import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, Platform, processColor, StyleSheet, StyleProp, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import createNativeWrapper from '../handlers/createNativeWrapper'; import GestureHandlerButton from './GestureHandlerButton'; import { State } from '../State'; import { GestureEvent, HandlerStateChangeEvent, } from '../handlers/gestureHandlerCommon'; import { NativeViewGestureHandlerPayload, NativeViewGestureHandlerProps, } from '../handlers/NativeViewGestureHandler'; export interface RawButtonProps extends NativeViewGestureHandlerProps { /** * Defines if more than one button could be pressed simultaneously. By default * set true. */ exclusive?: boolean; // TODO: we should transform props in `createNativeWrapper` /** * Android only. * * Defines color of native ripple animation used since API level 21. */ rippleColor?: any; // it was present in BaseButtonProps before but is used here in code /** * Android only. * * Defines radius of native ripple animation used since API level 21. */ rippleRadius?: number | null; /** * Android only. * * Set this to true if you want the ripple animation to render outside the view bounds. */ borderless?: boolean; /** * Android only. * * Defines whether the ripple animation should be drawn on the foreground of the view. */ foreground?: boolean; /** * Android only. * * Set this to true if you don't want the system to play sound when the button is pressed. */ touchSoundDisabled?: boolean; } export interface BaseButtonProps extends RawButtonProps { /** * Called when the button gets pressed (analogous to `onPress` in * `TouchableHighlight` from RN core). */ onPress?: (pointerInside: boolean) => void; /** * Called when the button gets pressed and is held for `delayLongPress` * milliseconds. */ onLongPress?: () => void; /** * Called when button changes from inactive to active and vice versa. It * passes active state as a boolean variable as a first parameter for that * method. */ onActiveStateChange?: (active: boolean) => void; style?: StyleProp; testID?: string; /** * Delay, in milliseconds, after which the `onLongPress` callback gets called. * Defaults to 600. */ delayLongPress?: number; } export interface RectButtonProps extends BaseButtonProps { /** * Background color that will be dimmed when button is in active state. */ underlayColor?: string; /** * iOS only. * * Opacity applied to the underlay when button is in active state. */ activeOpacity?: number; } export interface BorderlessButtonProps extends BaseButtonProps { /** * iOS only. * * Opacity applied to the button when it is in an active state. */ activeOpacity?: number; } export const RawButton = createNativeWrapper(GestureHandlerButton, { shouldCancelWhenOutside: false, shouldActivateOnStart: false, }); export class BaseButton extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { delayLongPress: 600, }; private lastActive: boolean; private longPressTimeout: ReturnType | undefined; private longPressDetected: boolean; constructor(props: BaseButtonProps) { super(props); this.lastActive = false; this.longPressDetected = false; } private handleEvent = ({ nativeEvent, }: HandlerStateChangeEvent) => { const { state, oldState, pointerInside } = nativeEvent; const active = pointerInside && state === State.ACTIVE; if (active !== this.lastActive && this.props.onActiveStateChange) { this.props.onActiveStateChange(active); } if ( !this.longPressDetected && oldState === State.ACTIVE && state !== State.CANCELLED && this.lastActive && this.props.onPress ) { this.props.onPress(active); } if ( !this.lastActive && // NativeViewGestureHandler sends different events based on platform state === (Platform.OS !== 'android' ? State.ACTIVE : State.BEGAN) && pointerInside ) { this.longPressDetected = false; if (this.props.onLongPress) { this.longPressTimeout = setTimeout( this.onLongPress, this.props.delayLongPress ); } } else if ( // cancel longpress timeout if it's set and the finger moved out of the view state === State.ACTIVE && !pointerInside && this.longPressTimeout !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(this.longPressTimeout); this.longPressTimeout = undefined; } else if ( // cancel longpress timeout if it's set and the gesture has finished this.longPressTimeout !== undefined && (state === State.END || state === State.CANCELLED || state === State.FAILED) ) { clearTimeout(this.longPressTimeout); this.longPressTimeout = undefined; } this.lastActive = active; }; private onLongPress = () => { this.longPressDetected = true; this.props.onLongPress?.(); }; // Normally, the parent would execute it's handler first, then forward the // event to listeners. However, here our handler is virtually only forwarding // events to listeners, so we reverse the order to keep the proper order of // the callbacks (from "raw" ones to "processed"). private onHandlerStateChange = ( e: HandlerStateChangeEvent ) => { this.props.onHandlerStateChange?.(e); this.handleEvent(e); }; private onGestureEvent = ( e: GestureEvent ) => { this.props.onGestureEvent?.(e); this.handleEvent( e as HandlerStateChangeEvent ); // TODO: maybe it is not correct }; render() { const { rippleColor, } = this.props; return ( ); } } const AnimatedBaseButton = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(BaseButton); const btnStyles = StyleSheet.create({ underlay: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0, }, }); export class RectButton extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { activeOpacity: 0.105, underlayColor: 'black', }; private opacity: Animated.Value; constructor(props: RectButtonProps) { super(props); this.opacity = new Animated.Value(0); } private onActiveStateChange = (active: boolean) => { if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { this.opacity.setValue(active ? this.props.activeOpacity! : 0); } this.props.onActiveStateChange?.(active); }; render() { const { children, style, } = this.props; const resolvedStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(style ?? {}); return ( {children} ); } } export class BorderlessButton extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { activeOpacity: 0.3, borderless: true, }; private opacity: Animated.Value; constructor(props: BorderlessButtonProps) { super(props); this.opacity = new Animated.Value(1); } private onActiveStateChange = (active: boolean) => { if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { this.opacity.setValue(active ? this.props.activeOpacity! : 1); } this.props.onActiveStateChange?.(active); }; render() { const { children, style, } = this.props; return ( {children} ); } } export { default as PureNativeButton } from './GestureHandlerButton';