marky ====== JavaScript timer based on `performance.mark()` and `performance.measure()`, providing [high-resolution timings]( as well as nice Dev Tools visualizations. For browsers that don't support `performance.mark()`, it falls back to `` or ``. In Node, it uses `process.hrtime()`. Quick start ---- Install via npm: npm install marky Or as a script tag: ```html ``` Then take some measurements: ```js var marky = require('marky'); marky.mark('expensive operation'); doExpensiveOperation(); marky.stop('expensive operation'); ``` Why? --- The [User Timing API]( is [more performant]( than `console.time()` and `console.timeEnd()`, and [more accurate]( than ``. Also, you get nice visualizations in Chrome Dev Tools: ![Chrome Dev Tools screenshot](doc/chrome.png) As well as Edge F12 Tools: ![Edge F12 screenshot](doc/edge.png) This is because `marky` adds standard [PerformanceEntries]( to the [Performance Timeline]( Tools like [WebPageTest]( and [Windows Performance Analyzer]( also surface them, and you can even [send them to your analytics provider]( API --- `marky.mark()` begins recording, and `marky.stop()` finishes recording: ```js marky.mark('releaseTheHounds'); releaseTheHounds(); marky.stop('releaseTheHounds'); ``` You can also do more complex scenarios: ```js function setSail() { marky.mark('setSail'); marky.mark('raiseTheAnchor'); raiseTheAnchor(); marky.stop('raiseTheAnchor'); marky.mark('unfurlTheSails'); unfurlTheSails(); marky.stop('unfurlTheSails'); marky.stop('setSail'); } ``` `marky.stop()` also returns a `PerformanceEntry`: ```js marky.mark('manTheTorpedos'); manTheTorpedos(); var entry = marky.stop('manTheTorpedos'); ``` The entry will look something like: ```json { "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1974112, "duration": 350, "name": "manTheTorpedos" } ``` You can get all entries using: ```js var entries = marky.getEntries(); ``` This provides a list of all measures ordered by `startTime`, e.g.: ```json [ { "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1974112, "duration": 350, "name": "numberOne" }, { "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1975108, "duration": 300, "name": "numberTwo" }, { "entryType": "measure", "startTime": 1976127, "duration": 250, "name": "numberThree" } ] ``` You can also clear the entries using `marky.clear():` ```js marky.clear() ``` After this, `marky.getEntries()` will return an empty list. (If the User Timing API is supported, this will delete all the `mark` and `measure` entries from the timeline.) Browser support ---- `marky` has been tested in the following browsers/environments: * IE 9+ * Safari 8+ * iOS 8+ * Android 4.4+ * Chrome * Firefox * Edge * Node 4+ Per [the spec](, browsers only need to hold a minimum of 150 entries in their Performance Timeline buffer. [In older versions of Firefox](, the buffer is throttled to 150, which for `marky` means you can get a maximum of 50 entries from `marky.getEntries()` (because `marky` creates two marks and a measure). If you need to get more than 50 entries from `marky.getEntries()`, you can do: ```js if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize) { performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(10000); // or however many you need } ``` In Node and [browsers that don't support the User Timing API](, `marky` follows the behavior of Edge and Chrome, and does not limit the number of entries. `marky.stop()` and `marky.getEntries()` will return pseudo-`PerformanceEntry` objects. See also --- - [appmetrics.js]( – a library on top of `mark()`/`measure()` which reports to Google Analytics. Credits ---- Thanks to [@toddreifsteck]( for feedback on this project and clarifications on the User Timing API.