{"version":3,"sources":["LongPressGestureHandler.ts"],"names":["createHandler","baseGestureHandlerProps","longPressGestureHandlerProps","longPressHandlerName","LongPressGestureHandler","name","allowedProps","config","shouldCancelWhenOutside"],"mappings":"AAAA,OAAOA,aAAP,MAA0B,iBAA1B;AACA,SAEEC,uBAFF,QAGO,wBAHP;AAKA,OAAO,MAAMC,4BAA4B,GAAG,CAC1C,eAD0C,EAE1C,SAF0C,CAArC;AAiEP,OAAO,MAAMC,oBAAoB,GAAG,yBAA7B;AAGP;AACA,OAAO,MAAMC,uBAAuB,GAAGJ,aAAa,CAGlD;AACAK,EAAAA,IAAI,EAAEF,oBADN;AAEAG,EAAAA,YAAY,EAAE,CACZ,GAAGL,uBADS,EAEZ,GAAGC,4BAFS,CAFd;AAMAK,EAAAA,MAAM,EAAE;AACNC,IAAAA,uBAAuB,EAAE;AADnB;AANR,CAHkD,CAA7C","sourcesContent":["import createHandler from './createHandler';\nimport {\n BaseGestureHandlerProps,\n baseGestureHandlerProps,\n} from './gestureHandlerCommon';\n\nexport const longPressGestureHandlerProps = [\n 'minDurationMs',\n 'maxDist',\n] as const;\n\nexport type LongPressGestureHandlerEventPayload = {\n /**\n * X coordinate, expressed in points, of the current position of the pointer\n * (finger or a leading pointer when there are multiple fingers placed)\n * relative to the view attached to the handler.\n */\n x: number;\n\n /**\n * Y coordinate, expressed in points, of the current position of the pointer\n * (finger or a leading pointer when there are multiple fingers placed)\n * relative to the view attached to the handler.\n */\n y: number;\n\n /**\n * X coordinate, expressed in points, of the current position of the pointer\n * (finger or a leading pointer when there are multiple fingers placed)\n * relative to the window. It is recommended to use `absoluteX` instead of\n * `x` in cases when the view attached to the handler can be transformed as an\n * effect of the gesture.\n */\n absoluteX: number;\n\n /**\n * Y coordinate, expressed in points, of the current position of the pointer\n * (finger or a leading pointer when there are multiple fingers placed)\n * relative to the window. It is recommended to use `absoluteY` instead of\n * `y` in cases when the view attached to the handler can be transformed as an\n * effect of the gesture.\n */\n absoluteY: number;\n\n /**\n * Duration of the long press (time since the start of the event), expressed\n * in milliseconds.\n */\n duration: number;\n};\n\nexport interface LongPressGestureConfig {\n /**\n * Minimum time, expressed in milliseconds, that a finger must remain pressed on\n * the corresponding view. The default value is 500.\n */\n minDurationMs?: number;\n\n /**\n * Maximum distance, expressed in points, that defines how far the finger is\n * allowed to travel during a long press gesture. If the finger travels\n * further than the defined distance and the handler hasn't yet activated, it\n * will fail to recognize the gesture. The default value is 10.\n */\n maxDist?: number;\n}\n\nexport interface LongPressGestureHandlerProps\n extends BaseGestureHandlerProps,\n LongPressGestureConfig {}\n\nexport const longPressHandlerName = 'LongPressGestureHandler';\n\nexport type LongPressGestureHandler = typeof LongPressGestureHandler;\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare -- backward compatibility; see description on the top of gestureHandlerCommon.ts file\nexport const LongPressGestureHandler = createHandler<\n LongPressGestureHandlerProps,\n LongPressGestureHandlerEventPayload\n>({\n name: longPressHandlerName,\n allowedProps: [\n ...baseGestureHandlerProps,\n ...longPressGestureHandlerProps,\n ] as const,\n config: {\n shouldCancelWhenOutside: true,\n },\n});\n"]}