/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow * @format * @oncall react_native */ 'use strict'; import type { BasicSourceMap, FBSourceFunctionMap, FBSourceMetadata, FBSourcesArray, IndexMap, MixedSourceMap, } from 'metro-source-map'; const {normalizeSourcePath} = require('metro-source-map'); const vlq = require('vlq'); const METADATA_FIELD_FUNCTIONS = 0; type Position = { +line: number, +column: number, ... }; type FunctionMapping = { +line: number, +column: number, +name: string, ... }; type SourceNameNormalizer = (string, {+sourceRoot?: ?string, ...}) => string; type MetadataMap = {[source: string]: ?FBSourceMetadata, ...}; /** * Consumes the `x_facebook_sources` metadata field from a source map and * exposes various queries on it. * * By default, source names are normalized using the same logic that the * `source-map@0.5.6` package uses internally. This is crucial for keeping the * sources list in sync with a `SourceMapConsumer` instance. * If you're using this with a different source map reader (e.g. one that * doesn't normalize source names at all), you can switch out the normalization * function in the constructor, e.g. * * new SourceMetadataMapConsumer(map, source => source) // Don't normalize */ class SourceMetadataMapConsumer { constructor( map: MixedSourceMap, normalizeSourceFn: SourceNameNormalizer = normalizeSourcePath, ) { this._sourceMap = map; this._decodedFunctionMapCache = new Map(); this._normalizeSource = normalizeSourceFn; } _sourceMap: MixedSourceMap; _decodedFunctionMapCache: Map>; _normalizeSource: SourceNameNormalizer; _metadataBySource: ?MetadataMap; /** * Retrieves a human-readable name for the function enclosing a particular * source location. * * When used with the `source-map` package, you'll first use * `SourceMapConsumer#originalPositionFor` to retrieve a source location, * then pass that location to `functionNameFor`. */ functionNameFor({ line, column, source, }: Position & {+source: ?string, ...}): ?string { if (source && line != null && column != null) { const mappings = this._getFunctionMappings(source); if (mappings) { const mapping = findEnclosingMapping(mappings, {line, column}); if (mapping) { return mapping.name; } } } return null; } /** * Returns this map's source metadata as a new array with the same order as * `sources`. * * This array can be used as the `x_facebook_sources` field of a map whose * `sources` field is the array that was passed into this method. */ toArray(sources: $ReadOnlyArray): FBSourcesArray { const metadataBySource = this._getMetadataBySource(); const encoded = []; for (const source of sources) { encoded.push(metadataBySource[source] || null); } return encoded; } /** * Prepares and caches a lookup table of metadata by source name. */ _getMetadataBySource(): MetadataMap { if (!this._metadataBySource) { this._metadataBySource = this._getMetadataObjectsBySourceNames( this._sourceMap, ); } return this._metadataBySource; } /** * Decodes the function name mappings for the given source if needed, and * retrieves a sorted, searchable array of mappings. */ _getFunctionMappings(source: string): ?$ReadOnlyArray { if (this._decodedFunctionMapCache.has(source)) { return this._decodedFunctionMapCache.get(source); } let parsedFunctionMap = null; const metadataBySource = this._getMetadataBySource(); // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] added when improving typing for this parameters if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(metadataBySource, source)) { const metadata = metadataBySource[source] || []; parsedFunctionMap = decodeFunctionMap(metadata[METADATA_FIELD_FUNCTIONS]); } this._decodedFunctionMapCache.set(source, parsedFunctionMap); return parsedFunctionMap; } /** * Collects source metadata from the given map using the current source name * normalization function. Handles both index maps (with sections) and plain * maps. * * NOTE: If any sources are repeated in the map (which shouldn't happen in * Metro, but is technically possible because of index maps) we only keep the * metadata from the last occurrence of any given source. */ _getMetadataObjectsBySourceNames(map: MixedSourceMap): MetadataMap { // eslint-disable-next-line lint/strictly-null if (map.mappings === undefined) { const indexMap: IndexMap = map; return Object.assign( {}, ...indexMap.sections.map(section => this._getMetadataObjectsBySourceNames(section.map), ), ); } if ('x_facebook_sources' in map) { const basicMap: BasicSourceMap = map; return (basicMap.x_facebook_sources || []).reduce<{ [string]: ?FBSourceMetadata, }>((acc, metadata, index) => { let source = basicMap.sources[index]; if (source != null) { source = this._normalizeSource(source, basicMap); acc[source] = metadata; } return acc; }, {}); } return {}; } } function decodeFunctionMap( functionMap: ?FBSourceFunctionMap, ): $ReadOnlyArray { if (!functionMap) { return []; } const parsed = []; let line = 1; let nameIndex = 0; for (const lineMappings of functionMap.mappings.split(';')) { let column = 0; for (const mapping of lineMappings.split(',')) { const [columnDelta, nameDelta, lineDelta = 0] = vlq.decode(mapping); line += lineDelta; nameIndex += nameDelta; column += columnDelta; parsed.push({line, column, name: functionMap.names[nameIndex]}); } } return parsed; } function findEnclosingMapping( mappings: $ReadOnlyArray, target: Position, ): ?FunctionMapping { let first = 0; let it = 0; let count = mappings.length; let step; while (count > 0) { it = first; step = Math.floor(count / 2); it += step; if (comparePositions(target, mappings[it]) >= 0) { first = ++it; count -= step + 1; } else { count = step; } } return first ? mappings[first - 1] : null; } function comparePositions(a: Position, b: Position): number { if (a.line === b.line) { return a.column - b.column; } return a.line - b.line; } module.exports = SourceMetadataMapConsumer;