import { CommonActions, InitialState, NavigationAction, NavigationState, ParamListBase, PartialState, Route, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import checkDuplicateRouteNames from './checkDuplicateRouteNames'; import checkSerializable from './checkSerializable'; import { NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR } from './createNavigationContainerRef'; import EnsureSingleNavigator from './EnsureSingleNavigator'; import findFocusedRoute from './findFocusedRoute'; import NavigationBuilderContext from './NavigationBuilderContext'; import NavigationContainerRefContext from './NavigationContainerRefContext'; import NavigationContext from './NavigationContext'; import NavigationRouteContext from './NavigationRouteContext'; import NavigationStateContext from './NavigationStateContext'; import type { NavigationContainerEventMap, NavigationContainerProps, NavigationContainerRef, } from './types'; import UnhandledActionContext from './UnhandledActionContext'; import useChildListeners from './useChildListeners'; import useEventEmitter from './useEventEmitter'; import useKeyedChildListeners from './useKeyedChildListeners'; import useOptionsGetters from './useOptionsGetters'; import { ScheduleUpdateContext } from './useScheduleUpdate'; import useSyncState from './useSyncState'; type State = NavigationState | PartialState | undefined; const serializableWarnings: string[] = []; const duplicateNameWarnings: string[] = []; /** * Remove `key` and `routeNames` from the state objects recursively to get partial state. * * @param state Initial state object. */ const getPartialState = ( state: InitialState | undefined ): PartialState | undefined => { if (state === undefined) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { key, routeNames, ...partialState } = state; return { ...partialState, stale: true, routes: => { if (route.state === undefined) { return route as Route & { state?: PartialState; }; } return { ...route, state: getPartialState(route.state) }; }), }; }; /** * Container component which holds the navigation state. * This should be rendered at the root wrapping the whole app. * * @param props.initialState Initial state object for the navigation tree. * @param props.onStateChange Callback which is called with the latest navigation state when it changes. * @param props.children Child elements to render the content. * @param props.ref Ref object which refers to the navigation object containing helper methods. */ const BaseNavigationContainer = React.forwardRef( function BaseNavigationContainer( { initialState, onStateChange, onUnhandledAction, independent, children, }: NavigationContainerProps, ref?: React.Ref> ) { const parent = React.useContext(NavigationStateContext); if (!parent.isDefault && !independent) { throw new Error( "Looks like you have nested a 'NavigationContainer' inside another. Normally you need only one container at the root of the app, so this was probably an error. If this was intentional, pass 'independent={true}' explicitly. Note that this will make the child navigators disconnected from the parent and you won't be able to navigate between them." ); } const [state, getState, setState, scheduleUpdate, flushUpdates] = useSyncState(() => getPartialState(initialState == null ? undefined : initialState) ); const isFirstMountRef = React.useRef(true); const navigatorKeyRef = React.useRef(); const getKey = React.useCallback(() => navigatorKeyRef.current, []); const setKey = React.useCallback((key: string) => { navigatorKeyRef.current = key; }, []); const { listeners, addListener } = useChildListeners(); const { keyedListeners, addKeyedListener } = useKeyedChildListeners(); const dispatch = React.useCallback( ( action: | NavigationAction | ((state: NavigationState) => NavigationAction) ) => { if (listeners.focus[0] == null) { console.error(NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR); } else { listeners.focus[0]((navigation) => navigation.dispatch(action)); } }, [listeners.focus] ); const canGoBack = React.useCallback(() => { if (listeners.focus[0] == null) { return false; } const { result, handled } = listeners.focus[0]((navigation) => navigation.canGoBack() ); if (handled) { return result; } else { return false; } }, [listeners.focus]); const resetRoot = React.useCallback( (state?: PartialState | NavigationState) => { const target = state?.key ?? keyedListeners.getState.root?.().key; if (target == null) { console.error(NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR); } else { listeners.focus[0]((navigation) => navigation.dispatch({ ...CommonActions.reset(state), target, }) ); } }, [keyedListeners.getState, listeners.focus] ); const getRootState = React.useCallback(() => { return keyedListeners.getState.root?.(); }, [keyedListeners.getState]); const getCurrentRoute = React.useCallback(() => { const state = getRootState(); if (state == null) { return undefined; } const route = findFocusedRoute(state); return route as Route | undefined; }, [getRootState]); const emitter = useEventEmitter(); const { addOptionsGetter, getCurrentOptions } = useOptionsGetters({}); const navigation: NavigationContainerRef = React.useMemo( () => ({ ...Object.keys(CommonActions).reduce((acc, name) => { acc[name] = (...args: any[]) => // @ts-expect-error: this is ok dispatch(CommonActions[name](...args)); return acc; }, {}), ...emitter.create('root'), dispatch, resetRoot, isFocused: () => true, canGoBack, getParent: () => undefined, getState: () => stateRef.current, getRootState, getCurrentRoute, getCurrentOptions, isReady: () => listeners.focus[0] != null, setParams: () => { throw new Error('Cannot call setParams outside a screen'); }, setOptions: () => { throw new Error('Cannot call setOptions outside a screen'); }, }), [ canGoBack, dispatch, emitter, getCurrentOptions, getCurrentRoute, getRootState, listeners.focus, resetRoot, ] ); React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => navigation, [navigation]); const onDispatchAction = React.useCallback( (action: NavigationAction, noop: boolean) => { emitter.emit({ type: '__unsafe_action__', data: { action, noop, stack: stackRef.current }, }); }, [emitter] ); const lastEmittedOptionsRef = React.useRef(); const onOptionsChange = React.useCallback( (options: object) => { if (lastEmittedOptionsRef.current === options) { return; } lastEmittedOptionsRef.current = options; emitter.emit({ type: 'options', data: { options }, }); }, [emitter] ); const stackRef = React.useRef(); const builderContext = React.useMemo( () => ({ addListener, addKeyedListener, onDispatchAction, onOptionsChange, stackRef, }), [addListener, addKeyedListener, onDispatchAction, onOptionsChange] ); const scheduleContext = React.useMemo( () => ({ scheduleUpdate, flushUpdates }), [scheduleUpdate, flushUpdates] ); const isInitialRef = React.useRef(true); const getIsInitial = React.useCallback(() => isInitialRef.current, []); const context = React.useMemo( () => ({ state, getState, setState, getKey, setKey, getIsInitial, addOptionsGetter, }), [ state, getState, setState, getKey, setKey, getIsInitial, addOptionsGetter, ] ); const onStateChangeRef = React.useRef(onStateChange); const stateRef = React.useRef(state); React.useEffect(() => { isInitialRef.current = false; onStateChangeRef.current = onStateChange; stateRef.current = state; }); React.useEffect(() => { const hydratedState = getRootState(); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (hydratedState !== undefined) { const serializableResult = checkSerializable(hydratedState); if (!serializableResult.serializable) { const { location, reason } = serializableResult; let path = ''; let pointer: Record = hydratedState; let params = false; for (let i = 0; i < location.length; i++) { const curr = location[i]; const prev = location[i - 1]; pointer = pointer[curr]; if (!params && curr === 'state') { continue; } else if (!params && curr === 'routes') { if (path) { path += ' > '; } } else if ( !params && typeof curr === 'number' && prev === 'routes' ) { path += pointer?.name; } else if (!params) { path += ` > ${curr}`; params = true; } else { if (typeof curr === 'number' || /^[0-9]+$/.test(curr)) { path += `[${curr}]`; } else if (/^[a-z$_]+$/i.test(curr)) { path += `.${curr}`; } else { path += `[${JSON.stringify(curr)}]`; } } } const message = `Non-serializable values were found in the navigation state. Check:\n\n${path} (${reason})\n\nThis can break usage such as persisting and restoring state. This might happen if you passed non-serializable values such as function, class instances etc. in params. If you need to use components with callbacks in your options, you can use 'navigation.setOptions' instead. See for more details.`; if (!serializableWarnings.includes(message)) { serializableWarnings.push(message); console.warn(message); } } const duplicateRouteNamesResult = checkDuplicateRouteNames(hydratedState); if (duplicateRouteNamesResult.length) { const message = `Found screens with the same name nested inside one another. Check:\n${ (locations) => `\n${locations.join(', ')}` )}\n\nThis can cause confusing behavior during navigation. Consider using unique names for each screen instead.`; if (!duplicateNameWarnings.includes(message)) { duplicateNameWarnings.push(message); console.warn(message); } } } } emitter.emit({ type: 'state', data: { state } }); if (!isFirstMountRef.current && onStateChangeRef.current) { onStateChangeRef.current(hydratedState); } isFirstMountRef.current = false; }, [getRootState, emitter, state]); const defaultOnUnhandledAction = React.useCallback( (action: NavigationAction) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return; } const payload: Record | undefined = action.payload; let message = `The action '${action.type}'${ payload ? ` with payload ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)}` : '' } was not handled by any navigator.`; switch (action.type) { case 'NAVIGATE': case 'PUSH': case 'REPLACE': case 'JUMP_TO': if (payload?.name) { message += `\n\nDo you have a screen named '${}'?\n\nIf you're trying to navigate to a screen in a nested navigator, see`; } else { message += `\n\nYou need to pass the name of the screen to navigate to.\n\nSee for usage.`; } break; case 'GO_BACK': case 'POP': case 'POP_TO_TOP': message += `\n\nIs there any screen to go back to?`; break; case 'OPEN_DRAWER': case 'CLOSE_DRAWER': case 'TOGGLE_DRAWER': message += `\n\nIs your screen inside a Drawer navigator?`; break; } message += `\n\nThis is a development-only warning and won't be shown in production.`; console.error(message); }, [] ); let element = ( {children} ); if (independent) { // We need to clear any existing contexts for nested independent container to work correctly element = ( {element} ); } return element; } ); export default BaseNavigationContainer;