import * as React from 'react'; import { FlatList as RNFlatList, Switch as RNSwitch, TextInput as RNTextInput, ScrollView as RNScrollView, FlatListProps, View, } from 'react-native'; import createNativeWrapper from '../handlers/createNativeWrapper'; export const ScrollView = createNativeWrapper(RNScrollView, { disallowInterruption: false, }); export const Switch = createNativeWrapper(RNSwitch, { shouldCancelWhenOutside: false, shouldActivateOnStart: true, disallowInterruption: true, }); export const TextInput = createNativeWrapper(RNTextInput); export const DrawerLayoutAndroid = () => { console.warn('DrawerLayoutAndroid is not supported on web!'); return ; }; // RefreshControl is implemented as a functional component, rendering a View // NativeViewGestureHandler needs to set a ref on its child, which cannot be done // on functional components export const RefreshControl = createNativeWrapper(View); export const FlatList = React.forwardRef( (props: FlatListProps, ref: any) => ( } /> ) );