import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, UIManager, DeviceEventEmitter, EmitterSubscription, } from 'react-native'; // @ts-ignore - it isn't typed by TS & don't have definitelyTyped types import deepEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import RNGestureHandlerModule from '../RNGestureHandlerModule'; import type RNGestureHandlerModuleWeb from '../RNGestureHandlerModule.web'; import { State } from '../State'; import { handlerIDToTag, getNextHandlerTag, registerOldGestureHandler, } from './handlersRegistry'; import { BaseGestureHandlerProps, filterConfig, GestureEvent, HandlerStateChangeEvent, findNodeHandle, scheduleFlushOperations, } from './gestureHandlerCommon'; import { ValueOf } from '../typeUtils'; import { isFabric, isJestEnv, tagMessage } from '../utils'; import { ActionType } from '../ActionType'; import { PressabilityDebugView } from './PressabilityDebugView'; import GestureHandlerRootViewContext from '../GestureHandlerRootViewContext'; import { ghQueueMicrotask } from '../ghQueueMicrotask'; const UIManagerAny = UIManager as any; const customGHEventsConfigFabricAndroid = { topOnGestureHandlerEvent: { registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerEvent' }, topOnGestureHandlerStateChange: { registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerStateChange', }, }; const customGHEventsConfig = { onGestureHandlerEvent: { registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerEvent' }, onGestureHandlerStateChange: { registrationName: 'onGestureHandlerStateChange', }, // When using React Native Gesture Handler for Animated.event with useNativeDriver: true // on Android with Fabric enabled, the native part still sends the native events to JS // but prefixed with "top". We cannot simply rename the events above so they are prefixed // with "top" instead of "on" because in such case would not be registered. // That's why we need to register another pair of event names. // The incoming events will be queued but never handled. // Without this piece of code below, you'll get the following JS error: // Unsupported top level event type "topOnGestureHandlerEvent" dispatched ...(isFabric() && Platform.OS === 'android' && customGHEventsConfigFabricAndroid), }; // Add gesture specific events to genericDirectEventTypes object exported from UIManager // native module. // Once new event types are registered with react it is possible to dispatch these // events to all kind of native views. UIManagerAny.genericDirectEventTypes = { ...UIManagerAny.genericDirectEventTypes, ...customGHEventsConfig, }; // In newer versions of RN the `genericDirectEventTypes` is located in the object // returned by UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('getConstants') or in older RN UIManager.getConstants(), we need to add it there as well to make // it compatible with RN 61+ const UIManagerConstants = UIManagerAny.getViewManagerConfig?.('getConstants') ?? UIManagerAny.getConstants?.(); if (UIManagerConstants) { UIManagerConstants.genericDirectEventTypes = { ...UIManagerConstants.genericDirectEventTypes, ...customGHEventsConfig, }; } // Wrap JS responder calls and notify gesture handler manager const { setJSResponder: oldSetJSResponder = () => { //no operation }, clearJSResponder: oldClearJSResponder = () => { //no operation }, } = UIManagerAny; UIManagerAny.setJSResponder = (tag: number, blockNativeResponder: boolean) => { RNGestureHandlerModule.handleSetJSResponder(tag, blockNativeResponder); oldSetJSResponder(tag, blockNativeResponder); }; UIManagerAny.clearJSResponder = () => { RNGestureHandlerModule.handleClearJSResponder(); oldClearJSResponder(); }; let allowTouches = true; const DEV_ON_ANDROID = __DEV__ && Platform.OS === 'android'; // Toggled inspector blocks touch events in order to allow inspecting on Android // This needs to be a global variable in order to set initial state for `allowTouches` property in Handler component if (DEV_ON_ANDROID) { DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('toggleElementInspector', () => { allowTouches = !allowTouches; }); } type HandlerProps> = Readonly< React.PropsWithChildren> >; function hasUnresolvedRefs>( props: HandlerProps ) { // TODO(TS) - add type for extract arg const extract = (refs: any | any[]) => { if (!Array.isArray(refs)) { return refs && refs.current === null; } return refs.some((r) => r && r.current === null); }; return extract(props['simultaneousHandlers']) || extract(props['waitFor']); } const stateToPropMappings = { [State.UNDETERMINED]: undefined, [State.BEGAN]: 'onBegan', [State.FAILED]: 'onFailed', [State.CANCELLED]: 'onCancelled', [State.ACTIVE]: 'onActivated', [State.END]: 'onEnded', } as const; type CreateHandlerArgs> = Readonly<{ name: string; allowedProps: Readonly[]>; config: Readonly>; transformProps?: (props: HandlerPropsT) => HandlerPropsT; customNativeProps?: Readonly; }>; // TODO(TS) fix event types type InternalEventHandlers = { onGestureHandlerEvent?: (event: any) => void; onGestureHandlerStateChange?: (event: any) => void; }; const UNRESOLVED_REFS_RETRY_LIMIT = 1; // TODO(TS) - make sure that BaseGestureHandlerProps doesn't need other generic parameter to work with custom properties. export default function createHandler< T extends BaseGestureHandlerProps, U extends Record >({ name, allowedProps = [], config = {}, transformProps, customNativeProps = [], }: CreateHandlerArgs): React.ComponentType> { interface HandlerState { allowTouches: boolean; } class Handler extends React.Component< T & InternalEventHandlers, HandlerState > { static displayName = name; static contextType = GestureHandlerRootViewContext; private handlerTag: number; private config: Record; private propsRef: React.MutableRefObject; private isMountedRef: React.MutableRefObject; private viewNode: any; private viewTag?: number; private inspectorToggleListener?: EmitterSubscription; constructor(props: T & InternalEventHandlers) { super(props); this.handlerTag = getNextHandlerTag(); this.config = {}; this.propsRef = React.createRef(); this.isMountedRef = React.createRef(); this.state = { allowTouches }; if ( { if (handlerIDToTag[] !== undefined) { throw new Error(`Handler with ID "${}" already registered`); } handlerIDToTag[] = this.handlerTag; } } componentDidMount() { const props: HandlerProps = this.props; this.isMountedRef.current = true; if (DEV_ON_ANDROID) { this.inspectorToggleListener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'toggleElementInspector', () => { this.setState((_) => ({ allowTouches })); this.update(UNRESOLVED_REFS_RETRY_LIMIT); } ); } if (hasUnresolvedRefs(props)) { // If there are unresolved refs (e.g. ".current" has not yet been set) // passed as `simultaneousHandlers` or `waitFor`, we enqueue a call to // _update method that will try to update native handler props using // queueMicrotask. This makes it so update() function gets called after all // react components are mounted and we expect the missing ref object to // be resolved by then. ghQueueMicrotask(() => { this.update(UNRESOLVED_REFS_RETRY_LIMIT); }); } this.createGestureHandler( filterConfig( transformProps ? transformProps(this.props) : this.props, [...allowedProps, ...customNativeProps], config ) ); this.attachGestureHandler(findNodeHandle(this.viewNode) as number); // TODO(TS) - check if this can be null } componentDidUpdate() { const viewTag = findNodeHandle(this.viewNode); if (this.viewTag !== viewTag) { this.attachGestureHandler(viewTag as number); // TODO(TS) - check interaction between _viewTag & findNodeHandle } this.update(UNRESOLVED_REFS_RETRY_LIMIT); } componentWillUnmount() { this.inspectorToggleListener?.remove(); this.isMountedRef.current = false; RNGestureHandlerModule.dropGestureHandler(this.handlerTag); scheduleFlushOperations(); // We can't use directly due to TS generic type narrowing bug, see for more context const handlerID: string | undefined =; if (handlerID) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete handlerIDToTag[handlerID]; } } private onGestureHandlerEvent = (event: GestureEvent) => { if (event.nativeEvent.handlerTag === this.handlerTag) { if (typeof this.props.onGestureEvent === 'function') { this.props.onGestureEvent?.(event); } } else { this.props.onGestureHandlerEvent?.(event); } }; // TODO(TS) - make sure this is right type for event private onGestureHandlerStateChange = ( event: HandlerStateChangeEvent ) => { if (event.nativeEvent.handlerTag === this.handlerTag) { if (typeof this.props.onHandlerStateChange === 'function') { this.props.onHandlerStateChange?.(event); } const state: ValueOf = event.nativeEvent.state; const stateEventName = stateToPropMappings[state]; const eventHandler = stateEventName && this.props[stateEventName]; if (eventHandler && typeof eventHandler === 'function') { eventHandler(event); } } else { this.props.onGestureHandlerStateChange?.(event); } }; private refHandler = (node: any) => { this.viewNode = node; const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children); // TODO(TS) fix ref type const { ref }: any = child; if (ref !== null) { if (typeof ref === 'function') { ref(node); } else { ref.current = node; } } }; private createGestureHandler = ( newConfig: Readonly> ) => { this.config = newConfig; RNGestureHandlerModule.createGestureHandler( name, this.handlerTag, newConfig ); }; private attachGestureHandler = (newViewTag: number) => { this.viewTag = newViewTag; if (Platform.OS === 'web') { // typecast due to dynamic resolution, attachGestureHandler should have web version signature in this branch ( RNGestureHandlerModule.attachGestureHandler as typeof RNGestureHandlerModuleWeb.attachGestureHandler )( this.handlerTag, newViewTag, ActionType.JS_FUNCTION_OLD_API, // ignored on web this.propsRef ); } else { registerOldGestureHandler(this.handlerTag, { onGestureEvent: this.onGestureHandlerEvent, onGestureStateChange: this.onGestureHandlerStateChange, }); const actionType = (() => { if ( (this.props?.onGestureEvent && 'current' in this.props.onGestureEvent) || (this.props?.onHandlerStateChange && 'current' in this.props.onHandlerStateChange) ) { // Reanimated worklet return ActionType.REANIMATED_WORKLET; } else if ( this.props?.onGestureEvent && '__isNative' in this.props.onGestureEvent ) { // Animated.event with useNativeDriver: true return ActionType.NATIVE_ANIMATED_EVENT; } else { // JS callback or Animated.event with useNativeDriver: false return ActionType.JS_FUNCTION_OLD_API; } })(); RNGestureHandlerModule.attachGestureHandler( this.handlerTag, newViewTag, actionType ); } scheduleFlushOperations(); }; private updateGestureHandler = ( newConfig: Readonly> ) => { this.config = newConfig; RNGestureHandlerModule.updateGestureHandler(this.handlerTag, newConfig); scheduleFlushOperations(); }; private update(remainingTries: number) { if (!this.isMountedRef.current) { return; } const props: HandlerProps = this.props; // When ref is set via a function i.e. `ref={(r) => refObject.current = r}` instead of // `ref={refObject}` it's possible that it won't be resolved in time. Seems like trying // again is easy enough fix. if (hasUnresolvedRefs(props) && remainingTries > 0) { ghQueueMicrotask(() => { this.update(remainingTries - 1); }); } else { const newConfig = filterConfig( transformProps ? transformProps(this.props) : this.props, [...allowedProps, ...customNativeProps], config ); if (!deepEqual(this.config, newConfig)) { this.updateGestureHandler(newConfig); } } } setNativeProps(updates: any) { const mergedProps = { ...this.props, ...updates }; const newConfig = filterConfig( transformProps ? transformProps(mergedProps) : mergedProps, [...allowedProps, ...customNativeProps], config ); this.updateGestureHandler(newConfig); } render() { if (__DEV__ && !this.context && !isJestEnv() && Platform.OS !== 'web') { throw new Error( name + ' must be used as a descendant of GestureHandlerRootView. Otherwise the gestures will not be recognized. See for more details.' ); } let gestureEventHandler = this.onGestureHandlerEvent; // Another instance of type OnGestureEventHandlers = { onGestureEvent?: BaseGestureHandlerProps['onGestureEvent']; onGestureHandlerEvent?: InternalEventHandlers['onGestureHandlerEvent']; }; const { onGestureEvent, onGestureHandlerEvent }: OnGestureEventHandlers = this.props; if (onGestureEvent && typeof onGestureEvent !== 'function') { // If it's not a method it should be an native Animated.event // object. We set it directly as the handler for the view // In this case nested handlers are not going to be supported if (onGestureHandlerEvent) { throw new Error( 'Nesting touch handlers with native animated driver is not supported yet' ); } gestureEventHandler = onGestureEvent; } else { if ( onGestureHandlerEvent && typeof onGestureHandlerEvent !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Nesting touch handlers with native animated driver is not supported yet' ); } } let gestureStateEventHandler = this.onGestureHandlerStateChange; // Another instance of type OnGestureStateChangeHandlers = { onHandlerStateChange?: BaseGestureHandlerProps['onHandlerStateChange']; onGestureHandlerStateChange?: InternalEventHandlers['onGestureHandlerStateChange']; }; const { onHandlerStateChange, onGestureHandlerStateChange, }: OnGestureStateChangeHandlers = this.props; if (onHandlerStateChange && typeof onHandlerStateChange !== 'function') { // If it's not a method it should be an native Animated.event // object. We set it directly as the handler for the view // In this case nested handlers are not going to be supported if (onGestureHandlerStateChange) { throw new Error( 'Nesting touch handlers with native animated driver is not supported yet' ); } gestureStateEventHandler = onHandlerStateChange; } else { if ( onGestureHandlerStateChange && typeof onGestureHandlerStateChange !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Nesting touch handlers with native animated driver is not supported yet' ); } } const events = { onGestureHandlerEvent: this.state.allowTouches ? gestureEventHandler : undefined, onGestureHandlerStateChange: this.state.allowTouches ? gestureStateEventHandler : undefined, }; this.propsRef.current = events; let child: any = null; try { child = React.Children.only(this.props.children); } catch (e) { throw new Error( tagMessage( `${name} got more than one view as a child. If you want the gesture to work on multiple views, wrap them with a common parent and attach the gesture to that view.` ) ); } let grandChildren = child.props.children; if ( __DEV__ && child.type && (child.type === 'RNGestureHandlerButton' || === 'View' || child.type.displayName === 'View') ) { grandChildren = React.Children.toArray(grandChildren); grandChildren.push( ); } return React.cloneElement( child, { ref: this.refHandler, collapsable: false, ...(isJestEnv() ? { handlerType: name, handlerTag: this.handlerTag, } : {}), testID: this.props.testID ?? child.props.testID,, }, grandChildren ); } } return Handler; }