import type { Route } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import { CHILD_STATE } from './useRouteCache'; export default function getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute( route: Partial> ): string | undefined { // @ts-expect-error: this isn't in type definitions coz we want this private const state = route[CHILD_STATE] ?? route.state; const params = route.params as { screen?: unknown } | undefined; const routeName = state ? // Get the currently active route name in the nested navigator state.routes[ // If we have a partial state without index, for tab/drawer, first screen will be focused one, and last for stack // The type property will only exist for rehydrated state and not for state from deep link state.index ?? (typeof state.type === 'string' && state.type !== 'stack' ? 0 : state.routes.length - 1) ].name : // If state doesn't exist, we need to default to `screen` param if available typeof params?.screen === 'string' ? params.screen : undefined; return routeName; }