/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include "JSIndexedRAMBundle.h" #include #include #include #include namespace facebook::react { std::function(std::string)> JSIndexedRAMBundle::buildFactory() { return [](const std::string& bundlePath) { return std::make_unique(bundlePath.c_str()); }; } JSIndexedRAMBundle::JSIndexedRAMBundle(const char* sourcePath) { m_bundle = std::make_unique(sourcePath, std::ifstream::binary); if (!m_bundle) { throw std::ios_base::failure(folly::to( "Bundle ", sourcePath, "cannot be opened: ", m_bundle->rdstate())); } init(); } JSIndexedRAMBundle::JSIndexedRAMBundle( std::unique_ptr script) { // tmpStream is needed because m_bundle is std::istream type // which has no member 'write' std::unique_ptr tmpStream = std::make_unique(); tmpStream->write(script->c_str(), script->size()); m_bundle = std::move(tmpStream); if (!m_bundle) { throw std::ios_base::failure(folly::to( "Bundle from string cannot be opened: ", m_bundle->rdstate())); } init(); } void JSIndexedRAMBundle::init() { // read in magic header, number of entries, and length of the startup section uint32_t header[3]; static_assert( sizeof(header) == 12, "header size must exactly match the input file format"); readBundle(reinterpret_cast(header), sizeof(header)); const size_t numTableEntries = folly::Endian::little(header[1]); const size_t startupCodeSize = folly::Endian::little(header[2]); // allocate memory for meta data and lookup table. m_table = ModuleTable(numTableEntries); m_baseOffset = sizeof(header) + m_table.byteLength(); // read the lookup table from the file readBundle(reinterpret_cast(m_table.data.get()), m_table.byteLength()); // read the startup code m_startupCode = std::unique_ptr( new JSBigBufferString{startupCodeSize - 1}); readBundle(m_startupCode->data(), startupCodeSize - 1); } JSIndexedRAMBundle::Module JSIndexedRAMBundle::getModule( uint32_t moduleId) const { Module ret; ret.name = folly::to(moduleId, ".js"); ret.code = getModuleCode(moduleId); return ret; } std::unique_ptr JSIndexedRAMBundle::getStartupCode() { CHECK(m_startupCode) << "startup code for a RAM Bundle can only be retrieved once"; return std::move(m_startupCode); } std::string JSIndexedRAMBundle::getModuleCode(const uint32_t id) const { const auto moduleData = id < m_table.numEntries ? &m_table.data[id] : nullptr; // entries without associated code have offset = 0 and length = 0 const uint32_t length = moduleData ? folly::Endian::little(moduleData->length) : 0; if (length == 0) { throw std::ios_base::failure( folly::to("Error loading module", id, "from RAM Bundle")); } std::string ret(length - 1, '\0'); readBundle( &ret.front(), length - 1, m_baseOffset + folly::Endian::little(moduleData->offset)); return ret; } void JSIndexedRAMBundle::readBundle(char* buffer, const std::streamsize bytes) const { if (!m_bundle->read(buffer, bytes)) { if (m_bundle->rdstate() & std::ios::eofbit) { throw std::ios_base::failure("Unexpected end of RAM Bundle file"); } throw std::ios_base::failure(folly::to( "Error reading RAM Bundle: ", m_bundle->rdstate())); } } void JSIndexedRAMBundle::readBundle( char* buffer, const std::streamsize bytes, const std::ifstream::pos_type position) const { if (!m_bundle->seekg(position)) { throw std::ios_base::failure(folly::to( "Error reading RAM Bundle: ", m_bundle->rdstate())); } readBundle(buffer, bytes); } } // namespace facebook::react