import React from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { HeaderHeightChangeEventType, InnerScreen, ScreenProps, TransitionProgressEventType, } from 'react-native-screens'; // @ts-ignore file to be used only if `react-native-reanimated` available in the project import Animated, { useEvent, useSharedValue } from 'react-native-reanimated'; import ReanimatedTransitionProgressContext from './ReanimatedTransitionProgressContext'; import { useSafeAreaFrame, useSafeAreaInsets, } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import getDefaultHeaderHeight from '../native-stack/utils/getDefaultHeaderHeight'; import getStatusBarHeight from '../native-stack/utils/getStatusBarHeight'; import ReanimatedHeaderHeightContext from './ReanimatedHeaderHeightContext'; const AnimatedScreen = Animated.createAnimatedComponent( InnerScreen as unknown as React.ComponentClass ); // We use prop added to global by reanimated since it seems safer than the one from RN. See: // // @ts-expect-error nativeFabricUIManager is not yet included in the RN types const ENABLE_FABRIC = !!global?._IS_FABRIC; const ReanimatedNativeStackScreen = React.forwardRef< typeof AnimatedScreen, ScreenProps >((props, ref) => { const { children, } = props; const { stackPresentation = 'push', hasLargeHeader } = rest; const dimensions = useSafeAreaFrame(); const topInset = useSafeAreaInsets().top; const isStatusBarTranslucent = rest.statusBarTranslucent ?? false; const statusBarHeight = getStatusBarHeight( topInset, dimensions, isStatusBarTranslucent ); // Default header height, normally used in `useHeaderHeight` hook. // Here, it is used for returning a default value for shared value. const defaultHeaderHeight = getDefaultHeaderHeight( dimensions, statusBarHeight, stackPresentation, hasLargeHeader ); const cachedHeaderHeight = React.useRef(defaultHeaderHeight); const headerHeight = useSharedValue(defaultHeaderHeight); const progress = useSharedValue(0); const closing = useSharedValue(0); const goingForward = useSharedValue(0); return ( { 'worklet'; progress.value = event.progress; closing.value = event.closing; goingForward.value = event.goingForward; }, [ // This should not be necessary, but is not properly managed by `react-native-reanimated` // @ts-ignore wrong type Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'onTransitionProgress' : // for some reason there is a difference in required event name between architectures ENABLE_FABRIC ? 'onTransitionProgress' : 'topTransitionProgress', ] )} onHeaderHeightChangeReanimated={useEvent( (event: HeaderHeightChangeEventType) => { 'worklet'; if (event.headerHeight !== cachedHeaderHeight.current) { headerHeight.value = event.headerHeight; cachedHeaderHeight.current = event.headerHeight; } }, [ // @ts-ignore wrong type Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'onHeaderHeightChange' : ENABLE_FABRIC ? 'onHeaderHeightChange' : 'topHeaderHeightChange', ] )} {}> {children} ); }); ReanimatedNativeStackScreen.displayName = 'ReanimatedNativeStackScreen'; export default ReanimatedNativeStackScreen;