import _ from 'lodash'; const schema = [ { enum: ['always', 'always-multiline', 'only-multiline', 'never'], type: 'string', }, { enum: ['always', 'always-multiline', 'only-multiline', 'never'], type: 'string', }, { enum: ['always', 'always-multiline', 'only-multiline', 'never'], type: 'string', }, ]; // required for reporting the correct position const getLast = (property, indexer) => { if (!property) { return indexer; } if (!indexer) { return property; } if (property.loc.end.line > indexer.loc.end.line) { return property; } if (indexer.loc.end.line > property.loc.end.line) { return indexer; } if (property.loc.end.column > indexer.loc.end.column) { return property; } return indexer; }; const create = (context) => { const option = context.options[0] || 'never'; const interfaceOption = context.options[1] || option; const inexactNotationOption = context.options[2] || 'never'; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const getNodeOption = (node) => { if (node.parent.type === 'InterfaceDeclaration') { return interfaceOption; } if (node.inexact) { return inexactNotationOption; } return option; }; const reporter = (node, message, fix) => () => {{ fix, message, node, }); }; const makeReporters = (node, tokenToFix) => ({ dangle: reporter(node, 'Unexpected trailing delimiter', (fixer) => fixer.replaceText(tokenToFix, '')), noDangle: reporter(node, 'Missing trailing delimiter', (fixer) => fixer.insertTextAfter(tokenToFix, ',')), }); const evaluate = (node, lastChildNode) => { if (!lastChildNode && !node.inexact) { return; } const [penultimateToken, lastToken] = sourceCode.getLastTokens(node, 2); const isDangling = [';', ','].includes(penultimateToken.value); const isMultiLine = penultimateToken.loc.start.line !== lastToken.loc.start.line; // Use the object node if it's inexact since there's no child node for the inexact notation const report = makeReporters(node.inexact ? node : lastChildNode, penultimateToken); const nodeOption = getNodeOption(node); if (nodeOption === 'always' && !isDangling) { report.noDangle(); return; } if (nodeOption === 'never' && isDangling) { report.dangle(); return; } if (nodeOption === 'always-multiline' && !isDangling && isMultiLine) { report.noDangle(); return; } if (nodeOption === 'always-multiline' && isDangling && !isMultiLine) { report.dangle(); return; } if (nodeOption === 'only-multiline' && isDangling && !isMultiLine) { report.dangle(); } }; return { ObjectTypeAnnotation(node) { evaluate(node, getLast(_.last(, _.last(node.indexers))); }, TupleTypeAnnotation(node) { evaluate(node, _.last(node.types)); }, }; }; export default { create, meta: { fixable: 'code', }, schema, };