# Suggest using `expect.assertions()` OR `expect.hasAssertions()` (`prefer-expect-assertions`) Ensure every test to have either `expect.assertions()` OR `expect.hasAssertions()` as its first expression. ## Rule details This rule triggers a warning if, - `expect.assertions()` OR `expect.hasAssertions()` is not present as first statement in a test, e.g.: ```js test('my test', () => { expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); ``` - `expect.assertions()` is the first statement in a test where argument passed to `expect.assertions()` is not a valid number, e.g.: ```js test('my test', () => { expect.assertions('1'); expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); ``` ### Default configuration The following patterns are considered warnings: ```js test('my test', () => { expect.assertions('1'); expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); test('my test', () => { expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); ``` The following patterns would not be considered warnings: ```js test('my test', () => { expect.assertions(1); expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); test('my test', () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(someThing()).toEqual('foo'); }); ``` ## Options This rule can be configured to only check tests that match certain patterns that typically look like `expect` calls might be missed, such as in promises or loops. By default, none of these options are enabled meaning the rule checks _every_ test for a call to either `expect.hasAssertions` or `expect.assertions`. If any of the options are enabled the rule checks any test that matches _at least one_ of the patterns represented by the enabled options (think "OR" rather than "AND"). #### `onlyFunctionsWithAsyncKeyword` When `true`, this rule will only warn for tests that use the `async` keyword. ```json { "rules": { "jest/prefer-expect-assertions": [ "warn", { "onlyFunctionsWithAsyncKeyword": true } ] } } ``` When `onlyFunctionsWithAsyncKeyword` option is set to `true`, the following pattern would be a warning: ```js test('my test', async () => { const result = await someAsyncFunc(); expect(result).toBe('foo'); }); ``` While the following patterns would not be considered warnings: ```js test('my test', () => { const result = someFunction(); expect(result).toBe('foo'); }); test('my test', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const result = await someAsyncFunc(); expect(result).toBe('foo'); }); ``` #### `onlyFunctionsWithExpectInLoop` When `true`, this rule will only warn for tests that have `expect` calls within a native loop. ```json { "rules": { "jest/prefer-expect-assertions": [ "warn", { "onlyFunctionsWithExpectInLoop": true } ] } } ``` Examples of **incorrect** code when `'onlyFunctionsWithExpectInLoop'` is `true`: ```js describe('getNumbers', () => { it('only returns numbers that are greater than zero', () => { const numbers = getNumbers(); for (const number in numbers) { expect(number).toBeGreaterThan(0); } }); }); ``` Examples of **correct** code when `'onlyFunctionsWithExpectInLoop'` is `true`: ```js describe('getNumbers', () => { it('only returns numbers that are greater than zero', () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const numbers = getNumbers(); for (const number in numbers) { expect(number).toBeGreaterThan(0); } }); it('returns more than one number', () => { expect(getNumbers().length).toBeGreaterThan(1); }); }); ``` #### `onlyFunctionsWithExpectInCallback` When `true`, this rule will only warn for tests that have `expect` calls within a callback. ```json { "rules": { "jest/prefer-expect-assertions": [ "warn", { "onlyFunctionsWithExpectInCallback": true } ] } } ``` Examples of **incorrect** code when `'onlyFunctionsWithExpectInCallback'` is `true`: ```js describe('getNumbers', () => { it('only returns numbers that are greater than zero', () => { const numbers = getNumbers(); getNumbers().forEach(number => { expect(number).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); }); describe('/users', () => { it.each([1, 2, 3])('returns ok', id => { client.get(`/users/${id}`, response => { expect(response.status).toBe(200); }); }); }); ``` Examples of **correct** code when `'onlyFunctionsWithExpectInCallback'` is `true`: ```js describe('getNumbers', () => { it('only returns numbers that are greater than zero', () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const numbers = getNumbers(); getNumbers().forEach(number => { expect(number).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); }); describe('/users', () => { it.each([1, 2, 3])('returns ok', id => { expect.assertions(1); client.get(`/users/${id}`, response => { expect(response.status).toBe(200); }); }); }); ```