# Suggest having hooks before any test cases (`prefer-hooks-on-top`) While hooks can be setup anywhere in a test file, they are always called in a specific order, which means it can be confusing if they're intermixed with test cases. This rule helps to ensure that hooks are always defined before test cases. ## Rule Details Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule ```js /* eslint jest/prefer-hooks-on-top: "error" */ describe('foo', () => { beforeEach(() => { seedMyDatabase(); }); it('accepts this input', () => { // ... }); beforeAll(() => { createMyDatabase(); }); it('returns that value', () => { // ... }); describe('when the database has specific values', () => { const specificValue = '...'; beforeEach(() => { seedMyDatabase(specificValue); }); it('accepts that input', () => { // ... }); it('throws an error', () => { // ... }); afterEach(() => { clearLogger(); }); beforeEach(() => { mockLogger(); }); it('logs a message', () => { // ... }); }); afterAll(() => { removeMyDatabase(); }); }); ``` Examples of **correct** code for this rule ```js /* eslint jest/prefer-hooks-on-top: "error" */ describe('foo', () => { beforeAll(() => { createMyDatabase(); }); beforeEach(() => { seedMyDatabase(); }); afterAll(() => { clearMyDatabase(); }); it('accepts this input', () => { // ... }); it('returns that value', () => { // ... }); describe('when the database has specific values', () => { const specificValue = '...'; beforeEach(() => { seedMyDatabase(specificValue); }); beforeEach(() => { mockLogger(); }); afterEach(() => { clearLogger(); }); it('accepts that input', () => { // ... }); it('throws an error', () => { // ... }); it('logs a message', () => { // ... }); }); }); ```