import { HeaderShownContext, SafeAreaProviderCompat, } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import { ParamListBase, Route, StackActions, StackNavigationState, } from '@react-navigation/native'; import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import { EdgeInsets, SafeAreaInsetsContext, } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import type { StackDescriptorMap, StackNavigationConfig, StackNavigationHelpers, } from '../../types'; import ModalPresentationContext from '../../utils/ModalPresentationContext'; import { GestureHandlerRootView } from '../GestureHandler'; import HeaderContainer, { Props as HeaderContainerProps, } from '../Header/HeaderContainer'; import CardStack from './CardStack'; type Props = StackNavigationConfig & { state: StackNavigationState<ParamListBase>; navigation: StackNavigationHelpers; descriptors: StackDescriptorMap; }; type State = { // Local copy of the routes which are actually rendered routes: Route<string>[]; // Previous routes, to compare whether routes have changed or not previousRoutes: Route<string>[]; // Previous descriptors, to compare whether descriptors have changed or not previousDescriptors: StackDescriptorMap; // List of routes being opened, we need to animate pushing of these new routes openingRouteKeys: string[]; // List of routes being closed, we need to animate popping of these routes closingRouteKeys: string[]; // List of routes being replaced, we need to keep a copy until the new route animates in replacingRouteKeys: string[]; // Since the local routes can vary from the routes from props, we need to keep the descriptors for old routes // Otherwise we won't be able to access the options for routes that were removed descriptors: StackDescriptorMap; }; const GestureHandlerWrapper = GestureHandlerRootView ?? View; /** * Compare two arrays with primitive values as the content. * We need to make sure that both values and order match. */ const isArrayEqual = (a: any[], b: any[]) => a.length === b.length && a.every((it, index) => it === b[index]); export default class StackView extends React.Component<Props, State> { static getDerivedStateFromProps( props: Readonly<Props>, state: Readonly<State> ) { // If there was no change in routes, we don't need to compute anything if ( (props.state.routes === state.previousRoutes || isArrayEqual( => r.key), => r.key) )) && state.routes.length ) { let routes = state.routes; let previousRoutes = state.previousRoutes; let descriptors = props.descriptors; let previousDescriptors = state.previousDescriptors; if (props.descriptors !== state.previousDescriptors) { descriptors = state.routes.reduce<StackDescriptorMap>((acc, route) => { acc[route.key] = props.descriptors[route.key] || state.descriptors[route.key]; return acc; }, {}); previousDescriptors = props.descriptors; } if (props.state.routes !== state.previousRoutes) { // if any route objects have changed, we should update them const map = props.state.routes.reduce<Record<string, Route<string>>>( (acc, route) => { acc[route.key] = route; return acc; }, {} ); routes = => map[route.key] || route); previousRoutes = props.state.routes; } return { routes, previousRoutes, descriptors, previousDescriptors, }; } // Here we determine which routes were added or removed to animate them // We keep a copy of the route being removed in local state to be able to animate it let routes = props.state.index < props.state.routes.length - 1 ? // Remove any extra routes from the state // The last visible route should be the focused route, i.e. at current index props.state.routes.slice(0, props.state.index + 1) : props.state.routes; // Now we need to determine which routes were added and removed let { openingRouteKeys, closingRouteKeys, replacingRouteKeys, previousRoutes, } = state; const previousFocusedRoute = previousRoutes[previousRoutes.length - 1] as | Route<string> | undefined; const nextFocusedRoute = routes[routes.length - 1]; const isAnimationEnabled = (key: string) => { const descriptor = props.descriptors[key] || state.descriptors[key]; return descriptor ? descriptor.options.animationEnabled !== false : true; }; const getAnimationTypeForReplace = (key: string) => { const descriptor = props.descriptors[key] || state.descriptors[key]; return descriptor.options.animationTypeForReplace ?? 'push'; }; if ( previousFocusedRoute && previousFocusedRoute.key !== nextFocusedRoute.key ) { // We only need to animate routes if the focused route changed // Animating previous routes won't be visible coz the focused route is on top of everything if (!previousRoutes.some((r) => r.key === nextFocusedRoute.key)) { // A new route has come to the focus, we treat this as a push // A replace can also trigger this, the animation should look like push if ( isAnimationEnabled(nextFocusedRoute.key) && !openingRouteKeys.includes(nextFocusedRoute.key) ) { // In this case, we need to animate pushing the focused route // We don't care about animating any other added routes because they won't be visible openingRouteKeys = [...openingRouteKeys, nextFocusedRoute.key]; closingRouteKeys = closingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== nextFocusedRoute.key ); replacingRouteKeys = replacingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== nextFocusedRoute.key ); if (!routes.some((r) => r.key === previousFocusedRoute.key)) { // The previous focused route isn't present in state, we treat this as a replace openingRouteKeys = openingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== previousFocusedRoute.key ); if (getAnimationTypeForReplace(nextFocusedRoute.key) === 'pop') { closingRouteKeys = [ ...closingRouteKeys, previousFocusedRoute.key, ]; // By default, new routes have a push animation, so we add it to `openingRouteKeys` before // But since user configured it to animate the old screen like a pop, we need to add this without animation // So remove it from `openingRouteKeys` which will remove the animation openingRouteKeys = openingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== nextFocusedRoute.key ); // Keep the route being removed at the end to animate it out routes = [...routes, previousFocusedRoute]; } else { replacingRouteKeys = [ ...replacingRouteKeys, previousFocusedRoute.key, ]; closingRouteKeys = closingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== previousFocusedRoute.key ); // Keep the old route in the state because it's visible under the new route, and removing it will feel abrupt // We need to insert it just before the focused one (the route being pushed) // After the push animation is completed, routes being replaced will be removed completely routes = routes.slice(); routes.splice(routes.length - 1, 0, previousFocusedRoute); } } } } else if (!routes.some((r) => r.key === previousFocusedRoute.key)) { // The previously focused route was removed, we treat this as a pop if ( isAnimationEnabled(previousFocusedRoute.key) && !closingRouteKeys.includes(previousFocusedRoute.key) ) { closingRouteKeys = [...closingRouteKeys, previousFocusedRoute.key]; // Sometimes a route can be closed before the opening animation finishes // So we also need to remove it from the opening list openingRouteKeys = openingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== previousFocusedRoute.key ); replacingRouteKeys = replacingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== previousFocusedRoute.key ); // Keep a copy of route being removed in the state to be able to animate it routes = [...routes, previousFocusedRoute]; } } else { // Looks like some routes were re-arranged and no focused routes were added/removed // i.e. the currently focused route already existed and the previously focused route still exists // We don't know how to animate this } } else if (replacingRouteKeys.length || closingRouteKeys.length) { // Keep the routes we are closing or replacing if animation is enabled for them routes = routes.slice(); routes.splice( routes.length - 1, 0, ...state.routes.filter(({ key }) => isAnimationEnabled(key) ? replacingRouteKeys.includes(key) || closingRouteKeys.includes(key) : false ) ); } if (!routes.length) { throw new Error( 'There should always be at least one route in the navigation state.' ); } const descriptors = routes.reduce<StackDescriptorMap>((acc, route) => { acc[route.key] = props.descriptors[route.key] || state.descriptors[route.key]; return acc; }, {}); return { routes, previousRoutes: props.state.routes, previousDescriptors: props.descriptors, openingRouteKeys, closingRouteKeys, replacingRouteKeys, descriptors, }; } state: State = { routes: [], previousRoutes: [], previousDescriptors: {}, openingRouteKeys: [], closingRouteKeys: [], replacingRouteKeys: [], descriptors: {}, }; private getPreviousRoute = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { const { closingRouteKeys, replacingRouteKeys } = this.state; const routes = this.state.routes.filter( (r) => r.key === route.key || (!closingRouteKeys.includes(r.key) && !replacingRouteKeys.includes(r.key)) ); const index = routes.findIndex((r) => r.key === route.key); return routes[index - 1]; }; private renderScene = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { const descriptor = this.state.descriptors[route.key] || this.props.descriptors[route.key]; if (!descriptor) { return null; } return descriptor.render(); }; private renderHeader = (props: HeaderContainerProps) => { return <HeaderContainer {...props} />; }; private handleOpenRoute = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { const { state, navigation } = this.props; const { closingRouteKeys, replacingRouteKeys } = this.state; if ( closingRouteKeys.some((key) => key === route.key) && replacingRouteKeys.every((key) => key !== route.key) && state.routeNames.includes( && !state.routes.some((r) => r.key === route.key) ) { // If route isn't present in current state, but was closing, assume that a close animation was cancelled // So we need to add this route back to the state navigation.navigate(route); } else { this.setState((state) => ({ routes: state.replacingRouteKeys.length ? state.routes.filter( (r) => !state.replacingRouteKeys.includes(r.key) ) : state.routes, openingRouteKeys: state.openingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== route.key ), closingRouteKeys: state.closingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== route.key ), replacingRouteKeys: [], })); } }; private handleCloseRoute = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { const { state, navigation } = this.props; if (state.routes.some((r) => r.key === route.key)) { // If a route exists in state, trigger a pop // This will happen in when the route was closed from the card component // e.g. When the close animation triggered from a gesture ends navigation.dispatch({ ...StackActions.pop(), source: route.key, target: state.key, }); } else { // We need to clean up any state tracking the route and pop it immediately this.setState((state) => ({ routes: state.routes.filter((r) => r.key !== route.key), openingRouteKeys: state.openingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== route.key ), closingRouteKeys: state.closingRouteKeys.filter( (key) => key !== route.key ), })); } }; private handleTransitionStart = ( { route }: { route: Route<string> }, closing: boolean ) => this.props.navigation.emit({ type: 'transitionStart', data: { closing }, target: route.key, }); private handleTransitionEnd = ( { route }: { route: Route<string> }, closing: boolean ) => this.props.navigation.emit({ type: 'transitionEnd', data: { closing }, target: route.key, }); private handleGestureStart = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { this.props.navigation.emit({ type: 'gestureStart', target: route.key, }); }; private handleGestureEnd = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { this.props.navigation.emit({ type: 'gestureEnd', target: route.key, }); }; private handleGestureCancel = ({ route }: { route: Route<string> }) => { this.props.navigation.emit({ type: 'gestureCancel', target: route.key, }); }; render() { const { state, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars descriptors: _, } = this.props; const { routes, descriptors, openingRouteKeys, closingRouteKeys } = this.state; return ( <GestureHandlerWrapper style={styles.container}> <SafeAreaProviderCompat> <SafeAreaInsetsContext.Consumer> {(insets) => ( <ModalPresentationContext.Consumer> {(isParentModal) => ( <HeaderShownContext.Consumer> {(isParentHeaderShown) => ( <CardStack insets={insets as EdgeInsets} isParentHeaderShown={isParentHeaderShown} isParentModal={isParentModal} getPreviousRoute={this.getPreviousRoute} routes={routes} openingRouteKeys={openingRouteKeys} closingRouteKeys={closingRouteKeys} onOpenRoute={this.handleOpenRoute} onCloseRoute={this.handleCloseRoute} onTransitionStart={this.handleTransitionStart} onTransitionEnd={this.handleTransitionEnd} renderHeader={this.renderHeader} renderScene={this.renderScene} state={state} descriptors={descriptors} onGestureStart={this.handleGestureStart} onGestureEnd={this.handleGestureEnd} onGestureCancel={this.handleGestureCancel} {} /> )} </HeaderShownContext.Consumer> )} </ModalPresentationContext.Consumer> )} </SafeAreaInsetsContext.Consumer> </SafeAreaProviderCompat> </GestureHandlerWrapper> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, });