/* eslint-env browser */ import * as React from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import type { NativeSafeAreaProviderProps } from './SafeArea.types'; /** * TODO: * Currently insets and frame are based on the window and are not * relative to the provider view. This is inconsistent with iOS and Android. * However in most cases if the provider view covers the screen this is not * an issue. */ const CSSTransitions: Record = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', Transition: 'transitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', MSTransition: 'msTransitionEnd', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd', }; export function NativeSafeAreaProvider({ children, style, onInsetsChange, }: NativeSafeAreaProviderProps) { React.useEffect(() => { // Skip for SSR. if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } const element = createContextElement(); document.body.appendChild(element); const onEnd = () => { const { paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingLeft, paddingRight } = window.getComputedStyle(element); const insets = { top: paddingTop ? parseInt(paddingTop, 10) : 0, bottom: paddingBottom ? parseInt(paddingBottom, 10) : 0, left: paddingLeft ? parseInt(paddingLeft, 10) : 0, right: paddingRight ? parseInt(paddingRight, 10) : 0, }; const frame = { x: 0, y: 0, width: document.documentElement.offsetWidth, height: document.documentElement.offsetHeight, }; // @ts-ignore: missing properties onInsetsChange({ nativeEvent: { insets, frame } }); }; element.addEventListener(getSupportedTransitionEvent(), onEnd); onEnd(); return () => { document.body.removeChild(element); element.removeEventListener(getSupportedTransitionEvent(), onEnd); }; }, [onInsetsChange]); return {children}; } let _supportedTransitionEvent: string | null | undefined = null; function getSupportedTransitionEvent(): string { if (_supportedTransitionEvent != null) { return _supportedTransitionEvent; } const element = document.createElement('invalidtype'); _supportedTransitionEvent = CSSTransitions.Transition; for (const key in CSSTransitions) { if (element.style[key as keyof CSSStyleDeclaration] !== undefined) { _supportedTransitionEvent = CSSTransitions[key]; break; } } return _supportedTransitionEvent as string; } type CssEnv = 'constant' | 'env'; let _supportedEnv: CssEnv | null = null; function getSupportedEnv(): CssEnv { if (_supportedEnv !== null) { return _supportedEnv; } const { CSS } = window; if ( CSS && CSS.supports && CSS.supports('top: constant(safe-area-inset-top)') ) { _supportedEnv = 'constant'; } else { _supportedEnv = 'env'; } return _supportedEnv; } function getInset(side: string): string { return `${getSupportedEnv()}(safe-area-inset-${side})`; } function createContextElement(): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('div'); const { style } = element; style.position = 'fixed'; style.left = '0'; style.top = '0'; style.width = '0'; style.height = '0'; style.zIndex = '-1'; style.overflow = 'hidden'; style.visibility = 'hidden'; // Bacon: Anything faster than this and the callback will be invoked too early with the wrong insets style.transitionDuration = '0.05s'; style.transitionProperty = 'padding'; style.transitionDelay = '0s'; style.paddingTop = getInset('top'); style.paddingBottom = getInset('bottom'); style.paddingLeft = getInset('left'); style.paddingRight = getInset('right'); return element; }