/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTConstants.h" NSString *const RCTPlatformName = @"ios"; NSString *const RCTUserInterfaceStyleDidChangeNotification = @"RCTUserInterfaceStyleDidChangeNotification"; NSString *const RCTUserInterfaceStyleDidChangeNotificationTraitCollectionKey = @"traitCollection"; NSString *const RCTWindowFrameDidChangeNotification = @"RCTWindowFrameDidChangeNotification"; NSString *const RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification"; NSString *const RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification"; NSString *const RCTJavaScriptWillStartExecutingNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptWillStartExecutingNotification"; NSString *const RCTJavaScriptWillStartLoadingNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptWillStartLoadingNotification"; NSString *const RCTDidInitializeModuleNotification = @"RCTDidInitializeModuleNotification"; /* * W3C Pointer Events */ static BOOL RCTDispatchW3CPointerEvents = NO; BOOL RCTGetDispatchW3CPointerEvents(void) { return RCTDispatchW3CPointerEvents; } void RCTSetDispatchW3CPointerEvents(BOOL value) { RCTDispatchW3CPointerEvents = value; } /* * Validate RCTEventEmitter. For experimentation only. */ static BOOL RCTValidateCanSendEventInRCTEventEmitter = NO; BOOL RCTGetValidateCanSendEventInRCTEventEmitter(void) { return RCTValidateCanSendEventInRCTEventEmitter; } void RCTSetValidateCanSendEventInRCTEventEmitter(BOOL value) { RCTValidateCanSendEventInRCTEventEmitter = value; } /* * Memory Pressure Unloading Level for experimentation only. * Default is 15, which is TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL. */ static int RCTMemoryPressureUnloadLevel = 15; int RCTGetMemoryPressureUnloadLevel(void) { return RCTMemoryPressureUnloadLevel; } void RCTSetMemoryPressureUnloadLevel(int value) { RCTMemoryPressureUnloadLevel = value; } /* * In Bridge mode, parse the JS stack for unhandled JS errors, to display in RedBox. * When false (previous default behavior), a native stack is displayed in the RedBox. */ static BOOL RCTParseUnhandledJSErrorStackNatively = NO; BOOL RCTGetParseUnhandledJSErrorStackNatively(void) { return RCTParseUnhandledJSErrorStackNatively; } void RCTSetParseUnhandledJSErrorStackNatively(BOOL value) { RCTParseUnhandledJSErrorStackNatively = value; } /* * Use native view configs in bridgeless mode */ static BOOL RCTUseNativeViewConfigsInBridgelessMode = NO; BOOL RCTGetUseNativeViewConfigsInBridgelessMode(void) { return RCTUseNativeViewConfigsInBridgelessMode; } void RCTSetUseNativeViewConfigsInBridgelessMode(BOOL value) { RCTUseNativeViewConfigsInBridgelessMode = value; }