/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTConvert.h" #import #import #import "RCTDefines.h" #import "RCTImageSource.h" #import "RCTParserUtils.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" @implementation RCTConvert RCT_CONVERTER(id, id, self) RCT_CONVERTER(BOOL, BOOL, boolValue) RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(double, doubleValue) RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(float, floatValue) RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(int, intValue) RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(int64_t, longLongValue); RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(uint64_t, unsignedLongLongValue); RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(NSInteger, integerValue) RCT_NUMBER_CONVERTER(NSUInteger, unsignedIntegerValue) /** * This macro is used for creating converter functions for directly * representable json values that require no conversion. */ #if RCT_DEBUG #define RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(type) \ +(type *)type : (id)json \ { \ if ([json isKindOfClass:[type class]]) { \ return json; \ } else if (json) { \ RCTLogConvertError(json, @ #type); \ } \ return nil; \ } #else #define RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(type) \ +(type *)type : (id)json \ { \ return json; \ } #endif RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(NSArray) RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(NSDictionary) RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(NSString) RCT_JSON_CONVERTER(NSNumber) RCT_CUSTOM_CONVERTER(NSSet *, NSSet, [NSSet setWithArray:json]) RCT_CUSTOM_CONVERTER(NSData *, NSData, [json dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) + (NSIndexSet *)NSIndexSet:(id)json { json = [self NSNumberArray:json]; NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet new]; for (NSNumber *number in json) { NSInteger index = number.integerValue; if (RCT_DEBUG && index < 0) { RCTLogInfo(@"Invalid index value %lld. Indices must be positive.", (long long)index); } [indexSet addIndex:index]; } return indexSet; } + (NSURL *)NSURL:(id)json { NSString *path = [self NSString:RCTNilIfNull(json)]; if (!path) { return nil; } @try { // NSURL has a history of crashing with bad input, so let's be safe NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:path]; if (URL.scheme) { // Was a well-formed absolute URL return URL; } // Check if it has a scheme if ([path rangeOfString:@"://"].location != NSNotFound) { NSMutableCharacterSet *urlAllowedCharacterSet = [NSMutableCharacterSet new]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLUserAllowedCharacterSet]]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLPasswordAllowedCharacterSet]]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLHostAllowedCharacterSet]]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLPathAllowedCharacterSet]]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet]]; [urlAllowedCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet URLFragmentAllowedCharacterSet]]; path = [path stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:urlAllowedCharacterSet]; URL = [NSURL URLWithString:path]; if (URL) { return URL; } } // Assume that it's a local path path = path.stringByRemovingPercentEncoding; if ([path hasPrefix:@"~"]) { // Path is inside user directory path = path.stringByExpandingTildeInPath; } else if (!path.absolutePath) { // Assume it's a resource path path = [[NSBundle mainBundle].resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:path]; } if (!(URL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path])) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a valid URL"); } return URL; } @catch (__unused NSException *e) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a valid URL"); return nil; } } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( NSURLRequestCachePolicy, (@{ @"default" : @(NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy), @"reload" : @(NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData), @"force-cache" : @(NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad), @"only-if-cached" : @(NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad), }), NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy, integerValue) + (NSURLRequest *)NSURLRequest:(id)json { if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { NSURL *URL = [self NSURL:json]; return URL ? [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL] : nil; } if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSString *URLString = json[@"uri"] ?: json[@"url"]; NSURL *URL; NSString *bundleName = json[@"bundle"]; if (bundleName) { URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.bundle/%@", bundleName, URLString]; } URL = [self NSURL:URLString]; if (!URL) { return nil; } NSData *body = [self NSData:json[@"body"]]; NSString *method = [self NSString:json[@"method"]].uppercaseString ?: @"GET"; NSURLRequestCachePolicy cachePolicy = [self NSURLRequestCachePolicy:json[@"cache"]]; NSDictionary *headers = [self NSDictionary:json[@"headers"]]; if ([method isEqualToString:@"GET"] && headers == nil && body == nil && cachePolicy == NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy) { return [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL]; } if (headers) { __block BOOL allHeadersAreStrings = YES; [headers enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id header, BOOL *stop) { if (![header isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { RCTLogInfo( @"Values of HTTP headers passed must be of type string. " "Value of header '%@' is not a string.", key); allHeadersAreStrings = NO; *stop = YES; } }]; if (!allHeadersAreStrings) { // Set headers to nil here to avoid crashing later. headers = nil; } } NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:URL]; request.HTTPBody = body; request.HTTPMethod = method; request.cachePolicy = cachePolicy; request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers; return [request copy]; } if (json) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a valid URLRequest"); } return nil; } + (RCTFileURL *)RCTFileURL:(id)json { NSURL *fileURL = [self NSURL:json]; if (!fileURL.fileURL) { RCTLogInfo(@"URI must be a local file, '%@' isn't.", fileURL); return nil; } if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fileURL.path]) { RCTLogInfo(@"File '%@' could not be found.", fileURL); return nil; } return fileURL; } + (NSDate *)NSDate:(id)json { if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[self NSTimeInterval:json]]; } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { static NSDateFormatter *formatter; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ formatter = [NSDateFormatter new]; formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ"; formatter.locale = [NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"]; formatter.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"UTC"]; }); NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:json]; if (!date) { RCTLogInfo( @"JSON String '%@' could not be interpreted as a date. " "Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss.sssZ", json); } return date; } else if (json) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a date"); } return nil; } + (NSLocale *)NSLocale:(id)json { if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { NSLocale *locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:json]; if (!locale) { RCTLogInfo(@"JSON String '%@' could not be interpreted as a valid locale. ", json); } return locale; } else if (json) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a locale"); } return nil; } // JS Standard for time is milliseconds RCT_CUSTOM_CONVERTER(NSTimeInterval, NSTimeInterval, [self double:json] / 1000.0) // JS standard for time zones is minutes. RCT_CUSTOM_CONVERTER(NSTimeZone *, NSTimeZone, [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:[self double:json] * 60.0]) NSNumber *RCTConvertEnumValue(const char *typeName, NSDictionary *mapping, NSNumber *defaultValue, id json) { if (!json) { return defaultValue; } if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { NSArray *allValues = mapping.allValues; if ([allValues containsObject:json] || [json isEqual:defaultValue]) { return json; } RCTLogInfo(@"Invalid %s '%@'. should be one of: %@", typeName, json, allValues); return defaultValue; } if (RCT_DEBUG && ![json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { RCTLogInfo(@"Expected NSNumber or NSString for %s, received %@: %@", typeName, [json classForCoder], json); } id value = mapping[json]; if (RCT_DEBUG && !value && [json description].length > 0) { RCTLogInfo( @"Invalid %s '%@'. should be one of: %@", typeName, json, [[mapping allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]); } return value ?: defaultValue; } NSNumber *RCTConvertMultiEnumValue(const char *typeName, NSDictionary *mapping, NSNumber *defaultValue, id json) { if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { if ([json count] == 0) { return defaultValue; } long long result = 0; for (id arrayElement in json) { NSNumber *value = RCTConvertEnumValue(typeName, mapping, defaultValue, arrayElement); result |= value.longLongValue; } return @(result); } return RCTConvertEnumValue(typeName, mapping, defaultValue, json); } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( NSLineBreakMode, (@{ @"clip" : @(NSLineBreakByClipping), @"head" : @(NSLineBreakByTruncatingHead), @"tail" : @(NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail), @"middle" : @(NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle), @"wordWrapping" : @(NSLineBreakByWordWrapping), }), NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( NSTextAlignment, (@{ @"auto" : @(NSTextAlignmentNatural), @"left" : @(NSTextAlignmentLeft), @"center" : @(NSTextAlignmentCenter), @"right" : @(NSTextAlignmentRight), @"justify" : @(NSTextAlignmentJustified), }), NSTextAlignmentNatural, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( NSUnderlineStyle, (@{ @"solid" : @(NSUnderlineStyleSingle), @"double" : @(NSUnderlineStyleDouble), @"dotted" : @(NSUnderlinePatternDot | NSUnderlineStyleSingle), @"dashed" : @(NSUnderlinePatternDash | NSUnderlineStyleSingle), }), NSUnderlineStyleSingle, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( RCTBorderStyle, (@{ @"solid" : @(RCTBorderStyleSolid), @"dotted" : @(RCTBorderStyleDotted), @"dashed" : @(RCTBorderStyleDashed), }), RCTBorderStyleSolid, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( RCTBorderCurve, (@{ @"circular" : @(RCTBorderCurveCircular), @"continuous" : @(RCTBorderCurveContinuous), }), RCTBorderCurveCircular, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( RCTTextDecorationLineType, (@{ @"none" : @(RCTTextDecorationLineTypeNone), @"underline" : @(RCTTextDecorationLineTypeUnderline), @"line-through" : @(RCTTextDecorationLineTypeStrikethrough), @"underline line-through" : @(RCTTextDecorationLineTypeUnderlineStrikethrough), }), RCTTextDecorationLineTypeNone, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( NSWritingDirection, (@{ @"auto" : @(NSWritingDirectionNatural), @"ltr" : @(NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight), @"rtl" : @(NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft), }), NSWritingDirectionNatural, integerValue) + (NSLineBreakStrategy)NSLineBreakStrategy:(id)json RCT_DYNAMIC { if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) { static NSDictionary *mapping; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ mapping = @{ @"none" : @(NSLineBreakStrategyNone), @"standard" : @(NSLineBreakStrategyStandard), @"hangul-word" : @(NSLineBreakStrategyHangulWordPriority), @"push-out" : @(NSLineBreakStrategyPushOut) }; }); return RCTConvertEnumValue("NSLineBreakStrategy", mapping, @(NSLineBreakStrategyNone), json).integerValue; } else { return NSLineBreakStrategyNone; } } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UITextAutocapitalizationType, (@{ @"none" : @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone), @"words" : @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords), @"sentences" : @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences), @"characters" : @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters) }), UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UITextFieldViewMode, (@{ @"never" : @(UITextFieldViewModeNever), @"while-editing" : @(UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing), @"unless-editing" : @(UITextFieldViewModeUnlessEditing), @"always" : @(UITextFieldViewModeAlways), }), UITextFieldViewModeNever, integerValue) + (UIKeyboardType)UIKeyboardType:(id)json RCT_DYNAMIC { static NSDictionary *mapping; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ NSMutableDictionary *temporaryMapping = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"default" : @(UIKeyboardTypeDefault), @"ascii-capable" : @(UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable), @"numbers-and-punctuation" : @(UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation), @"url" : @(UIKeyboardTypeURL), @"number-pad" : @(UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad), @"phone-pad" : @(UIKeyboardTypePhonePad), @"name-phone-pad" : @(UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad), @"email-address" : @(UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress), @"decimal-pad" : @(UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad), @"twitter" : @(UIKeyboardTypeTwitter), @"web-search" : @(UIKeyboardTypeWebSearch), // Added for Android compatibility @"numeric" : @(UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad), }]; temporaryMapping[@"ascii-capable-number-pad"] = @(UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapableNumberPad); mapping = temporaryMapping; }); UIKeyboardType type = RCTConvertEnumValue("UIKeyboardType", mapping, @(UIKeyboardTypeDefault), json).integerValue; return type; } RCT_MULTI_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIDataDetectorTypes, (@{ @"phoneNumber" : @(UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber), @"link" : @(UIDataDetectorTypeLink), @"address" : @(UIDataDetectorTypeAddress), @"calendarEvent" : @(UIDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent), @"none" : @(UIDataDetectorTypeNone), @"all" : @(UIDataDetectorTypeAll), }), UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber, unsignedLongLongValue) RCT_MULTI_ENUM_CONVERTER( WKDataDetectorTypes, (@{ @"phoneNumber" : @(WKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber), @"link" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeLink), @"address" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeAddress), @"calendarEvent" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent), @"trackingNumber" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeTrackingNumber), @"flightNumber" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeFlightNumber), @"lookupSuggestion" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeLookupSuggestion), @"none" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeNone), @"all" : @(WKDataDetectorTypeAll), }), WKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber, unsignedLongLongValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIKeyboardAppearance, (@{ @"default" : @(UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault), @"light" : @(UIKeyboardAppearanceLight), @"dark" : @(UIKeyboardAppearanceDark), }), UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIReturnKeyType, (@{ @"default" : @(UIReturnKeyDefault), @"go" : @(UIReturnKeyGo), @"google" : @(UIReturnKeyGoogle), @"join" : @(UIReturnKeyJoin), @"next" : @(UIReturnKeyNext), @"route" : @(UIReturnKeyRoute), @"search" : @(UIReturnKeySearch), @"send" : @(UIReturnKeySend), @"yahoo" : @(UIReturnKeyYahoo), @"done" : @(UIReturnKeyDone), @"emergency-call" : @(UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall), }), UIReturnKeyDefault, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIUserInterfaceStyle, (@{ @"unspecified" : @(UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified), @"light" : @(UIUserInterfaceStyleLight), @"dark" : @(UIUserInterfaceStyleDark), }), UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIInterfaceOrientationMask, (@{ @"ALL" : @(UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll), @"PORTRAIT" : @(UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait), @"LANDSCAPE" : @(UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape), @"LANDSCAPE_LEFT" : @(UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft), @"LANDSCAPE_RIGHT" : @(UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeRight), }), NSNotFound, unsignedIntegerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIViewContentMode, (@{ @"scale-to-fill" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleToFill), @"scale-aspect-fit" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit), @"scale-aspect-fill" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill), @"redraw" : @(UIViewContentModeRedraw), @"center" : @(UIViewContentModeCenter), @"top" : @(UIViewContentModeTop), @"bottom" : @(UIViewContentModeBottom), @"left" : @(UIViewContentModeLeft), @"right" : @(UIViewContentModeRight), @"top-left" : @(UIViewContentModeTopLeft), @"top-right" : @(UIViewContentModeTopRight), @"bottom-left" : @(UIViewContentModeBottomLeft), @"bottom-right" : @(UIViewContentModeBottomRight), // Cross-platform values @"cover" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill), @"contain" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit), @"stretch" : @(UIViewContentModeScaleToFill), }), UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( UIBarStyle, (@{ @"default" : @(UIBarStyleDefault), @"black" : @(UIBarStyleBlack), @"blackOpaque" : @(UIBarStyleBlackOpaque), @"blackTranslucent" : @(UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent), }), UIBarStyleDefault, integerValue) static void convertCGStruct(const char *type, NSArray *fields, CGFloat *result, id json) { NSUInteger count = fields.count; if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { if (RCT_DEBUG && [json count] != count) { RCTLogInfo( @"Expected array with count %llu, but count is %llu: %@", (unsigned long long)count, (unsigned long long)[json count], json); } else { for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) { result[i] = [RCTConvert CGFloat:RCTNilIfNull(json[i])]; } } } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) { result[i] = [RCTConvert CGFloat:RCTNilIfNull(json[fields[i]])]; } } else if (json) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @(type)); } } /** * This macro is used for creating converter functions for structs that consist * of a number of CGFloat properties, such as CGPoint, CGRect, etc. */ #define RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(type, values) \ +(type)type : (id)json \ { \ static NSArray *fields; \ static dispatch_once_t onceToken; \ dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ \ fields = values; \ }); \ type result; \ convertCGStruct(#type, fields, (CGFloat *)&result, json); \ return result; \ } RCT_CUSTOM_CONVERTER(CGFloat, CGFloat, [self double:json]) RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGPoint, (@[ @"x", @"y" ])) RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGSize, (@[ @"width", @"height" ])) RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGRect, (@[ @"x", @"y", @"width", @"height" ])) + (UIEdgeInsets)UIEdgeInsets:(id)json { static NSArray *fields; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ fields = @[ @"top", @"left", @"bottom", @"right" ]; }); if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { CGFloat value = [json doubleValue]; return UIEdgeInsetsMake(value, value, value, value); } else { UIEdgeInsets result; convertCGStruct("UIEdgeInsets", fields, (CGFloat *)&result, json); return result; } } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( CGLineJoin, (@{ @"miter" : @(kCGLineJoinMiter), @"round" : @(kCGLineJoinRound), @"bevel" : @(kCGLineJoinBevel), }), kCGLineJoinMiter, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( CGLineCap, (@{ @"butt" : @(kCGLineCapButt), @"round" : @(kCGLineCapRound), @"square" : @(kCGLineCapSquare), }), kCGLineCapButt, intValue) RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGAffineTransform, (@[ @"a", @"b", @"c", @"d", @"tx", @"ty" ])) static NSString *const RCTFallback = @"fallback"; static NSString *const RCTFallbackARGB = @"fallback-argb"; static NSString *const RCTSelector = @"selector"; static NSString *const RCTIndex = @"index"; /** The following dictionary defines the react-native semantic colors for ios. * If the value for a given name is empty then the name itself * is used as the UIColor selector. * If the RCTSelector key is present then that value is used for a selector instead * of the key name. * If the given selector is not available on the running OS version then * the RCTFallback selector is used instead. * If the RCTIndex key is present then object returned from UIColor is an * NSArray and the object at index RCTIndex is to be used. */ static NSDictionary *RCTSemanticColorsMap(void) { static NSDictionary *colorMap = nil; if (colorMap == nil) { NSMutableDictionary *map = [@{ // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicolor/ui_element_colors // Label Colors @"labelColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFF000000) // fallback for iOS<=12: RGBA returned by this semantic color in light mode on iOS 13 }, @"secondaryLabelColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x993c3c43) }, @"tertiaryLabelColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x4c3c3c43) }, @"quaternaryLabelColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x2d3c3c43) }, // Fill Colors @"systemFillColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x33787880) }, @"secondarySystemFillColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x28787880) }, @"tertiarySystemFillColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x1e767680) }, @"quaternarySystemFillColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x14747480) }, // Text Colors @"placeholderTextColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x4c3c3c43) }, // Standard Content Background Colors @"systemBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFffffff) }, @"secondarySystemBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFf2f2f7) }, @"tertiarySystemBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFffffff) }, // Grouped Content Background Colors @"systemGroupedBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFf2f2f7) }, @"secondarySystemGroupedBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFffffff) }, @"tertiarySystemGroupedBackgroundColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFf2f2f7) }, // Separator Colors @"separatorColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x493c3c43) }, @"opaqueSeparatorColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFc6c6c8) }, // Link Color @"linkColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFF007aff) }, // Nonadaptable Colors @"darkTextColor" : @{}, @"lightTextColor" : @{}, // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicolor/standard_colors // Adaptable Colors @"systemBlueColor" : @{}, @"systemBrownColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFa2845e) }, @"systemGreenColor" : @{}, @"systemIndigoColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFF5856d6) }, @"systemOrangeColor" : @{}, @"systemPinkColor" : @{}, @"systemPurpleColor" : @{}, @"systemRedColor" : @{}, @"systemTealColor" : @{}, @"systemYellowColor" : @{}, // Adaptable Gray Colors @"systemGrayColor" : @{}, @"systemGray2Color" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFaeaeb2) }, @"systemGray3Color" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFc7c7cc) }, @"systemGray4Color" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFd1d1d6) }, @"systemGray5Color" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFe5e5ea) }, @"systemGray6Color" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0xFFf2f2f7) }, // Transparent Color @"clearColor" : @{ // iOS 13.0 RCTFallbackARGB : @(0x00000000) }, } mutableCopy]; // The color names are the Objective-C UIColor selector names, // but Swift selector names are valid as well, so make aliases. static NSString *const RCTColorSuffix = @"Color"; NSMutableDictionary *aliases = [NSMutableDictionary new]; for (NSString *objcSelector in map) { RCTAssert( [objcSelector hasSuffix:RCTColorSuffix], @"A selector in the color map did not end with the suffix Color."); NSMutableDictionary *entry = [map[objcSelector] mutableCopy]; RCTAssert([entry objectForKey:RCTSelector] == nil, @"Entry should not already have an RCTSelector"); NSString *swiftSelector = [objcSelector substringToIndex:[objcSelector length] - [RCTColorSuffix length]]; entry[RCTSelector] = objcSelector; aliases[swiftSelector] = entry; } [map addEntriesFromDictionary:aliases]; #if DEBUG [map addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ // The follow exist for Unit Tests @"unitTestFallbackColor" : @{RCTFallback : @"gridColor"}, @"unitTestFallbackColorIOS" : @{RCTFallback : @"blueColor"}, @"unitTestFallbackColorEven" : @{ RCTSelector : @"unitTestFallbackColorEven", RCTIndex : @0, RCTFallback : @"controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors" }, @"unitTestFallbackColorOdd" : @{ RCTSelector : @"unitTestFallbackColorOdd", RCTIndex : @1, RCTFallback : @"controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors" }, }]; #endif colorMap = [map copy]; } return colorMap; } /** Returns a UIColor based on a semantic color name. * Returns nil if the semantic color name is invalid. */ static UIColor *RCTColorFromSemanticColorName(NSString *semanticColorName) { NSDictionary *colorMap = RCTSemanticColorsMap(); UIColor *color = nil; NSDictionary *colorInfo = colorMap[semanticColorName]; if (colorInfo) { NSString *semanticColorSelector = colorInfo[RCTSelector]; if (semanticColorSelector == nil) { semanticColorSelector = semanticColorName; } SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(semanticColorSelector); if (![UIColor respondsToSelector:selector]) { NSNumber *fallbackRGB = colorInfo[RCTFallbackARGB]; if (fallbackRGB != nil) { RCTAssert([fallbackRGB isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"fallback ARGB is not a number"); return [RCTConvert UIColor:fallbackRGB]; } semanticColorSelector = colorInfo[RCTFallback]; selector = NSSelectorFromString(semanticColorSelector); } RCTAssert([UIColor respondsToSelector:selector], @"RCTUIColor does not respond to a semantic color selector."); Class klass = [UIColor class]; IMP imp = [klass methodForSelector:selector]; id (*getSemanticColorObject)(id, SEL) = (void *)imp; id colorObject = getSemanticColorObject(klass, selector); if ([colorObject isKindOfClass:[UIColor class]]) { color = colorObject; } else if ([colorObject isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { NSArray *colors = colorObject; NSNumber *index = colorInfo[RCTIndex]; RCTAssert(index, @"index should not be null"); color = colors[[index unsignedIntegerValue]]; } else { RCTAssert(false, @"selector return an unknown object type"); } } return color; } /** Returns an alphabetically sorted comma separated list of the valid semantic color names */ static NSString *RCTSemanticColorNames(void) { NSMutableString *names = [NSMutableString new]; NSDictionary *colorMap = RCTSemanticColorsMap(); NSArray *allKeys = [[[colorMap allKeys] mutableCopy] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; for (id key in allKeys) { if ([names length]) { [names appendString:@", "]; } [names appendString:key]; } return names; } + (UIColor *)UIColor:(id)json { if (!json) { return nil; } if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { NSArray *components = [self NSNumberArray:json]; CGFloat alpha = components.count > 3 ? [self CGFloat:components[3]] : 1.0; return [UIColor colorWithRed:[self CGFloat:components[0]] green:[self CGFloat:components[1]] blue:[self CGFloat:components[2]] alpha:alpha]; } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { NSUInteger argb = [self NSUInteger:json]; CGFloat a = ((argb >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0; CGFloat r = ((argb >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0; CGFloat g = ((argb >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0; CGFloat b = (argb & 0xFF) / 255.0; return [UIColor colorWithRed:r green:g blue:b alpha:a]; } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSDictionary *dictionary = json; id value = nil; if ((value = [dictionary objectForKey:@"semantic"])) { if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { NSString *semanticName = value; UIColor *color = [UIColor colorNamed:semanticName]; if (color != nil) { return color; } color = RCTColorFromSemanticColorName(semanticName); if (color == nil) { RCTLogConvertError( json, [@"a UIColor. Expected one of the following values: " stringByAppendingString:RCTSemanticColorNames()]); } return color; } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { for (id name in value) { UIColor *color = [UIColor colorNamed:name]; if (color != nil) { return color; } color = RCTColorFromSemanticColorName(name); if (color != nil) { return color; } } RCTLogConvertError( json, [@"a UIColor. None of the names in the array were one of the following values: " stringByAppendingString:RCTSemanticColorNames()]); return nil; } RCTLogConvertError( json, @"a UIColor. Expected either a single name or an array of names but got something else."); return nil; } else if ((value = [dictionary objectForKey:@"dynamic"])) { NSDictionary *appearances = value; id light = [appearances objectForKey:@"light"]; UIColor *lightColor = [RCTConvert UIColor:light]; id dark = [appearances objectForKey:@"dark"]; UIColor *darkColor = [RCTConvert UIColor:dark]; id highContrastLight = [appearances objectForKey:@"highContrastLight"]; UIColor *highContrastLightColor = [RCTConvert UIColor:highContrastLight]; id highContrastDark = [appearances objectForKey:@"highContrastDark"]; UIColor *highContrastDarkColor = [RCTConvert UIColor:highContrastDark]; if (lightColor != nil && darkColor != nil) { UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithDynamicProvider:^UIColor *_Nonnull(UITraitCollection *_Nonnull collection) { if (collection.userInterfaceStyle == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark) { if (collection.accessibilityContrast == UIAccessibilityContrastHigh && highContrastDarkColor != nil) { return highContrastDarkColor; } else { return darkColor; } } else { if (collection.accessibilityContrast == UIAccessibilityContrastHigh && highContrastLightColor != nil) { return highContrastLightColor; } else { return lightColor; } } }]; return color; } else { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a UIColor. Expected an iOS dynamic appearance aware color."); return nil; } } else { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a UIColor. Expected an iOS semantic color or dynamic appearance aware color."); return nil; } } else { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"a UIColor. Did you forget to call processColor() on the JS side?"); return nil; } } + (CGColorRef)CGColor:(id)json { return [self UIColor:json].CGColor; } + (YGValue)YGValue:(id)json { if (!json) { return YGValueUndefined; } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { return (YGValue){[json floatValue], YGUnitPoint}; } else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { NSString *s = (NSString *)json; if ([s isEqualToString:@"auto"]) { return (YGValue){YGUndefined, YGUnitAuto}; } else if ([s hasSuffix:@"%"]) { float floatValue; if ([[NSScanner scannerWithString:s] scanFloat:&floatValue]) { return (YGValue){floatValue, YGUnitPercent}; } } else { RCTLogAdvice( @"\"%@\" is not a valid dimension. Dimensions must be a number, \"auto\", or a string suffixed with \"%%\".", s); } } return YGValueUndefined; } NSArray *RCTConvertArrayValue(SEL type, id json) { __block BOOL copy = NO; __block NSArray *values = json = [RCTConvert NSArray:json]; [json enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id jsonValue, NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) { id value = ((id(*)(Class, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)([RCTConvert class], type, jsonValue); if (copy) { if (value) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:value]; } } else if (value != jsonValue) { // Converted value is different, so we'll need to copy the array values = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:values.count]; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < idx; i++) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:json[i]]; } if (value) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:value]; } copy = YES; } }]; return values; } RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER(NSURL) RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER(RCTFileURL) RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER(UIColor) /** * This macro is used for creating converter functions for directly * representable json array values that require no conversion. */ #if RCT_DEBUG #define RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER_NAMED(type, name) RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_NAMED(type, name) #else #define RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER_NAMED(type, name) \ +(NSArray *)name##Array : (id)json \ { \ return json; \ } #endif #define RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER(type) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER_NAMED(type, type) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER(NSArray) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER(NSString) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER_NAMED(NSArray, NSStringArray) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER(NSDictionary) RCT_JSON_ARRAY_CONVERTER(NSNumber) // Can't use RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER due to bridged cast + (NSArray *)CGColorArray:(id)json { NSMutableArray *colors = [NSMutableArray new]; for (id value in [self NSArray:json]) { [colors addObject:(__bridge id)[self CGColor:value]]; } return colors; } static id RCTConvertPropertyListValue(id json) { if (!json || json == (id)kCFNull) { return nil; } if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { __block BOOL copy = NO; NSMutableDictionary *values = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[json count]]; [json enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id jsonValue, __unused BOOL *stop) { id value = RCTConvertPropertyListValue(jsonValue); if (value) { values[key] = value; } copy |= value != jsonValue; }]; return copy ? values : json; } if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { __block BOOL copy = NO; __block NSArray *values = json; [json enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id jsonValue, NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) { id value = RCTConvertPropertyListValue(jsonValue); if (copy) { if (value) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:value]; } } else if (value != jsonValue) { // Converted value is different, so we'll need to copy the array values = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:values.count]; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < idx; i++) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:json[i]]; } if (value) { [(NSMutableArray *)values addObject:value]; } copy = YES; } }]; return values; } // All other JSON types are supported by property lists return json; } + (NSPropertyList)NSPropertyList:(id)json { return RCTConvertPropertyListValue(json); } RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_backface_visibility_t, (@{@"hidden" : @NO, @"visible" : @YES}), YES, boolValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGOverflow, (@{ @"hidden" : @(YGOverflowHidden), @"visible" : @(YGOverflowVisible), @"scroll" : @(YGOverflowScroll), }), YGOverflowVisible, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGDisplay, (@{ @"flex" : @(YGDisplayFlex), @"none" : @(YGDisplayNone), }), YGDisplayFlex, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGFlexDirection, (@{ @"row" : @(YGFlexDirectionRow), @"row-reverse" : @(YGFlexDirectionRowReverse), @"column" : @(YGFlexDirectionColumn), @"column-reverse" : @(YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse) }), YGFlexDirectionColumn, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGJustify, (@{ @"flex-start" : @(YGJustifyFlexStart), @"flex-end" : @(YGJustifyFlexEnd), @"center" : @(YGJustifyCenter), @"space-between" : @(YGJustifySpaceBetween), @"space-around" : @(YGJustifySpaceAround), @"space-evenly" : @(YGJustifySpaceEvenly) }), YGJustifyFlexStart, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGAlign, (@{ @"flex-start" : @(YGAlignFlexStart), @"flex-end" : @(YGAlignFlexEnd), @"center" : @(YGAlignCenter), @"auto" : @(YGAlignAuto), @"stretch" : @(YGAlignStretch), @"baseline" : @(YGAlignBaseline), @"space-between" : @(YGAlignSpaceBetween), @"space-around" : @(YGAlignSpaceAround) }), YGAlignFlexStart, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGDirection, (@{ @"inherit" : @(YGDirectionInherit), @"ltr" : @(YGDirectionLTR), @"rtl" : @(YGDirectionRTL), }), YGDirectionInherit, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGPositionType, (@{ @"static" : @(YGPositionTypeStatic), @"absolute" : @(YGPositionTypeAbsolute), @"relative" : @(YGPositionTypeRelative) }), YGPositionTypeRelative, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( YGWrap, (@{@"wrap" : @(YGWrapWrap), @"nowrap" : @(YGWrapNoWrap), @"wrap-reverse" : @(YGWrapWrapReverse)}), YGWrapNoWrap, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( RCTPointerEvents, (@{ @"none" : @(RCTPointerEventsNone), @"box-only" : @(RCTPointerEventsBoxOnly), @"box-none" : @(RCTPointerEventsBoxNone), @"auto" : @(RCTPointerEventsUnspecified) }), RCTPointerEventsUnspecified, integerValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER( RCTAnimationType, (@{ @"spring" : @(RCTAnimationTypeSpring), @"linear" : @(RCTAnimationTypeLinear), @"easeIn" : @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseIn), @"easeOut" : @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseOut), @"easeInEaseOut" : @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseInEaseOut), @"keyboard" : @(RCTAnimationTypeKeyboard), }), RCTAnimationTypeEaseInEaseOut, integerValue) @end @interface RCTImageSource (Packager) @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL packagerAsset; @end @implementation RCTConvert (Deprecated) /* This method is only used when loading images synchronously, e.g. for tabbar icons */ + (UIImage *)UIImage:(id)json { if (!json) { return nil; } RCTImageSource *imageSource = [self RCTImageSource:json]; if (!imageSource) { return nil; } __block UIImage *image; if (!RCTIsMainQueue()) { // It seems that none of the UIImage loading methods can be guaranteed // thread safe, so we'll pick the lesser of two evils here and block rather // than run the risk of crashing RCTLogWarn(@"Calling [RCTConvert UIImage:] on a background thread is not recommended"); RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueSync(^{ image = [self UIImage:json]; }); return image; } NSURL *URL = imageSource.request.URL; NSString *scheme = URL.scheme.lowercaseString; if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"file"]) { image = RCTImageFromLocalAssetURL(URL); // There is a case where this may fail when the image is at the bundle location. // RCTImageFromLocalAssetURL only checks for the image in the same location as the jsbundle // Hence, if the bundle is CodePush-ed, it will not be able to find the image. // This check is added here instead of being inside RCTImageFromLocalAssetURL, since // we don't want breaking changes to RCTImageFromLocalAssetURL, which is called in a lot of places // This is a deprecated method, and hence has the least impact on existing code. Basically, // instead of crashing the app, it tries one more location for the image. if (!image) { image = RCTImageFromLocalBundleAssetURL(URL); } if (!image) { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"an image. File not found."); } } else if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"data"]) { image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:URL]]; } else if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"http"] && imageSource.packagerAsset) { image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:URL]]; } else { RCTLogConvertError(json, @"an image. Only local files or data URIs are supported."); return nil; } CGFloat scale = imageSource.scale; if (!scale && imageSource.size.width) { // If no scale provided, set scale to image width / source width scale = CGImageGetWidth(image.CGImage) / imageSource.size.width; } if (scale) { image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:scale orientation:image.imageOrientation]; } if (!CGSizeEqualToSize(imageSource.size, CGSizeZero) && !CGSizeEqualToSize(imageSource.size, image.size)) { RCTLogInfo( @"Image source %@ size %@ does not match loaded image size %@.", URL.path.lastPathComponent, NSStringFromCGSize(imageSource.size), NSStringFromCGSize(image.size)); } return image; } + (CGImageRef)CGImage:(id)json { return [self UIImage:json].CGImage; } @end