import { getDefaultHeaderHeight, getHeaderTitle, HeaderBackContext, HeaderHeightContext, HeaderShownContext, SafeAreaProviderCompat, } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import { NavigationContext, NavigationRouteContext, ParamListBase, Route, StackActions, StackNavigationState, usePreventRemoveContext, useTheme, } from '@react-navigation/native'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import { useSafeAreaFrame, useSafeAreaInsets, } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import type { ScreenProps } from 'react-native-screens'; import { Screen, ScreenStack, StackPresentationTypes, } from 'react-native-screens'; import warnOnce from 'warn-once'; import type { NativeStackDescriptor, NativeStackDescriptorMap, NativeStackNavigationHelpers, NativeStackNavigationOptions, } from '../types'; import useDismissedRouteError from '../utils/useDismissedRouteError'; import useInvalidPreventRemoveError from '../utils/useInvalidPreventRemoveError'; import DebugContainer from './DebugContainer'; import HeaderConfig from './HeaderConfig'; const isAndroid = Platform.OS === 'android'; const MaybeNestedStack = ({ options, route, presentation, headerHeight, headerTopInsetEnabled, children, }: { options: NativeStackNavigationOptions; route: Route; presentation: Exclude | 'card'; headerHeight: number; headerTopInsetEnabled: boolean; children: React.ReactNode; }) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); const { header, headerShown = true, contentStyle } = options; const isHeaderInModal = isAndroid ? false : presentation !== 'card' && headerShown === true && header === undefined; const headerShownPreviousRef = React.useRef(headerShown); React.useEffect(() => { warnOnce( !isAndroid && presentation !== 'card' && headerShownPreviousRef.current !== headerShown, `Dynamically changing 'headerShown' in modals will result in remounting the screen and losing all local state. See options for the screen '${}'.` ); headerShownPreviousRef.current = headerShown; }, [headerShown, presentation,]); const content = ( {children} ); if (isHeaderInModal) { return ( {content} ); } return content; }; type SceneViewProps = { index: number; focused: boolean; descriptor: NativeStackDescriptor; previousDescriptor?: NativeStackDescriptor; nextDescriptor?: NativeStackDescriptor; onWillDisappear: () => void; onAppear: () => void; onDisappear: () => void; onDismissed: ScreenProps['onDismissed']; onHeaderBackButtonClicked: ScreenProps['onHeaderBackButtonClicked']; onNativeDismissCancelled: ScreenProps['onDismissed']; }; const SceneView = ({ index, focused, descriptor, previousDescriptor, nextDescriptor, onWillDisappear, onAppear, onDisappear, onDismissed, onHeaderBackButtonClicked, onNativeDismissCancelled, }: SceneViewProps) => { const { route, navigation, options, render } = descriptor; const { animationDuration, animationTypeForReplace = 'push', gestureEnabled, header, headerBackButtonMenuEnabled, headerShown, headerBackground, headerTransparent, autoHideHomeIndicator, navigationBarColor, navigationBarHidden, orientation, statusBarAnimation, statusBarHidden, statusBarStyle, statusBarTranslucent, statusBarColor, freezeOnBlur, } = options; let { animation, customAnimationOnGesture, fullScreenGestureEnabled, presentation = 'card', gestureDirection = presentation === 'card' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical', } = options; if (gestureDirection === 'vertical' && Platform.OS === 'ios') { // for `vertical` direction to work, we need to set `fullScreenGestureEnabled` to `true` // so the screen can be dismissed from any point on screen. // `customAnimationOnGesture` needs to be set to `true` so the `animation` set by user can be used, // otherwise `simple_push` will be used. // Also, the default animation for this direction seems to be `slide_from_bottom`. if (fullScreenGestureEnabled === undefined) { fullScreenGestureEnabled = true; } if (customAnimationOnGesture === undefined) { customAnimationOnGesture = true; } if (animation === undefined) { animation = 'slide_from_bottom'; } } // workaround for rn-screens where gestureDirection has to be set on both // current and previous screen - software-mansion/react-native-screens/pull/1509 const nextGestureDirection = nextDescriptor?.options.gestureDirection; const gestureDirectionOverride = nextGestureDirection != null ? nextGestureDirection : gestureDirection; if (index === 0) { // first screen should always be treated as `card`, it resolves problems with no header animation // for navigator with first screen as `modal` and the next as `card` presentation = 'card'; } const insets = useSafeAreaInsets(); const frame = useSafeAreaFrame(); // `modal` and `formSheet` presentations do not take whole screen, so should not take the inset. const isModal = presentation === 'modal' || presentation === 'formSheet'; // Modals are fullscreen in landscape only on iPhone const isIPhone = Platform.OS === 'ios' && !(Platform.isPad || Platform.isTV); const isLandscape = frame.width > frame.height; const isParentHeaderShown = React.useContext(HeaderShownContext); const parentHeaderHeight = React.useContext(HeaderHeightContext); const parentHeaderBack = React.useContext(HeaderBackContext); const topInset = isParentHeaderShown || (Platform.OS === 'ios' && isModal) || (isIPhone && isLandscape) ? 0 :; // On models with Dynamic Island the status bar height is smaller than the safe area top inset. const hasDynamicIsland = Platform.OS === 'ios' && topInset > 50; const statusBarHeight = hasDynamicIsland ? topInset - 5 : topInset; const { preventedRoutes } = usePreventRemoveContext(); const defaultHeaderHeight = getDefaultHeaderHeight( frame, isModal, statusBarHeight ); const [customHeaderHeight, setCustomHeaderHeight] = React.useState(defaultHeaderHeight); const headerTopInsetEnabled = topInset !== 0; const headerHeight = header ? customHeaderHeight : defaultHeaderHeight; const headerBack = previousDescriptor ? { title: getHeaderTitle( previousDescriptor.options, ), } : parentHeaderBack; const isRemovePrevented = preventedRoutes[route.key]?.preventRemove; return ( {headerBackground != null ? ( /** * To show a custom header background, we render it at the top of the screen below the header * The header also needs to be positioned absolutely (with `translucent` style) */ {headerBackground()} ) : null} {render()} {header !== undefined && headerShown !== false ? ( { setCustomHeaderHeight(e.nativeEvent.layout.height); }} style={headerTransparent ? styles.absolute : null} > {header({ back: headerBack, options, route, navigation, })} ) : null} {/** * `HeaderConfig` needs to be the direct child of `Screen` without any intermediate `View` * We don't render it conditionally to make it possible to dynamically render a custom `header` * Otherwise dynamically rendering a custom `header` leaves the native header visible * * * * HeaderConfig must not be first child of a Screen. * See * for detailed explanation */} ); }; type Props = { state: StackNavigationState; navigation: NativeStackNavigationHelpers; descriptors: NativeStackDescriptorMap; }; function NativeStackViewInner({ state, navigation, descriptors }: Props) { const { setNextDismissedKey } = useDismissedRouteError(state); useInvalidPreventRemoveError(descriptors); return ( {, index) => { const descriptor = descriptors[route.key]; const isFocused = state.index === index; const previousKey = state.routes[index - 1]?.key; const nextKey = state.routes[index + 1]?.key; const previousDescriptor = previousKey ? descriptors[previousKey] : undefined; const nextDescriptor = nextKey ? descriptors[nextKey] : undefined; return ( { navigation.emit({ type: 'transitionStart', data: { closing: true }, target: route.key, }); }} onAppear={() => { navigation.emit({ type: 'transitionEnd', data: { closing: false }, target: route.key, }); }} onDisappear={() => { navigation.emit({ type: 'transitionEnd', data: { closing: true }, target: route.key, }); }} onDismissed={(event) => { navigation.dispatch({ ...StackActions.pop(event.nativeEvent.dismissCount), source: route.key, target: state.key, }); setNextDismissedKey(route.key); }} onHeaderBackButtonClicked={() => { navigation.dispatch({ ...StackActions.pop(), source: route.key, target: state.key, }); }} onNativeDismissCancelled={(event) => { navigation.dispatch({ ...StackActions.pop(event.nativeEvent.dismissCount), source: route.key, target: state.key, }); }} /> ); })} ); } export default function NativeStackView(props: Props) { return ( ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, scene: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column-reverse', }, absolute: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, }, translucent: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, zIndex: 1, elevation: 1, }, background: { overflow: 'hidden', }, });