import { Background, getDefaultHeaderHeight, SafeAreaProviderCompat, } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import type { ParamListBase, Route, StackNavigationState, } from '@react-navigation/native'; import Color from 'color'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, LayoutChangeEvent, Platform, StyleSheet, } from 'react-native'; import type { EdgeInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { forModalPresentationIOS, forNoAnimation as forNoAnimationCard, } from '../../TransitionConfigs/CardStyleInterpolators'; import { DefaultTransition, ModalFadeTransition, ModalTransition, } from '../../TransitionConfigs/TransitionPresets'; import type { Layout, Scene, StackDescriptor, StackDescriptorMap, StackHeaderMode, StackNavigationOptions, } from '../../types'; import findLastIndex from '../../utils/findLastIndex'; import getDistanceForDirection from '../../utils/getDistanceForDirection'; import type { Props as HeaderContainerProps } from '../Header/HeaderContainer'; import { MaybeScreen, MaybeScreenContainer } from '../Screens'; import { getIsModalPresentation } from './Card'; import CardContainer from './CardContainer'; type GestureValues = { [key: string]: Animated.Value; }; type Props = { insets: EdgeInsets; state: StackNavigationState; descriptors: StackDescriptorMap; routes: Route[]; openingRouteKeys: string[]; closingRouteKeys: string[]; onOpenRoute: (props: { route: Route }) => void; onCloseRoute: (props: { route: Route }) => void; getPreviousRoute: (props: { route: Route; }) => Route | undefined; renderHeader: (props: HeaderContainerProps) => React.ReactNode; renderScene: (props: { route: Route }) => React.ReactNode; isParentHeaderShown: boolean; isParentModal: boolean; onTransitionStart: ( props: { route: Route }, closing: boolean ) => void; onTransitionEnd: (props: { route: Route }, closing: boolean) => void; onGestureStart: (props: { route: Route }) => void; onGestureEnd: (props: { route: Route }) => void; onGestureCancel: (props: { route: Route }) => void; detachInactiveScreens?: boolean; }; type State = { routes: Route[]; descriptors: StackDescriptorMap; scenes: Scene[]; gestures: GestureValues; layout: Layout; headerHeights: Record; }; const EPSILON = 1e-5; const STATE_INACTIVE = 0; const STATE_TRANSITIONING_OR_BELOW_TOP = 1; const STATE_ON_TOP = 2; const FALLBACK_DESCRIPTOR = Object.freeze({ options: {} }); const getInterpolationIndex = (scenes: Scene[], index: number) => { const { cardStyleInterpolator } = scenes[index].descriptor.options; // Start from current card and count backwards the number of cards with same interpolation let interpolationIndex = 0; for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const cardStyleInterpolatorCurrent = scenes[i]?.descriptor.options.cardStyleInterpolator; if (cardStyleInterpolatorCurrent !== cardStyleInterpolator) { break; } interpolationIndex++; } return interpolationIndex; }; const getIsModal = ( scene: Scene, interpolationIndex: number, isParentModal: boolean ) => { if (isParentModal) { return true; } const { cardStyleInterpolator } = scene.descriptor.options; const isModalPresentation = getIsModalPresentation(cardStyleInterpolator); const isModal = isModalPresentation && interpolationIndex !== 0; return isModal; }; const getHeaderHeights = ( scenes: Scene[], insets: EdgeInsets, isParentHeaderShown: boolean, isParentModal: boolean, layout: Layout, previous: Record ) => { return scenes.reduce>((acc, curr, index) => { const { headerStatusBarHeight = isParentHeaderShown ? 0 :, headerStyle, } = curr.descriptor.options; const style = StyleSheet.flatten(headerStyle || {}); const height = 'height' in style && typeof style.height === 'number' ? style.height : previous[curr.route.key]; const interpolationIndex = getInterpolationIndex(scenes, index); const isModal = getIsModal(curr, interpolationIndex, isParentModal); acc[curr.route.key] = typeof height === 'number' ? height : getDefaultHeaderHeight(layout, isModal, headerStatusBarHeight); return acc; }, {}); }; const getDistanceFromOptions = ( layout: Layout, descriptor?: StackDescriptor ) => { const { presentation, gestureDirection = presentation === 'modal' ? ModalTransition.gestureDirection : DefaultTransition.gestureDirection, } = (descriptor?.options || {}) as StackNavigationOptions; return getDistanceForDirection(layout, gestureDirection); }; const getProgressFromGesture = ( gesture: Animated.Value, layout: Layout, descriptor?: StackDescriptor ) => { const distance = getDistanceFromOptions( { // Make sure that we have a non-zero distance, otherwise there will be incorrect progress // This causes blank screen on web if it was previously inside container with display: none width: Math.max(1, layout.width), height: Math.max(1, layout.height), }, descriptor ); if (distance > 0) { return gesture.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, distance], outputRange: [1, 0], }); } return gesture.interpolate({ inputRange: [distance, 0], outputRange: [0, 1], }); }; export default class CardStack extends React.Component { static getDerivedStateFromProps( props: Props, state: State ): Partial | null { if ( props.routes === state.routes && props.descriptors === state.descriptors ) { return null; } const gestures = props.routes.reduce((acc, curr) => { const descriptor = props.descriptors[curr.key]; const { animationEnabled } = descriptor?.options || {}; acc[curr.key] = state.gestures[curr.key] || new Animated.Value( props.openingRouteKeys.includes(curr.key) && animationEnabled !== false ? getDistanceFromOptions(state.layout, descriptor) : 0 ); return acc; }, {}); const scenes =, index, self) => { const previousRoute = self[index - 1]; const nextRoute = self[index + 1]; const oldScene = state.scenes[index]; const currentGesture = gestures[route.key]; const previousGesture = previousRoute ? gestures[previousRoute.key] : undefined; const nextGesture = nextRoute ? gestures[nextRoute.key] : undefined; const descriptor = props.descriptors[route.key] || state.descriptors[route.key] || (oldScene ? oldScene.descriptor : FALLBACK_DESCRIPTOR); const nextDescriptor = props.descriptors[nextRoute?.key] || state.descriptors[nextRoute?.key]; const previousDescriptor = props.descriptors[previousRoute?.key] || state.descriptors[previousRoute?.key]; // When a screen is not the last, it should use next screen's transition config // Many transitions also animate the previous screen, so using 2 different transitions doesn't look right // For example combining a slide and a modal transition would look wrong otherwise // With this approach, combining different transition styles in the same navigator mostly looks right // This will still be broken when 2 transitions have different idle state (e.g. modal presentation), // but majority of the transitions look alright const optionsForTransitionConfig = index !== self.length - 1 && nextDescriptor && nextDescriptor.options.presentation !== 'transparentModal' ? nextDescriptor.options : descriptor.options; let defaultTransitionPreset = optionsForTransitionConfig.presentation === 'modal' ? ModalTransition : optionsForTransitionConfig.presentation === 'transparentModal' ? ModalFadeTransition : DefaultTransition; const { animationEnabled = Platform.OS !== 'web' && Platform.OS !== 'windows' && Platform.OS !== 'macos', gestureEnabled = Platform.OS === 'ios' && animationEnabled, gestureDirection = defaultTransitionPreset.gestureDirection, transitionSpec = defaultTransitionPreset.transitionSpec, cardStyleInterpolator = animationEnabled === false ? forNoAnimationCard : defaultTransitionPreset.cardStyleInterpolator, headerStyleInterpolator = defaultTransitionPreset.headerStyleInterpolator, cardOverlayEnabled = (Platform.OS !== 'ios' && optionsForTransitionConfig.presentation !== 'transparentModal') || getIsModalPresentation(cardStyleInterpolator), } = optionsForTransitionConfig; const headerMode: StackHeaderMode = descriptor.options.headerMode ?? (!( optionsForTransitionConfig.presentation === 'modal' || optionsForTransitionConfig.presentation === 'transparentModal' || nextDescriptor?.options.presentation === 'modal' || nextDescriptor?.options.presentation === 'transparentModal' || getIsModalPresentation(cardStyleInterpolator) ) && Platform.OS === 'ios' && descriptor.options.header === undefined ? 'float' : 'screen'); const scene = { route, descriptor: { ...descriptor, options: { ...descriptor.options, animationEnabled, cardOverlayEnabled, cardStyleInterpolator, gestureDirection, gestureEnabled, headerStyleInterpolator, transitionSpec, headerMode, }, }, progress: { current: getProgressFromGesture( currentGesture, state.layout, descriptor ), next: nextGesture && nextDescriptor?.options.presentation !== 'transparentModal' ? getProgressFromGesture( nextGesture, state.layout, nextDescriptor ) : undefined, previous: previousGesture ? getProgressFromGesture( previousGesture, state.layout, previousDescriptor ) : undefined, }, __memo: [ state.layout, descriptor, nextDescriptor, previousDescriptor, currentGesture, nextGesture, previousGesture, ], }; if ( oldScene && scene.__memo.every((it, i) => { // @ts-expect-error: we haven't added __memo to the annotation to prevent usage elsewhere return oldScene.__memo[i] === it; }) ) { return oldScene; } return scene; }); return { routes: props.routes, scenes, gestures, descriptors: props.descriptors, headerHeights: getHeaderHeights( scenes, props.insets, props.isParentHeaderShown, props.isParentModal, state.layout, state.headerHeights ), }; } constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { routes: [], scenes: [], gestures: {}, layout: SafeAreaProviderCompat.initialMetrics.frame, descriptors: this.props.descriptors, // Used when card's header is null and mode is float to make transition // between screens with headers and those without headers smooth. // This is not a great heuristic here. We don't know synchronously // on mount what the header height is so we have just used the most // common cases here. headerHeights: {}, }; } private handleLayout = (e: LayoutChangeEvent) => { const { height, width } = e.nativeEvent.layout; const layout = { width, height }; this.setState((state, props) => { if (height === state.layout.height && width === state.layout.width) { return null; } return { layout, headerHeights: getHeaderHeights( state.scenes, props.insets, props.isParentHeaderShown, props.isParentModal, layout, state.headerHeights ), }; }); }; private handleHeaderLayout = ({ route, height, }: { route: Route; height: number; }) => { this.setState(({ headerHeights }) => { const previousHeight = headerHeights[route.key]; if (previousHeight === height) { return null; } return { headerHeights: { ...headerHeights, [route.key]: height, }, }; }); }; private getFocusedRoute = () => { const { state } = this.props; return state.routes[state.index]; }; private getPreviousScene = ({ route }: { route: Route }) => { const { getPreviousRoute } = this.props; const { scenes } = this.state; const previousRoute = getPreviousRoute({ route }); if (previousRoute) { const previousScene = scenes.find( (scene) => scene.descriptor.route.key === previousRoute.key ); return previousScene; } return undefined; }; render() { const { insets, state, routes, closingRouteKeys, onOpenRoute, onCloseRoute, renderHeader, renderScene, isParentHeaderShown, isParentModal, onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd, onGestureStart, onGestureEnd, onGestureCancel, detachInactiveScreens = Platform.OS === 'web' || Platform.OS === 'android' || Platform.OS === 'ios', } = this.props; const { scenes, layout, gestures, headerHeights } = this.state; const focusedRoute = state.routes[state.index]; const focusedHeaderHeight = headerHeights[focusedRoute.key]; const isFloatHeaderAbsolute = this.state.scenes.slice(-2).some((scene) => { const options = scene.descriptor.options ?? {}; const { headerMode, headerTransparent, headerShown = true } = options; if ( headerTransparent || headerShown === false || headerMode === 'screen' ) { return true; } return false; }); let activeScreensLimit = 1; for (let i = scenes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const { options } = scenes[i].descriptor; const { // By default, we don't want to detach the previous screen of the active one for modals detachPreviousScreen = options.presentation === 'transparentModal' ? false : getIsModalPresentation(options.cardStyleInterpolator) ? i !== findLastIndex(scenes, (scene) => { const { cardStyleInterpolator } = scene.descriptor.options; return ( cardStyleInterpolator === forModalPresentationIOS || cardStyleInterpolator?.name === 'forModalPresentationIOS' ); }) : true, } = options; if (detachPreviousScreen === false) { activeScreensLimit++; } else { // Check at least last 2 screens before stopping // This will make sure that screen isn't detached when another screen is animating on top of the transparent one // For example, (Opaque -> Transparent -> Opaque) if (i <= scenes.length - 2) { break; } } } const floatingHeader = ( {renderHeader({ mode: 'float', layout, scenes, getPreviousScene: this.getPreviousScene, getFocusedRoute: this.getFocusedRoute, onContentHeightChange: this.handleHeaderLayout, style: [ styles.floating, isFloatHeaderAbsolute && [ // Without this, the header buttons won't be touchable on Android when headerTransparent: true { height: focusedHeaderHeight }, styles.absolute, ], ], })} ); return ( {isFloatHeaderAbsolute ? null : floatingHeader} {, index, self) => { const focused = focusedRoute.key === route.key; const gesture = gestures[route.key]; const scene = scenes[index]; // For the screens that shouldn't be active, the value is 0 // For those that should be active, but are not the top screen, the value is 1 // For those on top of the stack and with interaction enabled, the value is 2 // For the old implementation, it stays the same it was let isScreenActive: | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<0 | 1 | 2> | 2 | 1 | 0 = 1; if (index < self.length - activeScreensLimit - 1) { // screen should be inactive because it is too deep in the stack isScreenActive = STATE_INACTIVE; } else { const sceneForActivity = scenes[self.length - 1]; const outputValue = index === self.length - 1 ? STATE_ON_TOP // the screen is on top after the transition : index >= self.length - activeScreensLimit ? STATE_TRANSITIONING_OR_BELOW_TOP // the screen should stay active after the transition, it is not on top but is in activeLimit : STATE_INACTIVE; // the screen should be active only during the transition, it is at the edge of activeLimit isScreenActive = sceneForActivity ? sceneForActivity.progress.current.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1 - EPSILON, 1], outputRange: [1, 1, outputValue], extrapolate: 'clamp', }) : STATE_TRANSITIONING_OR_BELOW_TOP; } const { headerShown = true, headerTransparent, headerStyle, headerTintColor, freezeOnBlur, } = scene.descriptor.options; const safeAreaInsetTop =; const safeAreaInsetRight = insets.right; const safeAreaInsetBottom = insets.bottom; const safeAreaInsetLeft = insets.left; const headerHeight = headerShown !== false ? headerHeights[route.key] : 0; let headerDarkContent: boolean | undefined; if (headerShown) { if (typeof headerTintColor === 'string') { headerDarkContent = Color(headerTintColor).isDark(); } else { const flattenedHeaderStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(headerStyle); if ( flattenedHeaderStyle && 'backgroundColor' in flattenedHeaderStyle && typeof flattenedHeaderStyle.backgroundColor === 'string' ) { headerDarkContent = !Color( flattenedHeaderStyle.backgroundColor ).isDark(); } } } // Start from current card and count backwards the number of cards with same interpolation const interpolationIndex = getInterpolationIndex(scenes, index); const isModal = getIsModal( scene, interpolationIndex, isParentModal ); const isNextScreenTransparent = scenes[index + 1]?.descriptor.options.presentation === 'transparentModal'; const detachCurrentScreen = scenes[index + 1]?.descriptor.options.detachPreviousScreen !== false; return ( ); })} {isFloatHeaderAbsolute ? floatingHeader : null} ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, absolute: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, }, floating: { zIndex: 1, }, });