import { nanoid } from 'nanoid/non-secure'; import BaseRouter from './BaseRouter'; import type { CommonNavigationAction, DefaultRouterOptions, NavigationState, ParamListBase, Route, Router, } from './types'; export type StackActionType = | { type: 'REPLACE'; payload: { name: string; key?: string | undefined; params?: object }; source?: string; target?: string; } | { type: 'PUSH'; payload: { name: string; params?: object }; source?: string; target?: string; } | { type: 'POP'; payload: { count: number }; source?: string; target?: string; } | { type: 'POP_TO_TOP'; source?: string; target?: string; }; export type StackRouterOptions = DefaultRouterOptions; export type StackNavigationState = NavigationState & { /** * Type of the router, in this case, it's stack. */ type: 'stack'; }; export type StackActionHelpers = { /** * Replace the current route with a new one. * * @param name Route name of the new route. * @param [params] Params object for the new route. */ replace( ...args: undefined extends ParamList[RouteName] ? [screen: RouteName] | [screen: RouteName, params: ParamList[RouteName]] : [screen: RouteName, params: ParamList[RouteName]] ): void; /** * Push a new screen onto the stack. * * @param name Name of the route for the tab. * @param [params] Params object for the route. */ push( ...args: undefined extends ParamList[RouteName] ? [screen: RouteName] | [screen: RouteName, params: ParamList[RouteName]] : [screen: RouteName, params: ParamList[RouteName]] ): void; /** * Pop a screen from the stack. */ pop(count?: number): void; /** * Pop to the first route in the stack, dismissing all other screens. */ popToTop(): void; }; export const StackActions = { replace(name: string, params?: object): StackActionType { return { type: 'REPLACE', payload: { name, params } }; }, push(name: string, params?: object): StackActionType { return { type: 'PUSH', payload: { name, params } }; }, pop(count: number = 1): StackActionType { return { type: 'POP', payload: { count } }; }, popToTop(): StackActionType { return { type: 'POP_TO_TOP' }; }, }; export default function StackRouter(options: StackRouterOptions) { const router: Router< StackNavigationState, CommonNavigationAction | StackActionType > = { ...BaseRouter, type: 'stack', getInitialState({ routeNames, routeParamList }) { const initialRouteName = options.initialRouteName !== undefined && routeNames.includes(options.initialRouteName) ? options.initialRouteName : routeNames[0]; return { stale: false, type: 'stack', key: `stack-${nanoid()}`, index: 0, routeNames, routes: [ { key: `${initialRouteName}-${nanoid()}`, name: initialRouteName, params: routeParamList[initialRouteName], }, ], }; }, getRehydratedState(partialState, { routeNames, routeParamList }) { let state = partialState; if (state.stale === false) { return state; } const routes = state.routes .filter((route) => routeNames.includes( .map( (route) => ({ ...route, key: route.key || `${}-${nanoid()}`, params: routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...route.params, } : route.params, } as Route) ); if (routes.length === 0) { const initialRouteName = options.initialRouteName !== undefined ? options.initialRouteName : routeNames[0]; routes.push({ key: `${initialRouteName}-${nanoid()}`, name: initialRouteName, params: routeParamList[initialRouteName], }); } return { stale: false, type: 'stack', key: `stack-${nanoid()}`, index: routes.length - 1, routeNames, routes, }; }, getStateForRouteNamesChange( state, { routeNames, routeParamList, routeKeyChanges } ) { const routes = state.routes.filter( (route) => routeNames.includes( && !routeKeyChanges.includes( ); if (routes.length === 0) { const initialRouteName = options.initialRouteName !== undefined && routeNames.includes(options.initialRouteName) ? options.initialRouteName : routeNames[0]; routes.push({ key: `${initialRouteName}-${nanoid()}`, name: initialRouteName, params: routeParamList[initialRouteName], }); } return { ...state, routeNames, routes, index: Math.min(state.index, routes.length - 1), }; }, getStateForRouteFocus(state, key) { const index = state.routes.findIndex((r) => r.key === key); if (index === -1 || index === state.index) { return state; } return { ...state, index, routes: state.routes.slice(0, index + 1), }; }, getStateForAction(state, action, options) { const { routeParamList } = options; switch (action.type) { case 'REPLACE': { const index = === state.key && action.source ? state.routes.findIndex((r) => r.key === action.source) : state.index; if (index === -1) { return null; } const { name, key, params } = action.payload; if (!state.routeNames.includes(name)) { return null; } return { ...state, routes:, i) => i === index ? { key: key !== undefined ? key : `${name}-${nanoid()}`, name, params: routeParamList[name] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[name], ...params, } : params, } : route ), }; } case 'PUSH': if (state.routeNames.includes( { const getId = options.routeGetIdList[]; const id = getId?.({ params: action.payload.params }); const route = id ? state.routes.find( (route) => === && id === getId?.({ params: route.params }) ) : undefined; let routes: Route[]; if (route) { routes = state.routes.filter((r) => r.key !== route.key); routes.push({ ...route, params: routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...action.payload.params, } : action.payload.params, }); } else { routes = [ ...state.routes, { key: `${}-${nanoid()}`, name:, params: routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...action.payload.params, } : action.payload.params, }, ]; } return { ...state, index: routes.length - 1, routes, }; } return null; case 'POP': { const index = === state.key && action.source ? state.routes.findIndex((r) => r.key === action.source) : state.index; if (index > 0) { const count = Math.max(index - action.payload.count + 1, 1); const routes = state.routes .slice(0, count) .concat(state.routes.slice(index + 1)); return { ...state, index: routes.length - 1, routes, }; } return null; } case 'POP_TO_TOP': return router.getStateForAction( state, { type: 'POP', payload: { count: state.routes.length - 1 }, }, options ); case 'NAVIGATE': if ( !== undefined && !state.routeNames.includes( ) { return null; } if (action.payload.key || { // If the route already exists, navigate to that let index = -1; const getId = // `getId` and `key` can't be used together action.payload.key === undefined && !== undefined ? options.routeGetIdList[] : undefined; const id = getId?.({ params: action.payload.params }); if (id) { index = state.routes.findIndex( (route) => === && id === getId?.({ params: route.params }) ); } else if ( (state.routes[state.index].name === && action.payload.key === undefined) || state.routes[state.index].key === action.payload.key ) { index = state.index; } else { for (let i = state.routes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ( (state.routes[i].name === && action.payload.key === undefined) || state.routes[i].key === action.payload.key ) { index = i; break; } } } if ( index === -1 && action.payload.key && === undefined ) { return null; } if (index === -1 && !== undefined) { const routes = [ ...state.routes, { key: action.payload.key ?? `${}-${nanoid()}`, name:, path: action.payload.path, params: routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...action.payload.params, } : action.payload.params, }, ]; return { ...state, routes, index: routes.length - 1, }; } const route = state.routes[index]; let params; if (action.payload.merge) { params = action.payload.params !== undefined || routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...route.params, ...action.payload.params, } : route.params; } else { params = routeParamList[] !== undefined ? { ...routeParamList[], ...action.payload.params, } : action.payload.params; } return { ...state, index, routes: [ ...state.routes.slice(0, index), params !== route.params || (action.payload.path && action.payload.path !== route.path) ? { ...route, path: action.payload.path ?? route.path, params, } : state.routes[index], ], }; } return null; case 'GO_BACK': if (state.index > 0) { return router.getStateForAction( state, { type: 'POP', payload: { count: 1 }, target:, source: action.source, }, options ); } return null; default: return BaseRouter.getStateForAction(state, action); } }, actionCreators: StackActions, }; return router; }