import type { NavigationAction, NavigationState, } from '@react-navigation/routers'; import * as React from 'react'; import NavigationBuilderContext, { ChildBeforeRemoveListener, } from './NavigationBuilderContext'; import NavigationRouteContext from './NavigationRouteContext'; import type { EventMapCore } from './types'; import type { NavigationEventEmitter } from './useEventEmitter'; type Options = { getState: () => NavigationState; emitter: NavigationEventEmitter>; beforeRemoveListeners: Record; }; const VISITED_ROUTE_KEYS = Symbol('VISITED_ROUTE_KEYS'); export const shouldPreventRemove = ( emitter: NavigationEventEmitter>, beforeRemoveListeners: Record, currentRoutes: { key: string }[], nextRoutes: { key?: string | undefined }[], action: NavigationAction ) => { const nextRouteKeys = => route.key); // Call these in reverse order so last screens handle the event first const removedRoutes = currentRoutes .filter((route) => !nextRouteKeys.includes(route.key)) .reverse(); const visitedRouteKeys: Set = // @ts-expect-error: add this property to mark that we've already emitted this action action[VISITED_ROUTE_KEYS] ?? new Set(); const beforeRemoveAction = { ...action, [VISITED_ROUTE_KEYS]: visitedRouteKeys, }; for (const route of removedRoutes) { if (visitedRouteKeys.has(route.key)) { // Skip if we've already emitted this action for this screen continue; } // First, we need to check if any child screens want to prevent it const isPrevented = beforeRemoveListeners[route.key]?.(beforeRemoveAction); if (isPrevented) { return true; } visitedRouteKeys.add(route.key); const event = emitter.emit({ type: 'beforeRemove', target: route.key, data: { action: beforeRemoveAction }, canPreventDefault: true, }); if (event.defaultPrevented) { return true; } } return false; }; export default function useOnPreventRemove({ getState, emitter, beforeRemoveListeners, }: Options) { const { addKeyedListener } = React.useContext(NavigationBuilderContext); const route = React.useContext(NavigationRouteContext); const routeKey = route?.key; React.useEffect(() => { if (routeKey) { return addKeyedListener?.('beforeRemove', routeKey, (action) => { const state = getState(); return shouldPreventRemove( emitter, beforeRemoveListeners, state.routes, [], action ); }); } }, [addKeyedListener, beforeRemoveListeners, emitter, getState, routeKey]); }