import * as React from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react'; import useNavigation from './useNavigation'; /** * Hook to get the current focus state of the screen. Returns a `true` if screen is focused, otherwise `false`. * This can be used if a component needs to render something based on the focus state. */ export default function useIsFocused(): boolean { const navigation = useNavigation(); const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = useState(navigation.isFocused); const valueToReturn = navigation.isFocused(); if (isFocused !== valueToReturn) { // If the value has changed since the last render, we need to update it. // This could happen if we missed an update from the event listeners during re-render. // React will process this update immediately, so the old subscription value won't be committed. // It is still nice to avoid returning a mismatched value though, so let's override the return value. // This is the same logic as in setIsFocused(valueToReturn); } React.useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeFocus = navigation.addListener('focus', () => setIsFocused(true) ); const unsubscribeBlur = navigation.addListener('blur', () => setIsFocused(false) ); return () => { unsubscribeFocus(); unsubscribeBlur(); }; }, [navigation]); React.useDebugValue(valueToReturn); return valueToReturn; }