import { getHeaderTitle, HeaderTitle } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import { Route, useTheme } from '@react-navigation/native'; import * as React from 'react'; import { I18nManager, Platform, StyleSheet, TextStyle, View, } from 'react-native'; import { // @ts-expect-error: Available since react-native-screens v3.21 isNewBackTitleImplementation, isSearchBarAvailableForCurrentPlatform, ScreenStackHeaderBackButtonImage, ScreenStackHeaderCenterView, ScreenStackHeaderConfig, ScreenStackHeaderLeftView, ScreenStackHeaderRightView, ScreenStackHeaderSearchBarView, SearchBar, } from 'react-native-screens'; import type { NativeStackNavigationOptions } from '../types'; import { processFonts } from './FontProcessor'; type Props = NativeStackNavigationOptions & { headerTopInsetEnabled: boolean; headerHeight: number; route: Route; canGoBack: boolean; }; export default function HeaderConfig({ headerBackImageSource, headerBackButtonMenuEnabled, headerBackTitle, headerBackTitleStyle, headerBackTitleVisible = true, headerBackVisible, headerShadowVisible, headerLargeStyle, headerLargeTitle, headerLargeTitleShadowVisible, headerLargeTitleStyle, headerBackground, headerLeft, headerRight, headerShown, headerStyle, headerBlurEffect, headerTintColor, headerTitle, headerTitleAlign, headerTitleStyle, headerTransparent, headerSearchBarOptions, headerTopInsetEnabled, route, title, canGoBack, }: Props): JSX.Element { const { colors } = useTheme(); const tintColor = headerTintColor ?? (Platform.OS === 'ios' ? colors.primary : colors.text); const headerBackTitleStyleFlattened = StyleSheet.flatten(headerBackTitleStyle) || {}; const headerLargeTitleStyleFlattened = StyleSheet.flatten(headerLargeTitleStyle) || {}; const headerTitleStyleFlattened = StyleSheet.flatten(headerTitleStyle) || {}; const headerStyleFlattened = StyleSheet.flatten(headerStyle) || {}; const headerLargeStyleFlattened = StyleSheet.flatten(headerLargeStyle) || {}; const [backTitleFontFamily, largeTitleFontFamily, titleFontFamily] = processFonts([ headerBackTitleStyleFlattened.fontFamily, headerLargeTitleStyleFlattened.fontFamily, headerTitleStyleFlattened.fontFamily, ]); const titleText = getHeaderTitle({ title, headerTitle },; const titleColor = headerTitleStyleFlattened.color ?? headerTintColor ?? colors.text; const titleFontSize = headerTitleStyleFlattened.fontSize; const titleFontWeight = headerTitleStyleFlattened.fontWeight; const headerTitleStyleSupported: TextStyle = { color: titleColor }; if (headerTitleStyleFlattened.fontFamily != null) { headerTitleStyleSupported.fontFamily = headerTitleStyleFlattened.fontFamily; } if (titleFontSize != null) { headerTitleStyleSupported.fontSize = titleFontSize; } if (titleFontWeight != null) { headerTitleStyleSupported.fontWeight = titleFontWeight; } const headerLeftElement = headerLeft?.({ tintColor, canGoBack, label: headerBackTitle, }); const headerRightElement = headerRight?.({ tintColor, canGoBack, }); const headerTitleElement = typeof headerTitle === 'function' ? headerTitle({ tintColor, children: titleText, }) : null; const supportsHeaderSearchBar = typeof isSearchBarAvailableForCurrentPlatform === 'boolean' ? isSearchBarAvailableForCurrentPlatform : // Fallback for older versions of react-native-screens Platform.OS === 'ios' && SearchBar != null; const hasHeaderSearchBar = supportsHeaderSearchBar && headerSearchBarOptions != null; if (headerSearchBarOptions != null && !supportsHeaderSearchBar) { throw new Error( `The current version of 'react-native-screens' doesn't support SearchBar in the header. Please update to the latest version to use this option.` ); } /** * We need to set this in if: * - Back button should stay visible when `headerLeft` is specified * - If `headerTitle` for Android is specified, so we only need to remove the title and keep the back button */ const backButtonInCustomView = headerBackVisible ? headerLeftElement != null : Platform.OS === 'android' && headerTitleElement != null; const translucent = headerBackground != null || headerTransparent || // When using a SearchBar or large title, the header needs to be translucent for it to work on iOS ((hasHeaderSearchBar || headerLargeTitle) && Platform.OS === 'ios' && headerTransparent !== false); return ( ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ row: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }, });