import type { NavigationAction, NavigationState, PartialState, Router, RouterConfigOptions, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import NavigationBuilderContext, { ChildActionListener, ChildBeforeRemoveListener, } from './NavigationBuilderContext'; import type { EventMapCore } from './types'; import type { NavigationEventEmitter } from './useEventEmitter'; import useOnPreventRemove, { shouldPreventRemove } from './useOnPreventRemove'; type Options = { router: Router<NavigationState, NavigationAction>; key?: string; getState: () => NavigationState; setState: (state: NavigationState | PartialState<NavigationState>) => void; actionListeners: ChildActionListener[]; beforeRemoveListeners: Record<string, ChildBeforeRemoveListener | undefined>; routerConfigOptions: RouterConfigOptions; emitter: NavigationEventEmitter<EventMapCore<any>>; }; /** * Hook to handle actions for a navigator, including state updates and bubbling. * * Bubbling an action is achieved in 2 ways: * 1. To bubble action to parent, we expose the action handler in context and then access the parent context * 2. To bubble action to child, child adds event listeners subscribing to actions from parent * * When the action handler handles as action, it returns `true`, otherwise `false`. */ export default function useOnAction({ router, getState, setState, key, actionListeners, beforeRemoveListeners, routerConfigOptions, emitter, }: Options) { const { onAction: onActionParent, onRouteFocus: onRouteFocusParent, addListener: addListenerParent, onDispatchAction, } = React.useContext(NavigationBuilderContext); const routerConfigOptionsRef = React.useRef<RouterConfigOptions>(routerConfigOptions); React.useEffect(() => { routerConfigOptionsRef.current = routerConfigOptions; }); const onAction = React.useCallback( ( action: NavigationAction, visitedNavigators: Set<string> = new Set<string>() ) => { const state = getState(); // Since actions can bubble both up and down, they could come to the same navigator again // We keep track of navigators which have already tried to handle the action and return if it's already visited if (visitedNavigators.has(state.key)) { return false; } visitedNavigators.add(state.key); if (typeof !== 'string' || === state.key) { let result = router.getStateForAction( state, action, routerConfigOptionsRef.current ); // If a target is specified and set to current navigator, the action shouldn't bubble // So instead of `null`, we use the state object for such cases to signal that action was handled result = result === null && === state.key ? state : result; if (result !== null) { onDispatchAction(action, state === result); if (state !== result) { const isPrevented = shouldPreventRemove( emitter, beforeRemoveListeners, state.routes, result.routes, action ); if (isPrevented) { return true; } setState(result); } if (onRouteFocusParent !== undefined) { // Some actions such as `NAVIGATE` also want to bring the navigated route to focus in the whole tree // This means we need to focus all of the parent navigators of this navigator as well const shouldFocus = router.shouldActionChangeFocus(action); if (shouldFocus && key !== undefined) { onRouteFocusParent(key); } } return true; } } if (onActionParent !== undefined) { // Bubble action to the parent if the current navigator didn't handle it if (onActionParent(action, visitedNavigators)) { return true; } } // If the action wasn't handled by current navigator or a parent navigator, let children handle it for (let i = actionListeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const listener = actionListeners[i]; if (listener(action, visitedNavigators)) { return true; } } return false; }, [ actionListeners, beforeRemoveListeners, emitter, getState, key, onActionParent, onDispatchAction, onRouteFocusParent, router, setState, ] ); useOnPreventRemove({ getState, emitter, beforeRemoveListeners, }); React.useEffect( () => addListenerParent?.('action', onAction), [addListenerParent, onAction] ); return onAction; }