import _ from 'lodash'; import { isFlowFileAnnotation, fuzzyStringMatch, } from '../utilities'; const defaults = { annotationStyle: 'none', strict: false, }; const looksLikeFlowFileAnnotation = (comment) => /@(?:no)?flo/ui.test(comment); const isValidAnnotationStyle = (node, style) => { if (style === 'none') { return true; } return style === node.type.toLowerCase(); }; const checkAnnotationSpelling = (comment) => /@[a-z]+\b/u.test(comment) && fuzzyStringMatch(comment.replace(/no/ui, ''), '@flow', 0.2); const isFlowStrict = (comment) => /^@flow\sstrict\b/u.test(comment); const noFlowAnnotation = (comment) => /^@noflow\b/u.test(comment); const schema = [ { enum: ['always', 'never'], type: 'string', }, { additionalProperties: false, properties: { annotationStyle: { enum: ['none', 'line', 'block'], type: 'string', }, strict: { enum: [true, false], type: 'boolean', }, }, type: 'object', }, ]; const create = (context) => { const always = context.options[0] === 'always'; const style = _.get(context, 'options[1].annotationStyle', defaults.annotationStyle); const flowStrict = _.get(context, 'options[1].strict', defaults.strict); return { Program(node) { const firstToken = node.tokens[0]; const potentialFlowFileAnnotation = _.find( context.getSourceCode().getAllComments(), (comment) => looksLikeFlowFileAnnotation(comment.value), ); if (potentialFlowFileAnnotation) { if (firstToken && firstToken.range[0] < potentialFlowFileAnnotation.range[0]) {{ message: 'Flow file annotation not at the top of the file.', node: potentialFlowFileAnnotation }); } const annotationValue = potentialFlowFileAnnotation.value.trim(); if (isFlowFileAnnotation(annotationValue)) { if (!isValidAnnotationStyle(potentialFlowFileAnnotation, style)) { const annotation = style === 'line' ? `// ${annotationValue}` : `/* ${annotationValue} */`;{ fix: (fixer) => fixer.replaceTextRange( [ potentialFlowFileAnnotation.range[0], potentialFlowFileAnnotation.range[1], ], annotation, ), message: `Flow file annotation style must be \`${annotation}\``, node: potentialFlowFileAnnotation, }); } if (!noFlowAnnotation(annotationValue) && flowStrict && !isFlowStrict(annotationValue)) { const str = style === 'line' ? '`// @flow strict`' : '`/* @flow strict */`';{ fix: (fixer) => { const annotation = ['line', 'none'].includes(style) ? '// @flow strict' : '/* @flow strict */'; return fixer.replaceTextRange([ potentialFlowFileAnnotation.range[0], potentialFlowFileAnnotation.range[1], ], annotation); }, message: `Strict Flow file annotation is required, must be ${str}`, node, }); } } else if (checkAnnotationSpelling(annotationValue)) {{ message: 'Misspelled or malformed Flow file annotation.', node: potentialFlowFileAnnotation }); } else {{ message: 'Malformed Flow file annotation.', node: potentialFlowFileAnnotation }); } } else if (always && !_.get(context, 'settings[\'ft-flow\'].onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation')) {{ fix: (fixer) => { let annotation; if (flowStrict) { annotation = ['line', 'none'].includes(style) ? '// @flow strict\n' : '/* @flow strict */\n'; } else { annotation = ['line', 'none'].includes(style) ? '// @flow\n' : '/* @flow */\n'; } const firstComment = node.comments[0]; if (firstComment && firstComment.type === 'Shebang') { return fixer .replaceTextRange( [ firstComment.range[1], firstComment.range[1], ], `\n${annotation.trim()}`, ); } return fixer .replaceTextRange( [ node.range[0], node.range[0], ], annotation, ); }, message: 'Flow file annotation is missing.', node, }); } }, }; }; export default { create, meta: { fixable: 'code', }, schema, };