import { Animated, Easing, StyleSheet, View, TouchableOpacityProps as RNTouchableOpacityProps, } from 'react-native'; import GenericTouchable, { TOUCHABLE_STATE, GenericTouchableProps, } from './GenericTouchable'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Component } from 'react'; export type TouchableOpacityProps = RNTouchableOpacityProps & GenericTouchableProps & { useNativeAnimations?: boolean; }; /** * TouchableOpacity bases on timing animation which has been used in RN's core */ export default class TouchableOpacity extends Component<TouchableOpacityProps> { static defaultProps = { ...GenericTouchable.defaultProps, activeOpacity: 0.2, }; // opacity is 1 one by default but could be overwritten getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault = () => { const childStyle = StyleSheet.flatten( || {}; return childStyle.opacity == null ? 1 : (childStyle.opacity.valueOf() as number); }; opacity = new Animated.Value(this.getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault()); setOpacityTo = (value: number, duration: number) => { Animated.timing(this.opacity, { toValue: value, duration: duration, easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad), useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeAnimations ?? true, }).start(); }; onStateChange = (_from: number, to: number) => { if (to === TOUCHABLE_STATE.BEGAN) { this.setOpacityTo(this.props.activeOpacity!, 0); } else if ( to === TOUCHABLE_STATE.UNDETERMINED || to === TOUCHABLE_STATE.MOVED_OUTSIDE ) { this.setOpacityTo(this.getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault(), 150); } }; render() { const { style = {}, } = this.props; return ( <GenericTouchable {} style={[ style, { opacity: this.opacity as unknown as number, // TODO: fix this }, ]} onStateChange={this.onStateChange}> {this.props.children ? this.props.children : <View />} </GenericTouchable> ); } }