import { nanoid } from 'nanoid/non-secure'; import TabRouter, { TabActionHelpers, TabActions, TabActionType, TabNavigationState, TabRouterOptions, } from './TabRouter'; import type { CommonNavigationAction, ParamListBase, PartialState, Router, } from './types'; export type DrawerStatus = 'open' | 'closed'; export type DrawerActionType = | TabActionType | { type: 'OPEN_DRAWER' | 'CLOSE_DRAWER' | 'TOGGLE_DRAWER'; source?: string; target?: string; }; export type DrawerRouterOptions = TabRouterOptions & { defaultStatus?: DrawerStatus; }; export type DrawerNavigationState = Omit< TabNavigationState, 'type' | 'history' > & { /** * Type of the router, in this case, it's drawer. */ type: 'drawer'; /** * Default status of the drawer. */ default: DrawerStatus; /** * List of previously visited route keys and drawer open status. */ history: ( | { type: 'route'; key: string } | { type: 'drawer'; status: DrawerStatus } )[]; }; export type DrawerActionHelpers = TabActionHelpers & { /** * Open the drawer sidebar. */ openDrawer(): void; /** * Close the drawer sidebar. */ closeDrawer(): void; /** * Open the drawer sidebar if closed, or close if opened. */ toggleDrawer(): void; }; export const DrawerActions = { ...TabActions, openDrawer(): DrawerActionType { return { type: 'OPEN_DRAWER' }; }, closeDrawer(): DrawerActionType { return { type: 'CLOSE_DRAWER' }; }, toggleDrawer(): DrawerActionType { return { type: 'TOGGLE_DRAWER' }; }, }; export default function DrawerRouter({ defaultStatus = 'closed', }: DrawerRouterOptions): Router< DrawerNavigationState, DrawerActionType | CommonNavigationAction > { const router = TabRouter(rest) as unknown as Router< DrawerNavigationState, TabActionType | CommonNavigationAction >; const isDrawerInHistory = ( state: | DrawerNavigationState | PartialState> ) => Boolean(state.history?.some((it) => it.type === 'drawer')); const addDrawerToHistory = ( state: DrawerNavigationState ): DrawerNavigationState => { if (isDrawerInHistory(state)) { return state; } return { ...state, history: [ ...state.history, { type: 'drawer', status: defaultStatus === 'open' ? 'closed' : 'open', }, ], }; }; const removeDrawerFromHistory = ( state: DrawerNavigationState ): DrawerNavigationState => { if (!isDrawerInHistory(state)) { return state; } return { ...state, history: state.history.filter((it) => it.type !== 'drawer'), }; }; const openDrawer = ( state: DrawerNavigationState ): DrawerNavigationState => { if (defaultStatus === 'open') { return removeDrawerFromHistory(state); } return addDrawerToHistory(state); }; const closeDrawer = ( state: DrawerNavigationState ): DrawerNavigationState => { if (defaultStatus === 'open') { return addDrawerToHistory(state); } return removeDrawerFromHistory(state); }; return { ...router, type: 'drawer', getInitialState({ routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList }) { const state = router.getInitialState({ routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, }); return { ...state, default: defaultStatus, stale: false, type: 'drawer', key: `drawer-${nanoid()}`, }; }, getRehydratedState( partialState, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList } ) { if (partialState.stale === false) { return partialState; } let state = router.getRehydratedState(partialState, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeGetIdList, }); if (isDrawerInHistory(partialState)) { // Re-sync the drawer entry in history to correct it if it was wrong state = removeDrawerFromHistory(state); state = addDrawerToHistory(state); } return { ...state, default: defaultStatus, type: 'drawer', key: `drawer-${nanoid()}`, }; }, getStateForRouteFocus(state, key) { const result = router.getStateForRouteFocus(state, key); return closeDrawer(result); }, getStateForAction(state, action, options) { switch (action.type) { case 'OPEN_DRAWER': return openDrawer(state); case 'CLOSE_DRAWER': return closeDrawer(state); case 'TOGGLE_DRAWER': if (isDrawerInHistory(state)) { return removeDrawerFromHistory(state); } return addDrawerToHistory(state); case 'JUMP_TO': case 'NAVIGATE': { const result = router.getStateForAction(state, action, options); if (result != null && result.index !== state.index) { return closeDrawer(result as DrawerNavigationState); } return result; } case 'GO_BACK': if (isDrawerInHistory(state)) { return removeDrawerFromHistory(state); } return router.getStateForAction(state, action, options); default: return router.getStateForAction(state, action, options); } }, actionCreators: DrawerActions, }; }