/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTPullToRefreshViewComponentView.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "RCTFabricComponentsPlugins.h" using namespace facebook::react; @interface RCTPullToRefreshViewComponentView () @end @implementation RCTPullToRefreshViewComponentView { UIRefreshControl *_refreshControl; RCTScrollViewComponentView *__weak _scrollViewComponentView; } - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) { // This view is not designed to be visible, it only serves UIViewController-like purpose managing // attaching and detaching of a pull-to-refresh view to a scroll view. // The pull-to-refresh view is not a subview of this view. self.hidden = YES; static const auto defaultProps = std::make_shared(); _props = defaultProps; _refreshControl = [UIRefreshControl new]; [_refreshControl addTarget:self action:@selector(handleUIControlEventValueChanged) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; } return self; } #pragma mark - RCTComponentViewProtocol + (ComponentDescriptorProvider)componentDescriptorProvider { return concreteComponentDescriptorProvider(); } - (void)updateProps:(const Props::Shared &)props oldProps:(const Props::Shared &)oldProps { const auto &oldConcreteProps = static_cast(*_props); const auto &newConcreteProps = static_cast(*props); if (newConcreteProps.refreshing != oldConcreteProps.refreshing) { if (newConcreteProps.refreshing) { [_refreshControl beginRefreshing]; } else { [_refreshControl endRefreshing]; } } BOOL needsUpdateTitle = NO; if (newConcreteProps.title != oldConcreteProps.title) { needsUpdateTitle = YES; } if (newConcreteProps.titleColor != oldConcreteProps.titleColor) { needsUpdateTitle = YES; } if (needsUpdateTitle) { [self _updateTitle]; } [super updateProps:props oldProps:oldProps]; } #pragma mark - - (void)handleUIControlEventValueChanged { static_cast(*_eventEmitter).onRefresh({}); } - (void)_updateTitle { const auto &concreteProps = static_cast(*_props); if (concreteProps.title.empty()) { _refreshControl.attributedTitle = nil; return; } NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if (concreteProps.titleColor) { attributes[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = RCTUIColorFromSharedColor(concreteProps.titleColor); } _refreshControl.attributedTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:RCTNSStringFromString(concreteProps.title) attributes:attributes]; } #pragma mark - Attaching & Detaching - (void)didMoveToWindow { if (self.window) { [self _attach]; } else { [self _detach]; } } - (void)_attach { if (_scrollViewComponentView) { [self _detach]; } _scrollViewComponentView = [RCTScrollViewComponentView findScrollViewComponentViewForView:self]; if (!_scrollViewComponentView) { return; } if (@available(macCatalyst 13.1, *)) { _scrollViewComponentView.scrollView.refreshControl = _refreshControl; } } - (void)_detach { if (!_scrollViewComponentView) { return; } // iOS requires to end refreshing before unmounting. [_refreshControl endRefreshing]; if (@available(macCatalyst 13.1, *)) { _scrollViewComponentView.scrollView.refreshControl = nil; } _scrollViewComponentView = nil; } #pragma mark - Native commands - (void)handleCommand:(const NSString *)commandName args:(const NSArray *)args { RCTPullToRefreshViewHandleCommand(self, commandName, args); } - (void)setNativeRefreshing:(BOOL)refreshing { if (refreshing) { [_refreshControl beginRefreshing]; } else { [_refreshControl endRefreshing]; } } #pragma mark - RCTRefreshableProtocol - (void)setRefreshing:(BOOL)refreshing { [self setNativeRefreshing:refreshing]; } #pragma mark - - (NSString *)componentViewName_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_IS_BROKEN { return @"RefreshControl"; } @end Class RCTPullToRefreshViewCls(void) { return RCTPullToRefreshViewComponentView.class; }