import type { NavigationState, ParamListBase } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import type { NavigationProp } from './types'; import useNavigation from './useNavigation'; type Selector = ( state: NavigationState ) => T; /** * Hook to get a value from the current navigation state using a selector. * * @param selector Selector function to get a value from the state. */ export default function useNavigationState( selector: Selector ): T { const navigation = useNavigation>(); // We don't care about the state value, we run the selector again at the end // The state is only to make sure that there's a re-render when we have a new value const [, setResult] = React.useState(() => selector(navigation.getState())); // We store the selector in a ref to avoid re-subscribing listeners every render const selectorRef = React.useRef(selector); React.useEffect(() => { selectorRef.current = selector; }); React.useEffect(() => { const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('state', (e) => { setResult(selectorRef.current(; }); return unsubscribe; }, [navigation]); return selector(navigation.getState()); }