react-native build-android --extra-params "-x lint -x test" ``` #### `--binary-path ` Installs passed binary instead of building a fresh one. This command is not compatible with `--tasks`. #### `--user` Id of the User Profile you want to install the app on. ### `log-android` Usage: ```sh npx react-native log-android ``` Starts [`logkitty`](https://github.com/zamotany/logkitty) displaying pretty Android logs.