import type { CommonActions, NavigationState, ParamListBase, PartialRoute, PartialState, Route, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import type { NavigatorScreenParams, PathConfig, PathConfigMap } from './types'; type ConfigItem = { initialRouteName?: string; screens?: Record; }; type Options = { initialRouteName?: string; screens: PathConfigMap; }; type NavigateAction = { type: 'NAVIGATE'; payload: { name: string; params?: NavigatorScreenParams; path?: string; }; }; export default function getActionFromState( state: PartialState, options?: Options ): NavigateAction | CommonActions.Action | undefined { // Create a normalized configs object which will be easier to use const normalizedConfig = options ? createNormalizedConfigItem(options as PathConfig | string) : {}; const routes = state.index != null ? state.routes.slice(0, state.index + 1) : state.routes; if (routes.length === 0) { return undefined; } if ( !( (routes.length === 1 && routes[0].key === undefined) || (routes.length === 2 && routes[0].key === undefined && routes[0].name === normalizedConfig?.initialRouteName && routes[1].key === undefined) ) ) { return { type: 'RESET', payload: state, }; } const route = state.routes[state.index ?? state.routes.length - 1]; let current: PartialState | undefined = route?.state; let config: ConfigItem | undefined = normalizedConfig?.screens?.[route?.name]; let params = { ...route.params } as NavigatorScreenParams< ParamListBase, NavigationState >; let payload = route ? { name:, path: route.path, params } : undefined; while (current) { if (current.routes.length === 0) { return undefined; } const routes = current.index != null ? current.routes.slice(0, current.index + 1) : current.routes; const route: Route | PartialRoute> = routes[routes.length - 1]; // Explicitly set to override existing value when merging params Object.assign(params, { initial: undefined, screen: undefined, params: undefined, state: undefined, }); if (routes.length === 1 && routes[0].key === undefined) { params.initial = true; params.screen =; } else if ( routes.length === 2 && routes[0].key === undefined && routes[0].name === config?.initialRouteName && routes[1].key === undefined ) { params.initial = false; params.screen =; } else { params.state = current; break; } if (route.state) { params.params = { ...route.params }; params = params.params as NavigatorScreenParams< ParamListBase, NavigationState >; } else { params.path = route.path; params.params = route.params; } current = route.state; config = config?.screens?.[]; } if (!payload) { return; } // Try to construct payload for a `NAVIGATE` action from the state // This lets us preserve the navigation state and not lose it return { type: 'NAVIGATE', payload, }; } const createNormalizedConfigItem = (config: PathConfig | string) => typeof config === 'object' && config != null ? { initialRouteName: config.initialRouteName, screens: config.screens != null ? createNormalizedConfigs(config.screens) : undefined, } : {}; const createNormalizedConfigs = (options: PathConfigMap) => Object.entries(options).reduce>((acc, [k, v]) => { acc[k] = createNormalizedConfigItem(v); return acc; }, {});