import { CommonActions, NavigationAction, NavigationState, ParamListBase, Router, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import NavigationBuilderContext from './NavigationBuilderContext'; import type { NavigationHelpers, NavigationProp } from './types'; import type { NavigationEventEmitter } from './useEventEmitter'; type Options< State extends NavigationState, EventMap extends Record > = { state: State; getState: () => State; navigation: NavigationHelpers & Partial>; setOptions: ( cb: (options: Record) => Record ) => void; router: Router; emitter: NavigationEventEmitter; }; type NavigationCache< State extends NavigationState, ScreenOptions extends {}, EventMap extends Record > = Record< string, NavigationProp< ParamListBase, string, string | undefined, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap > >; /** * Hook to cache navigation objects for each screen in the navigator. * It's important to cache them to make sure navigation objects don't change between renders. * This lets us apply optimizations like `React.memo` to minimize re-rendering screens. */ export default function useNavigationCache< State extends NavigationState, ScreenOptions extends {}, EventMap extends Record >({ state, getState, navigation, setOptions, router, emitter, }: Options) { const { stackRef } = React.useContext(NavigationBuilderContext); // Cache object which holds navigation objects for each screen // We use `React.useMemo` instead of `React.useRef` coz we want to invalidate it when deps change // In reality, these deps will rarely change, if ever const cache = React.useMemo( () => ({ current: {} as NavigationCache }), // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [getState, navigation, setOptions, router, emitter] ); const actions = { ...router.actionCreators, ...CommonActions, }; cache.current = state.routes.reduce< NavigationCache >((acc, route) => { const previous = cache.current[route.key]; type Thunk = | NavigationAction | ((state: State) => NavigationAction | null | undefined); if (previous) { // If a cached navigation object already exists, reuse it acc[route.key] = previous; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { emit, } = navigation; const dispatch = (thunk: Thunk) => { const action = typeof thunk === 'function' ? thunk(getState()) : thunk; if (action != null) { navigation.dispatch({ source: route.key, ...action }); } }; const withStack = (callback: () => void) => { let isStackSet = false; try { if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && stackRef && !stackRef.current ) { // Capture the stack trace for devtools stackRef.current = new Error().stack; isStackSet = true; } callback(); } finally { if (isStackSet && stackRef) { stackRef.current = undefined; } } }; const helpers = Object.keys(actions).reduce void>>( (acc, name) => { acc[name] = (...args: any) => withStack(() => // @ts-expect-error: name is a valid key, but TypeScript is dumb dispatch(actions[name](...args)) ); return acc; }, {} ); acc[route.key] = {, ...helpers, // FIXME: too much work to fix the types for now ...(emitter.create(route.key) as any), dispatch: (thunk: Thunk) => withStack(() => dispatch(thunk)), getParent: (id?: string) => { if (id !== undefined && id === rest.getId()) { // If the passed id is the same as the current navigation id, // we return the cached navigation object for the relevant route return acc[route.key]; } return rest.getParent(id); }, setOptions: (options: object) => setOptions((o) => ({ ...o, [route.key]: { ...o[route.key], ...options }, })), isFocused: () => { const state = getState(); if (state.routes[state.index].key !== route.key) { return false; } // If the current screen is focused, we also need to check if parent navigator is focused // This makes sure that we return the focus state in the whole tree, not just this navigator return navigation ? navigation.isFocused() : true; }, }; } return acc; }, {}); return cache.current; }