# This is a function which is used inside your Podfile. # # It uses `react-native config` to grab a list of dependencies, and pulls out # all of the ones which declare themselves to be iOS/macOS dependencies (by # virtue of having a Podspec) and automatically imports those into your current # target. # # See the `IOSNativeModulesConfig` interface in `cli-types/src/ios.ts` to # understand what the input data should look like. Be sure to update that file # in lock-step with additional data being used here. require 'pathname' require 'cocoapods' def use_native_modules!(config = nil) if (config.is_a? String) Pod::UI.warn("Passing custom root to use_native_modules! is deprecated.", [ "CLI detects root of the project automatically. The \"#{config}\" argument was ignored.", ]); config = nil; end # Resolving the path the RN CLI. The `@react-native-community/cli` module may not be there for certain package managers, so we fall back to resolving it through `react-native` package, that's always present in RN projects cli_resolve_script = "try {console.log(require('@react-native-community/cli').bin);} catch (e) {console.log(require('react-native/cli').bin);}" cli_bin = Pod::Executable.execute_command("node", ["-e", cli_resolve_script], true).strip if (!config) json = [] IO.popen(["node", cli_bin, "config"]) do |data| while line = data.gets json << line end end config = JSON.parse(json.join("\n")) end project_root = Pathname.new(config["project"]["ios"]["sourceDir"]) packages = config["dependencies"] found_pods = [] packages.each do |package_name, package| next unless package_config = package["platforms"]["ios"] podspec_path = package_config["podspecPath"] configurations = package_config["configurations"] # Add a warning to the queue and continue to the next dependency if the podspec_path is nil/empty if podspec_path.nil? || podspec_path.empty? Pod::UI.warn("use_native_modules! skipped the react-native dependency '#{package["name"]}'. No podspec file was found.", [ "Check to see if there is an updated version that contains the necessary podspec file", "Contact the library maintainers or send them a PR to add a podspec. The react-native-webview podspec is a good example of a package.json driven podspec. See https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-webview/blob/master/react-native-webview.podspec", "If necessary, you can disable autolinking for the dependency and link it manually. See https://github.com/react-native-community/cli/blob/main/docs/autolinking.md#how-can-i-disable-autolinking-for-unsupported-library" ]) end next if podspec_path.nil? || podspec_path.empty? spec = Pod::Specification.from_file(podspec_path) # Skip pods that do not support the platform of the current target. if platform = current_target_definition.platform next unless spec.supported_on_platform?(platform.name) else # TODO: In a future RN version we should update the Podfile template and # enable this assertion. # # raise Pod::Informative, "Cannot invoke `use_native_modules!` before defining the supported `platform`" end # We want to do a look up inside the current CocoaPods target # to see if it's already included, this: # 1. Gives you the chance to define it beforehand # 2. Ensures CocoaPods won't explode if it's included twice # this_target = current_target_definition existing_deps = current_target_definition.dependencies # Skip dependencies that the user already activated themselves. next if existing_deps.find do |existing_dep| existing_dep.name.split('/').first == spec.name end podspec_dir_path = Pathname.new(File.dirname(podspec_path)) relative_path = podspec_dir_path.relative_path_from project_root pod spec.name, :path => relative_path.to_path, :configurations => configurations if package_config["scriptPhases"] && !this_target.abstract? # Can be either an object, or an array of objects Array(package_config["scriptPhases"]).each do |phase| # see https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/cocoapods-core/Pod/Podfile/DSL#script_phase-instance_method # for the full object keys Pod::UI.puts "Adding a custom script phase for Pod #{spec.name}: #{phase["name"] || 'No name specified.'}" # Support passing in a path relative to the root of the package if phase["path"] phase["script"] = File.read(File.expand_path(phase["path"], package["root"])) phase.delete("path") end # Support converting the execution position into a symbol if phase["execution_position"] phase["execution_position"] = phase["execution_position"].to_sym end phase = Hash[phase.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] script_phase phase end end found_pods.push spec end if found_pods.size > 0 pods = found_pods.map { |p| p.name }.sort.to_sentence Pod::UI.puts "Auto-linking React Native #{"module".pluralize(found_pods.size)} for target `#{current_target_definition.name}`: #{pods}" end absolute_react_native_path = Pathname.new(config["reactNativePath"]) { :reactNativePath => absolute_react_native_path.relative_path_from(project_root).to_s } end # You can run the tests for this file by running: # $ yarn jest packages/platform-ios/src/config/__tests__/native_modules.test.ts if $0 == __FILE__ require "json" runInput = JSON.parse(ARGF.read) unless runInput["captureStdout"] Pod::Config.instance.silent = true end return_values = [] podfile = Pod::Podfile.new do if runInput["podsActivatedByUser"] runInput["podsActivatedByUser"].each do |name| pod(name) end end target 'iOS Target' do platform :ios return_values[0] = use_native_modules!(runInput["dependencyConfig"]) end target 'macOS Target' do platform :osx return_values[1] = use_native_modules!(runInput["dependencyConfig"]) end end unless runInput["captureStdout"] puts podfile.to_hash.merge({ "return_values": return_values }).to_json end end