import { CommonActions, DefaultRouterOptions, NavigationAction, NavigationState, ParamListBase, PartialState, Route, Router, RouterConfigOptions, RouterFactory, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import { isValidElementType } from 'react-is'; import Group from './Group'; import isArrayEqual from './isArrayEqual'; import isRecordEqual from './isRecordEqual'; import NavigationHelpersContext from './NavigationHelpersContext'; import NavigationRouteContext from './NavigationRouteContext'; import NavigationStateContext from './NavigationStateContext'; import PreventRemoveProvider from './PreventRemoveProvider'; import Screen from './Screen'; import { DefaultNavigatorOptions, EventMapBase, EventMapCore, NavigatorScreenParams, PrivateValueStore, RouteConfig, RouteProp, } from './types'; import useChildListeners from './useChildListeners'; import useComponent from './useComponent'; import useCurrentRender from './useCurrentRender'; import useDescriptors, { ScreenConfigWithParent } from './useDescriptors'; import useEventEmitter from './useEventEmitter'; import useFocusedListenersChildrenAdapter from './useFocusedListenersChildrenAdapter'; import useFocusEvents from './useFocusEvents'; import useKeyedChildListeners from './useKeyedChildListeners'; import useNavigationHelpers from './useNavigationHelpers'; import useOnAction from './useOnAction'; import useOnGetState from './useOnGetState'; import useOnRouteFocus from './useOnRouteFocus'; import useRegisterNavigator from './useRegisterNavigator'; import useScheduleUpdate from './useScheduleUpdate'; // This is to make TypeScript compiler happy // eslint-disable-next-line babel/no-unused-expressions PrivateValueStore; type NavigationBuilderOptions = { /** * Default options specified by the navigator. * It receives the custom options in the arguments if a function is specified. */ defaultScreenOptions?: | ScreenOptions | ((props: { route: RouteProp; navigation: any; options: ScreenOptions; }) => ScreenOptions); }; type NavigatorRoute = { key: string; params?: NavigatorScreenParams; }; const isValidKey = (key: unknown) => key === undefined || (typeof key === 'string' && key !== ''); /** * Extract route config object from React children elements. * * @param children React Elements to extract the config from. */ const getRouteConfigsFromChildren = < State extends NavigationState, ScreenOptions extends {}, EventMap extends EventMapBase >( children: React.ReactNode, groupKey?: string, groupOptions?: ScreenConfigWithParent< State, ScreenOptions, EventMap >['options'] ) => { const configs = React.Children.toArray(children).reduce< ScreenConfigWithParent[] >((acc, child) => { if (React.isValidElement(child)) { if (child.type === Screen) { // We can only extract the config from `Screen` elements // If something else was rendered, it's probably a bug if (!isValidKey(child.props.navigationKey)) { throw new Error( `Got an invalid 'navigationKey' prop (${JSON.stringify( child.props.navigationKey )}) for the screen '${ }'. It must be a non-empty string or 'undefined'.` ); } acc.push({ keys: [groupKey, child.props.navigationKey], options: groupOptions, props: child.props as RouteConfig< ParamListBase, string, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap >, }); return acc; } if (child.type === React.Fragment || child.type === Group) { if (!isValidKey(child.props.navigationKey)) { throw new Error( `Got an invalid 'navigationKey' prop (${JSON.stringify( child.props.navigationKey )}) for the group. It must be a non-empty string or 'undefined'.` ); } // When we encounter a fragment or group, we need to dive into its children to extract the configs // This is handy to conditionally define a group of screens acc.push( ...getRouteConfigsFromChildren( child.props.children, child.props.navigationKey, child.type !== Group ? groupOptions : groupOptions != null ? [...groupOptions, child.props.screenOptions] : [child.props.screenOptions] ) ); return acc; } } throw new Error( `A navigator can only contain 'Screen', 'Group' or 'React.Fragment' as its direct children (found ${ React.isValidElement(child) ? `'${ typeof child.type === 'string' ? child.type : child.type?.name }'${ child.props != null && typeof child.props === 'object' && 'name' in child.props && child.props?.name ? ` for the screen '${}'` : '' }` : typeof child === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(child) : `'${String(child)}'` }). To render this component in the navigator, pass it in the 'component' prop to 'Screen'.` ); }, []); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { configs.forEach((config) => { const { name, children, component, getComponent } = config.props; if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name) { throw new Error( `Got an invalid name (${JSON.stringify( name )}) for the screen. It must be a non-empty string.` ); } if ( children != null || component !== undefined || getComponent !== undefined ) { if (children != null && component !== undefined) { throw new Error( `Got both 'component' and 'children' props for the screen '${name}'. You must pass only one of them.` ); } if (children != null && getComponent !== undefined) { throw new Error( `Got both 'getComponent' and 'children' props for the screen '${name}'. You must pass only one of them.` ); } if (component !== undefined && getComponent !== undefined) { throw new Error( `Got both 'component' and 'getComponent' props for the screen '${name}'. You must pass only one of them.` ); } if (children != null && typeof children !== 'function') { throw new Error( `Got an invalid value for 'children' prop for the screen '${name}'. It must be a function returning a React Element.` ); } if (component !== undefined && !isValidElementType(component)) { throw new Error( `Got an invalid value for 'component' prop for the screen '${name}'. It must be a valid React Component.` ); } if (getComponent !== undefined && typeof getComponent !== 'function') { throw new Error( `Got an invalid value for 'getComponent' prop for the screen '${name}'. It must be a function returning a React Component.` ); } if (typeof component === 'function') { if ( === 'component') { // Inline anonymous functions passed in the `component` prop will have the name of the prop // It's relatively safe to assume that it's not a component since it should also have PascalCase name // We won't catch all scenarios here, but this should catch a good chunk of incorrect use. console.warn( `Looks like you're passing an inline function for 'component' prop for the screen '${name}' (e.g. component={() => }). Passing an inline function will cause the component state to be lost on re-render and cause perf issues since it's re-created every render. You can pass the function as children to 'Screen' instead to achieve the desired behaviour.` ); } else if (/^[a-z]/.test( { console.warn( `Got a component with the name '${}' for the screen '${name}'. React Components must start with an uppercase letter. If you're passing a regular function and not a component, pass it as children to 'Screen' instead. Otherwise capitalize your component's name.` ); } } } else { throw new Error( `Couldn't find a 'component', 'getComponent' or 'children' prop for the screen '${name}'. This can happen if you passed 'undefined'. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or mixed up default import and named import when importing.` ); } }); } return configs; }; /** * Hook for building navigators. * * @param createRouter Factory method which returns router object. * @param options Options object containing `children` and additional options for the router. * @returns An object containing `state`, `navigation`, `descriptors` objects. */ export default function useNavigationBuilder< State extends NavigationState, RouterOptions extends DefaultRouterOptions, ActionHelpers extends Record void>, ScreenOptions extends {}, EventMap extends Record >( createRouter: RouterFactory, options: DefaultNavigatorOptions< ParamListBase, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap > & NavigationBuilderOptions & RouterOptions ) { const navigatorKey = useRegisterNavigator(); const route = React.useContext(NavigationRouteContext) as | NavigatorRoute | undefined; const { children, screenListeners, } = options; const { current: router } = React.useRef>( createRouter({ ...(rest as unknown as RouterOptions), ...(route?.params && route.params.state == null && route.params.initial !== false && typeof route.params.screen === 'string' ? { initialRouteName: route.params.screen } : null), }) ); const routeConfigs = getRouteConfigsFromChildren< State, ScreenOptions, EventMap >(children); const screens = routeConfigs.reduce< Record> >((acc, config) => { if ( in acc) { throw new Error( `A navigator cannot contain multiple 'Screen' components with the same name (found duplicate screen named '${}')` ); } acc[] = config; return acc; }, {}); const routeNames = =>; const routeKeyList = routeNames.reduce>( (acc, curr) => { acc[curr] = screens[curr] => key ?? '').join(':'); return acc; }, {} ); const routeParamList = routeNames.reduce>( (acc, curr) => { const { initialParams } = screens[curr].props; acc[curr] = initialParams; return acc; }, {} ); const routeGetIdList = routeNames.reduce< RouterConfigOptions['routeGetIdList'] >( (acc, curr) => Object.assign(acc, { [curr]: screens[curr].props.getId, }), {} ); if (!routeNames.length) { throw new Error( "Couldn't find any screens for the navigator. Have you defined any screens as its children?" ); } const isStateValid = React.useCallback( (state: NavigationState | PartialState) => state.type === undefined || state.type === router.type, [router.type] ); const isStateInitialized = React.useCallback( (state: NavigationState | PartialState | undefined) => state !== undefined && state.stale === false && isStateValid(state), [isStateValid] ); const { state: currentState, getState: getCurrentState, setState: setCurrentState, setKey, getKey, getIsInitial, } = React.useContext(NavigationStateContext); const stateCleanedUp = React.useRef(false); const cleanUpState = React.useCallback(() => { setCurrentState(undefined); stateCleanedUp.current = true; }, [setCurrentState]); const setState = React.useCallback( (state: NavigationState | PartialState | undefined) => { if (stateCleanedUp.current) { // State might have been already cleaned up due to unmount // We do not want to expose API allowing to override this // This would lead to old data preservation on main navigator unmount return; } setCurrentState(state); }, [setCurrentState] ); const [initializedState, isFirstStateInitialization] = React.useMemo(() => { const initialRouteParamList = routeNames.reduce< Record >((acc, curr) => { const { initialParams } = screens[curr].props; const initialParamsFromParams = route?.params?.state == null && route?.params?.initial !== false && route?.params?.screen === curr ? route.params.params : undefined; acc[curr] = initialParams !== undefined || initialParamsFromParams !== undefined ? { ...initialParams, ...initialParamsFromParams, } : undefined; return acc; }, {}); // If the current state isn't initialized on first render, we initialize it // We also need to re-initialize it if the state passed from parent was changed (maybe due to reset) // Otherwise assume that the state was provided as initial state // So we need to rehydrate it to make it usable if ( (currentState === undefined || !isStateValid(currentState)) && route?.params?.state == null ) { return [ router.getInitialState({ routeNames, routeParamList: initialRouteParamList, routeGetIdList, }), true, ]; } else { return [ router.getRehydratedState( route?.params?.state ?? (currentState as PartialState), { routeNames, routeParamList: initialRouteParamList, routeGetIdList, } ), false, ]; } // We explicitly don't include routeNames, route.params etc. in the dep list // below. We want to avoid forcing a new state to be calculated in those cases // Instead, we handle changes to these in the nextState code below. Note // that some changes to routeConfigs are explicitly ignored, such as changes // to initialParams // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [currentState, router, isStateValid]); const previousRouteKeyListRef = React.useRef(routeKeyList); React.useEffect(() => { previousRouteKeyListRef.current = routeKeyList; }); const previousRouteKeyList = previousRouteKeyListRef.current; let state = // If the state isn't initialized, or stale, use the state we initialized instead // The state won't update until there's a change needed in the state we have initalized locally // So it'll be `undefined` or stale until the first navigation event happens isStateInitialized(currentState) ? (currentState as State) : (initializedState as State); let nextState: State = state; if ( !isArrayEqual(state.routeNames, routeNames) || !isRecordEqual(routeKeyList, previousRouteKeyList) ) { // When the list of route names change, the router should handle it to remove invalid routes nextState = router.getStateForRouteNamesChange(state, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, routeKeyChanges: Object.keys(routeKeyList).filter( (name) => previousRouteKeyList.hasOwnProperty(name) && routeKeyList[name] !== previousRouteKeyList[name] ), }); } const previousNestedParamsRef = React.useRef(route?.params); React.useEffect(() => { previousNestedParamsRef.current = route?.params; }, [route?.params]); if (route?.params) { const previousParams = previousNestedParamsRef.current; let action: CommonActions.Action | undefined; if ( typeof route.params.state === 'object' && route.params.state != null && route.params !== previousParams ) { // If the route was updated with new state, we should reset to it action = CommonActions.reset(route.params.state); } else if ( typeof route.params.screen === 'string' && ((route.params.initial === false && isFirstStateInitialization) || route.params !== previousParams) ) { // If the route was updated with new screen name and/or params, we should navigate there action = CommonActions.navigate({ name: route.params.screen, params: route.params.params, path: route.params.path, }); } // The update should be limited to current navigator only, so we call the router manually const updatedState = action ? router.getStateForAction(nextState, action, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, }) : null; nextState = updatedState !== null ? router.getRehydratedState(updatedState, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, }) : nextState; } const shouldUpdate = state !== nextState; useScheduleUpdate(() => { if (shouldUpdate) { // If the state needs to be updated, we'll schedule an update setState(nextState); } }); // The up-to-date state will come in next render, but we don't need to wait for it // We can't use the outdated state since the screens have changed, which will cause error due to mismatched config // So we override the state object we return to use the latest state as soon as possible state = nextState; React.useEffect(() => { setKey(navigatorKey); if (!getIsInitial()) { // If it's not initial render, we need to update the state // This will make sure that our container gets notifier of state changes due to new mounts // This is necessary for proper screen tracking, URL updates etc. setState(nextState); } return () => { // We need to clean up state for this navigator on unmount // We do it in a timeout because we need to detect if another navigator mounted in the meantime // For example, if another navigator has started rendering, we should skip cleanup // Otherwise, our cleanup step will cleanup state for the other navigator and re-initialize it setTimeout(() => { if (getCurrentState() !== undefined && getKey() === navigatorKey) { cleanUpState(); } }, 0); }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); // We initialize this ref here to avoid a new getState getting initialized // whenever initializedState changes. We want getState to have access to the // latest initializedState, but don't need it to change when that happens const initializedStateRef = React.useRef(); initializedStateRef.current = initializedState; const getState = React.useCallback((): State => { const currentState = getCurrentState(); return isStateInitialized(currentState) ? (currentState as State) : (initializedStateRef.current as State); }, [getCurrentState, isStateInitialized]); const emitter = useEventEmitter>((e) => { let routeNames = []; let route: Route | undefined; if ( { route = state.routes.find((route) => route.key ===; if (route?.name) { routeNames.push(; } } else { route = state.routes[state.index]; routeNames.push( ...Object.keys(screens).filter((name) => route?.name === name) ); } if (route == null) { return; } const navigation = descriptors[route.key].navigation; const listeners = ([] as (((e: any) => void) | undefined)[]) .concat( // Get an array of listeners for all screens + common listeners on navigator ...[ screenListeners, => { const { listeners } = screens[name].props; return listeners; }), ].map((listeners) => { const map = typeof listeners === 'function' ? listeners({ route: route as any, navigation }) : listeners; return map ? Object.keys(map) .filter((type) => type === e.type) .map((type) => map?.[type]) : undefined; }) ) // We don't want same listener to be called multiple times for same event // So we remove any duplicate functions from the array .filter((cb, i, self) => cb && self.lastIndexOf(cb) === i); listeners.forEach((listener) => listener?.(e)); }); useFocusEvents({ state, emitter }); React.useEffect(() => { emitter.emit({ type: 'state', data: { state } }); }, [emitter, state]); const { listeners: childListeners, addListener } = useChildListeners(); const { keyedListeners, addKeyedListener } = useKeyedChildListeners(); const onAction = useOnAction({ router, getState, setState, key: route?.key, actionListeners: childListeners.action, beforeRemoveListeners: keyedListeners.beforeRemove, routerConfigOptions: { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, }, emitter, }); const onRouteFocus = useOnRouteFocus({ router, key: route?.key, getState, setState, }); const navigation = useNavigationHelpers< State, ActionHelpers, NavigationAction, EventMap >({ id:, onAction, getState, emitter, router, }); useFocusedListenersChildrenAdapter({ navigation, focusedListeners: childListeners.focus, }); useOnGetState({ getState, getStateListeners: keyedListeners.getState, }); const descriptors = useDescriptors< State, ActionHelpers, ScreenOptions, EventMap >({ state, screens, navigation, screenOptions: options.screenOptions, defaultScreenOptions: options.defaultScreenOptions, onAction, getState, setState, onRouteFocus, addListener, addKeyedListener, router, // @ts-expect-error: this should have both core and custom events, but too much work right now emitter, }); useCurrentRender({ state, navigation, descriptors, }); const NavigationContent = useComponent((children: React.ReactNode) => ( {children} )); return { state, navigation, descriptors, NavigationContent, }; }