import { Link, Route, useTheme } from '@react-navigation/native'; import Color from 'color'; import React from 'react'; import { GestureResponderEvent, Platform, Pressable, StyleProp, StyleSheet, Text, TextStyle, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import type { BottomTabBarButtonProps, BottomTabDescriptor, LabelPosition, } from '../types'; import TabBarIcon from './TabBarIcon'; type Props = { /** * Whether the tab is focused. */ focused: boolean; /** * The route object which should be specified by the tab. */ route: Route; /** * The descriptor object for the route. */ descriptor: BottomTabDescriptor; /** * The label text of the tab. */ label: | string | ((props: { focused: boolean; color: string; position: LabelPosition; children: string; }) => React.ReactNode); /** * Icon to display for the tab. */ icon: (props: { focused: boolean; size: number; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode; /** * Text to show in a badge on the tab icon. */ badge?: number | string; /** * Custom style for the badge. */ badgeStyle?: StyleProp; /** * URL to use for the link to the tab. */ to?: string; /** * The button for the tab. Uses a `TouchableWithoutFeedback` by default. */ button?: (props: BottomTabBarButtonProps) => React.ReactNode; /** * The accessibility label for the tab. */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** * An unique ID for testing for the tab. */ testID?: string; /** * Function to execute on press in React Native. * On the web, this will use onClick. */ onPress: ( e: React.MouseEvent | GestureResponderEvent ) => void; /** * Function to execute on long press. */ onLongPress: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * Whether the label should be aligned with the icon horizontally. */ horizontal: boolean; /** * Color for the icon and label when the item is active. */ activeTintColor?: string; /** * Color for the icon and label when the item is inactive. */ inactiveTintColor?: string; /** * Background color for item when its active. */ activeBackgroundColor?: string; /** * Background color for item when its inactive. */ inactiveBackgroundColor?: string; /** * Whether to show the label text for the tab. */ showLabel?: boolean; /** * Whether to allow scaling the font for the label for accessibility purposes. */ allowFontScaling?: boolean; /** * Style object for the label element. */ labelStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style object for the icon element. */ iconStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style object for the wrapper element. */ style?: StyleProp; }; export default function BottomTabBarItem({ focused, route, descriptor, label, icon, badge, badgeStyle, to, button = ({ children, style, onPress, to, accessibilityRole, }: BottomTabBarButtonProps) => { if (Platform.OS === 'web' && to) { // React Native Web doesn't forward `onClick` if we use `TouchableWithoutFeedback`. // We need to use `onClick` to be able to prevent default browser handling of links. return ( { if ( !(e.metaKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) && // ignore clicks with modifier keys (e.button == null || e.button === 0) // ignore everything but left clicks ) { e.preventDefault(); onPress?.(e); } }} > {children} ); } else { return ( {children} ); } }, accessibilityLabel, testID, onPress, onLongPress, horizontal, activeTintColor: customActiveTintColor, inactiveTintColor: customInactiveTintColor, activeBackgroundColor = 'transparent', inactiveBackgroundColor = 'transparent', showLabel = true, allowFontScaling, labelStyle, iconStyle, style, }: Props) { const { colors } = useTheme(); const activeTintColor = customActiveTintColor === undefined ? colors.primary : customActiveTintColor; const inactiveTintColor = customInactiveTintColor === undefined ? Color(colors.text).mix(Color(colors.card), 0.5).hex() : customInactiveTintColor; const renderLabel = ({ focused }: { focused: boolean }) => { if (showLabel === false) { return null; } const color = focused ? activeTintColor : inactiveTintColor; if (typeof label === 'string') { return ( {label} ); } const { options } = descriptor; const children = typeof options.tabBarLabel === 'string' ? options.tabBarLabel : options.title !== undefined ? options.title :; return label({ focused, color, position: horizontal ? 'beside-icon' : 'below-icon', children, }); }; const renderIcon = ({ focused }: { focused: boolean }) => { if (icon === undefined) { return null; } const activeOpacity = focused ? 1 : 0; const inactiveOpacity = focused ? 0 : 1; return ( ); }; const scene = { route, focused }; const backgroundColor = focused ? activeBackgroundColor : inactiveBackgroundColor; return button({ to, onPress, onLongPress, testID, accessibilityLabel, // FIXME: accessibilityRole: 'tab' doesn't seem to work as expected on iOS accessibilityRole:{ ios: 'button', default: 'tab' }), accessibilityState: { selected: focused }, // @ts-expect-error: keep for compatibility with older React Native versions accessibilityStates: focused ? ['selected'] : [], style: [, { backgroundColor }, horizontal ? styles.tabLandscape : styles.tabPortrait, style, ], children: ( {renderIcon(scene)} {renderLabel(scene)} ), }) as React.ReactElement; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ tab: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', }, tabPortrait: { justifyContent: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'column', }, tabLandscape: { justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', }, label: { textAlign: 'center', backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, labelBeneath: { fontSize: 10, }, labelBeside: { fontSize: 13, marginLeft: 20, marginTop: 3, }, button: { display: 'flex', }, });