import type { InitialState, NavigationState, PartialState, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import escape from 'escape-string-regexp'; import * as queryString from 'query-string'; import findFocusedRoute from './findFocusedRoute'; import type { PathConfigMap } from './types'; import validatePathConfig from './validatePathConfig'; type Options = { initialRouteName?: string; screens: PathConfigMap; }; type ParseConfig = Record any>; type RouteConfig = { screen: string; regex?: RegExp; path: string; pattern: string; routeNames: string[]; parse?: ParseConfig; }; type InitialRouteConfig = { initialRouteName: string; parentScreens: string[]; }; type ResultState = PartialState & { state?: ResultState; }; type ParsedRoute = { name: string; path?: string; params?: Record | undefined; }; /** * Utility to parse a path string to initial state object accepted by the container. * This is useful for deep linking when we need to handle the incoming URL. * * @example * ```js * getStateFromPath( * '/chat/jane/42', * { * screens: { * Chat: { * path: 'chat/:author/:id', * parse: { id: Number } * } * } * } * ) * ``` * @param path Path string to parse and convert, e.g. /foo/bar?count=42. * @param options Extra options to fine-tune how to parse the path. */ export default function getStateFromPath( path: string, options?: Options ): ResultState | undefined { if (options) { validatePathConfig(options); } let initialRoutes: InitialRouteConfig[] = []; if (options?.initialRouteName) { initialRoutes.push({ initialRouteName: options.initialRouteName, parentScreens: [], }); } const screens = options?.screens; let remaining = path .replace(/\/+/g, '/') // Replace multiple slash (//) with single ones .replace(/^\//, '') // Remove extra leading slash .replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // Remove query params which we will handle later // Make sure there is a trailing slash remaining = remaining.endsWith('/') ? remaining : `${remaining}/`; if (screens === undefined) { // When no config is specified, use the path segments as route names const routes = remaining .split('/') .filter(Boolean) .map((segment) => { const name = decodeURIComponent(segment); return { name }; }); if (routes.length) { return createNestedStateObject(path, routes, initialRoutes); } return undefined; } // Create a normalized configs array which will be easier to use const configs = ([] as RouteConfig[]) .concat( ...Object.keys(screens).map((key) => createNormalizedConfigs( key, screens as PathConfigMap, [], initialRoutes, [] ) ) ) .sort((a, b) => { // Sort config so that: // - the most exhaustive ones are always at the beginning // - patterns with wildcard are always at the end // If 2 patterns are same, move the one with less route names up // This is an error state, so it's only useful for consistent error messages if (a.pattern === b.pattern) { return b.routeNames.join('>').localeCompare(a.routeNames.join('>')); } // If one of the patterns starts with the other, it's more exhaustive // So move it up if (a.pattern.startsWith(b.pattern)) { return -1; } if (b.pattern.startsWith(a.pattern)) { return 1; } const aParts = a.pattern.split('/'); const bParts = b.pattern.split('/'); for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(aParts.length, bParts.length); i++) { // if b is longer, b get higher priority if (aParts[i] == null) { return 1; } // if a is longer, a get higher priority if (bParts[i] == null) { return -1; } const aWildCard = aParts[i] === '*' || aParts[i].startsWith(':'); const bWildCard = bParts[i] === '*' || bParts[i].startsWith(':'); // if both are wildcard we compare next component if (aWildCard && bWildCard) { continue; } // if only a is wild card, b get higher priority if (aWildCard) { return 1; } // if only b is wild card, a get higher priority if (bWildCard) { return -1; } } return bParts.length - aParts.length; }); // Check for duplicate patterns in the config configs.reduce>((acc, config) => { if (acc[config.pattern]) { const a = acc[config.pattern].routeNames; const b = config.routeNames; // It's not a problem if the path string omitted from a inner most screen // For example, it's ok if a path resolves to `A > B > C` or `A > B` const intersects = a.length > b.length ? b.every((it, i) => a[i] === it) : a.every((it, i) => b[i] === it); if (!intersects) { throw new Error( `Found conflicting screens with the same pattern. The pattern '${ config.pattern }' resolves to both '${a.join(' > ')}' and '${b.join( ' > ' )}'. Patterns must be unique and cannot resolve to more than one screen.` ); } } return Object.assign(acc, { [config.pattern]: config, }); }, {}); if (remaining === '/') { // We need to add special handling of empty path so navigation to empty path also works // When handling empty path, we should only look at the root level config const match = configs.find( (config) => config.path === '' && config.routeNames.every( // Make sure that none of the parent configs have a non-empty path defined (name) => !configs.find((c) => c.screen === name)?.path ) ); if (match) { return createNestedStateObject( path, => ({ name })), initialRoutes, configs ); } return undefined; } let result: PartialState | undefined; let current: PartialState | undefined; // We match the whole path against the regex instead of segments // This makes sure matches such as wildcard will catch any unmatched routes, even if nested const { routes, remainingPath } = matchAgainstConfigs( remaining, => ({ ...c, // Add `$` to the regex to make sure it matches till end of the path and not just beginning regex: c.regex ? new RegExp(c.regex.source + '$') : undefined, })) ); if (routes !== undefined) { // This will always be empty if full path matched current = createNestedStateObject(path, routes, initialRoutes, configs); remaining = remainingPath; result = current; } if (current == null || result == null) { return undefined; } return result; } const joinPaths = (...paths: string[]): string => ([] as string[]) .concat( => p.split('/'))) .filter(Boolean) .join('/'); const matchAgainstConfigs = (remaining: string, configs: RouteConfig[]) => { let routes: ParsedRoute[] | undefined; let remainingPath = remaining; // Go through all configs, and see if the next path segment matches our regex for (const config of configs) { if (!config.regex) { continue; } const match = remainingPath.match(config.regex); // If our regex matches, we need to extract params from the path if (match) { const matchedParams = config.pattern ?.split('/') .filter((p) => p.startsWith(':')) .reduce>( (acc, p, i) => Object.assign(acc, { // The param segments appear every second item starting from 2 in the regex match result [p]: match![(i + 1) * 2].replace(/\//, ''), }), {} ); routes = => { const config = configs.find((c) => c.screen === name); const params = config?.path ?.split('/') .filter((p) => p.startsWith(':')) .reduce>((acc, p) => { const value = matchedParams[p]; if (value) { const key = p.replace(/^:/, '').replace(/\?$/, ''); acc[key] = config.parse?.[key] ? config.parse[key](value) : value; } return acc; }, {}); if (params && Object.keys(params).length) { return { name, params }; } return { name }; }); remainingPath = remainingPath.replace(match[1], ''); break; } } return { routes, remainingPath }; }; const createNormalizedConfigs = ( screen: string, routeConfig: PathConfigMap, routeNames: string[] = [], initials: InitialRouteConfig[], parentScreens: string[], parentPattern?: string ): RouteConfig[] => { const configs: RouteConfig[] = []; routeNames.push(screen); parentScreens.push(screen); // @ts-expect-error: we can't strongly typecheck this for now const config = routeConfig[screen]; if (typeof config === 'string') { // If a string is specified as the value of the key(e.g. Foo: '/path'), use it as the pattern const pattern = parentPattern ? joinPaths(parentPattern, config) : config; configs.push(createConfigItem(screen, routeNames, pattern, config)); } else if (typeof config === 'object') { let pattern: string | undefined; // if an object is specified as the value (e.g. Foo: { ... }), // it can have `path` property and // it could have `screens` prop which has nested configs if (typeof config.path === 'string') { if (config.exact && config.path === undefined) { throw new Error( "A 'path' needs to be specified when specifying 'exact: true'. If you don't want this screen in the URL, specify it as empty string, e.g. `path: ''`." ); } pattern = config.exact !== true ? joinPaths(parentPattern || '', config.path || '') : config.path || ''; configs.push( createConfigItem( screen, routeNames, pattern!, config.path, config.parse ) ); } if (config.screens) { // property `initialRouteName` without `screens` has no purpose if (config.initialRouteName) { initials.push({ initialRouteName: config.initialRouteName, parentScreens, }); } Object.keys(config.screens).forEach((nestedConfig) => { const result = createNormalizedConfigs( nestedConfig, config.screens as PathConfigMap, routeNames, initials, [...parentScreens], pattern ?? parentPattern ); configs.push(...result); }); } } routeNames.pop(); return configs; }; const createConfigItem = ( screen: string, routeNames: string[], pattern: string, path: string, parse?: ParseConfig ): RouteConfig => { // Normalize pattern to remove any leading, trailing slashes, duplicate slashes etc. pattern = pattern.split('/').filter(Boolean).join('/'); const regex = pattern ? new RegExp( `^(${pattern .split('/') .map((it) => { if (it.startsWith(':')) { return `(([^/]+\\/)${it.endsWith('?') ? '?' : ''})`; } return `${it === '*' ? '.*' : escape(it)}\\/`; }) .join('')})` ) : undefined; return { screen, regex, pattern, path, // The routeNames array is mutated, so copy it to keep the current state routeNames: [...routeNames], parse, }; }; const findParseConfigForRoute = ( routeName: string, flatConfig: RouteConfig[] ): ParseConfig | undefined => { for (const config of flatConfig) { if (routeName === config.routeNames[config.routeNames.length - 1]) { return config.parse; } } return undefined; }; // Try to find an initial route connected with the one passed const findInitialRoute = ( routeName: string, parentScreens: string[], initialRoutes: InitialRouteConfig[] ): string | undefined => { for (const config of initialRoutes) { if (parentScreens.length === config.parentScreens.length) { let sameParents = true; for (let i = 0; i < parentScreens.length; i++) { if (parentScreens[i].localeCompare(config.parentScreens[i]) !== 0) { sameParents = false; break; } } if (sameParents) { return routeName !== config.initialRouteName ? config.initialRouteName : undefined; } } } return undefined; }; // returns state object with values depending on whether // it is the end of state and if there is initialRoute for this level const createStateObject = ( initialRoute: string | undefined, route: ParsedRoute, isEmpty: boolean ): InitialState => { if (isEmpty) { if (initialRoute) { return { index: 1, routes: [{ name: initialRoute }, route], }; } else { return { routes: [route], }; } } else { if (initialRoute) { return { index: 1, routes: [{ name: initialRoute }, { ...route, state: { routes: [] } }], }; } else { return { routes: [{ ...route, state: { routes: [] } }], }; } } }; const createNestedStateObject = ( path: string, routes: ParsedRoute[], initialRoutes: InitialRouteConfig[], flatConfig?: RouteConfig[] ) => { let state: InitialState; let route = routes.shift() as ParsedRoute; const parentScreens: string[] = []; let initialRoute = findInitialRoute(, parentScreens, initialRoutes); parentScreens.push(; state = createStateObject(initialRoute, route, routes.length === 0); if (routes.length > 0) { let nestedState = state; while ((route = routes.shift() as ParsedRoute)) { initialRoute = findInitialRoute(, parentScreens, initialRoutes); const nestedStateIndex = nestedState.index || nestedState.routes.length - 1; nestedState.routes[nestedStateIndex].state = createStateObject( initialRoute, route, routes.length === 0 ); if (routes.length > 0) { nestedState = nestedState.routes[nestedStateIndex] .state as InitialState; } parentScreens.push(; } } route = findFocusedRoute(state) as ParsedRoute; route.path = path; const params = parseQueryParams( path, flatConfig ? findParseConfigForRoute(, flatConfig) : undefined ); if (params) { route.params = { ...route.params, ...params }; } return state; }; const parseQueryParams = ( path: string, parseConfig?: Record any> ) => { const query = path.split('?')[1]; const params = queryString.parse(query); if (parseConfig) { Object.keys(params).forEach((name) => { if (, name) && typeof params[name] === 'string' ) { params[name] = parseConfig[name](params[name] as string); } }); } return Object.keys(params).length ? params : undefined; };