import * as React from 'react'; const MISSING_CONTEXT_ERROR = "Couldn't find a schedule context."; export const ScheduleUpdateContext = React.createContext<{ scheduleUpdate: (callback: () => void) => void; flushUpdates: () => void; }>({ scheduleUpdate() { throw new Error(MISSING_CONTEXT_ERROR); }, flushUpdates() { throw new Error(MISSING_CONTEXT_ERROR); }, }); /** * When screen config changes, we want to update the navigator in the same update phase. * However, navigation state is in the root component and React won't let us update it from a child. * This is a workaround for that, the scheduled update is stored in the ref without actually calling setState. * It lets all subsequent updates access the latest state so it stays correct. * Then we call setState during after the component updates. */ export default function useScheduleUpdate(callback: () => void) { const { scheduleUpdate, flushUpdates } = React.useContext( ScheduleUpdateContext ); scheduleUpdate(callback); React.useEffect(flushUpdates); }